How to Increase Disk Inode Number in Linux

In Linux, an inode is a data structure that stores information about a file or directory. Each inode contains details such as the file's ownership, permissions, size, and location on the disk. Inodes are crucial to the functioning of the file system as they allow the operating system to locate and access files quickly. However, in some cases, the number of inodes on a disk may be limited, leading to potential performance issues. In this article, we'll look at how to increase the disk inode number in Linux.

Understanding Inodes

To understand how to increase the disk inode number, it's essential to know how inodes work. Inodes are created when a file or directory is created on a disk. Each inode is assigned a unique number, which is used by the file system to access the file or directory. When a file is deleted, its corresponding inode is also deleted, freeing up space on the disk.

Checking the Inode Usage

Before increasing the disk inode number, it's important to check the current inode usage. To do this, you can use the df -i command, which will display the inode usage for each mounted file system. For example −

$ df -i
Filesystem      Inodes  IUsed   IFree IUse% Mounted on
/dev/sda1      5242880 327680 4915200    7% /

The output shows the inode usage for the / file system. In this case, there are 5242880 inodes available, of which 327680 are currently in use. The IUse% column shows the percentage of used inodes. If the usage is approaching 100%, it may be necessary to increase the disk inode number.

Increasing the Disk Inode Number

To increase the disk inode number, you'll need to create a new file system with a higher inode count and then move the existing files to the new file system. This process can be time-consuming and may require additional disk space, so it's important to plan accordingly.

Creating a New File System

To create a new file system with a higher inode count, you can use the mkfs command. For example, to create a new ext4 file system with 10 million inodes, you can run −

$ sudo mkfs -t ext4 -N 10000000 /dev/sdb1

In this example, /dev/sdb1 is the device on which the new file system will be created. The -t option specifies the file system type, and the -N option sets the number of inodes.

Mounting the New File System

Once the new file system has been created, you can mount it to a directory using the mount command. For example, to mount the new file system to the /mnt/data directory, you can run −

$ sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/data

Moving the Existing Files

With the new file system mounted, you can now move the existing files to the new location. One way to do this is to use the rsync command, which can copy files and directories while preserving ownership, permissions, and other attributes. For example, to copy all files and directories from the /data directory to the new location, you can run −

$ sudo rsync -a /data/ /mnt/data/

The -a option enables archive mode, which preserves all attributes of the files and directories being copied.

Updating the File System Table

Once the files have been copied to the new file system, you'll need to update the file system table to ensure that the new file system is mounted automatically at boot time. To do this, you can edit the /etc/fstab file and add an entry for the new file system. For example −

/dev/sdb1   /mnt/data   ext4   defaults   0   2

In this example, the first column specifies the device, the second column specifies the mount point, the third column specifies the file system type, the fourth column specifies the mount options (in this case, the defaults), and the last two columns specify the dump and fsck order.


When increasing the disk inode number, there are several considerations that should be taken into account. First, it's important to ensure that the file system type supports the desired number of inodes. Some file systems, such as ext2 and ext3, have a fixed inode count that cannot be changed without reformatting the disk. In contrast, ext4 and xfs file systems allow for dynamic inode allocation, which makes it easier to increase the inode count without reformatting.

Second, increasing the inode count can have implications for disk space usage. Each inode requires some overhead, which can add up if a large number of inodes are created. Therefore, it's important to consider the number of files and directories that will be stored on the disk and to choose an appropriate inode count that balances the need for performance with the available disk space.

Alternative Methods

In addition to creating a new file system with a higher inode count, there are several alternative methods that can be used to increase the disk inode number in Linux. These include −

  • Resize the existing file system − If there is unused space on the disk, it may be possible to resize the existing file system to increase the inode count. This can be done using tools such as resize2fs or xfs_growfs. However, this method can be risky and may result in data loss or corruption if not done correctly.

  • Use a file system with a higher default inode count − Some file systems, such as xfs, have a higher default inode count than others, such as ext4. Using a file system with a higher default inode count can help avoid the need to increase the inode count manually.

  • Use a different file system type − Different file system types have different limits on the number of inodes they can support. For example, btrfs and ReiserFS have much higher inode limits than ext4. Using a different file system type may be a viable option if the current file system is limiting performance due to its inode count.

Best Practices

To ensure a successful inode increase process, it's important to follow best practices. These include −

  • Creating a backup − As mentioned earlier, creating a backup of the file system before making any changes is crucial. This can help prevent data loss or corruption in the event that something goes wrong during the inode increase process.

  • Testing the process in a non-production environment − Before attempting to increase the inode count on a production system, it's a good idea to test the process in a non-production environment. This can help identify any potential issues or challenges and allow you to refine the process before implementing it in a live environment.

  • Monitoring disk space usage − Keeping an eye on disk space usage before, during, and after the inode increase process can help prevent issues related to disk space constraints.

  • Verifying file system integrity − After increasing the inode count, it's a good idea to verify the integrity of the file system to ensure that no data has been lost or corrupted.

By following these best practices, you can help ensure a successful inode increase process and minimize the risk of data loss or corruption.


Increasing the disk inode number in Linux can help prevent performance issues and ensure that the file system can accommodate a large number of files and directories. However, it's important to carefully plan and execute the process, as it can be time-consuming and may require additional disk space. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can safely and effectively increase the disk inode number in Linux.

Updated on: 28-Apr-2023

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