How to Improve Your Wi-Fi Signal at Home

Slow Wi-Fi signals are the present-day nightmare of an average person. The present technological age requires fast Internet. In this post, we shall learn some techniques to boost Wi-Fi signals at home

What is Wi-Fi?

Wi-Fi is a wireless network protocol based on the IEEE 802.11 family of standards widely used for device networking and Internet access, allowing nearby digital devices to exchange data via radio waves. These are the most commonly used computer networks globally, with wireless access points in public places such as coffee shops, hotels, libraries, and airports providing public Internet access for mobile devices.

Why does the Wi-Fi signal become weak?

Some of the common reasons for weak Wi-Fi strength are −

  • The router isn't capable of transmitting the Wi-Fi signal far enough.

  • Many clients are trying to connect to the internet simultaneously, and the router can't handle them all.

  • The router transmits on an overcrowded channel, causing signal interference problems.

  • The router's position isn't perfect, preventing the signal from flowing evenly in all directions.

  • The router is either outdated or hasn't been upgraded or restarted in a long time.

Tips to Improve Wi-Fi Signal

Following are some of the tips that you can follow to improve the strength of your Wi-Fi Signal at home −

Place the Router at the Right Spot

The location of the router, which is responsible for receiving appropriate Wi-Fi signals, is critical. We should make sure that the router is placed in the middle of your home to transmit signals in all directions with similar power. Do not put the routers in a confined room, behind the TV cabinet, or against the walls. This is because placing the router behind a wall blocks portion of the signal, resulting in poor signal strength. If you want the finest signal, put it out in the open, away from buildings and impediments.

Place the Router above the Ground

You should raise your router off the ground if you want stronger signals. If you put your router on the ground, the signals won't go through certain of the elements that make up the flooring, such as metal, cement, and concrete. The majority of routers are built in such a way that the Wi-Fi waves are radiated slightly downwards. As a result, if you set it on the ground, the signals will be directed towards the earth. Make sure the router is elevated above the ground and at a reasonable height on any table so that the signals may spread evenly throughout your home and you can enjoy fast internet browsing.

Keep the Router Separate from Other Electronic Appliances

Televisions, remote controls, laptops, security alarms, cordless phones, microwaves, and any other item with a motor can interfere with the Wi-Fi router's signals. Even a single router might cause problems for other routers. As a result, keep your router away from other electrical devices at all times.

Point Antennas in Different Directions

In most cases, routers have two antennas; however, in other cases, we can notice more than two antennas. If you arrange the antennas in different orientations, the signals will spread evenly around the home, resulting in a strong Wi-Fi signal. You might put two antennas in a vertical position and the other in a horizontal position that seems to be perpendicular. The internal antenna of a device works best when it is parallel to the router, which is why most laptop antennas are horizontal.

Measure the Wi-Fi Signal Strength using Applications

There are many applications available that can be used to measure Wi-Fi signal strength. Due to many reasons, the signal strength may vary at different locations of your home. Using such apps can provide the exact location where router placement can be more efficient.

Restrict Bandwidth Hogging Applications

Even some apps, such as video chats, online gaming, pirate downloads, or using services like Netflix, can significantly reduce your Wi-Fi signal strength. All of these programs might use up your network capacity, resulting in slower internet speeds. Avoid or limit bandwidth-intensive apps. You may employ Quality of Service, or QoS for short, to solve this problem. QoS can prioritise some programs (such as video chat) over others (such as video gaming), ensuring that the most critical apps receive the bandwidth they require.

Protect Your Wi-Fi using a Strong Password

Your Wi-Fi speed may be reduced due to someone nearby hacking your router password and using your internet. There are a few simple techniques to hack a Wi-Fi network, as well as a few ways to figure out whether your Wi-Fi is being stolen. The best option is to just shut them out with increased security. Even though WPA passwords are required, they can be broken very quickly.

Updated on: 07-Feb-2022


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