How to implement the encapsulation concept in JShell in Java 9?

Java Shell (simply JShell) is a REPL interactive tool for learning the Java and prototyping Java code. It evaluates declarations, statements, and expressions as entered and immediately prints out the result and runs from the command-line.

Encapsulation is an important concept in Java to make sure that "sensitive" data has been hidden from users. To achieve this, we must declare a class variable as private and provides public access to get and set methods and update the value of a private variable.

In the below code snippet, we have implemented the Encapsulation concept for Employee class.

jshell> class Employee {
...>       private String firstName;
...>       private String lastName;
...>       private String designation;
...>       private String location;
...>       public Employee(String firstName, String lastName, String designation, String location) {
...>          this.firstName = firstName;
...>          this.lastName = lastName;
...>          this.designation = designation;
...>          this.location = location;
...>       }
...>      public String getFirstName() {
...>         return firstName;
...>      }
...>      public String getLastName() {
...>         return lastName;
...>      }
...>      public String getJobDesignation() {
...>         return designation;
...>      }
...>      public String getLocation() {
...>         return location;
...>      }
...>      public String toString() {
...>         return "Name = " + firstName + ", " + lastName + " | " +
...>                "Job designation = " + designation + " | " +
...>                "location = " + location + ".";
...>      }
...> }
| created class Employee

In the below code snippet, we have created an instance of Employee class, and it prints out a name, designation, and location.

jshell> Employee emp = new Employee("Jai", "Adithya", "Content Developer", "Hyderabad");
emp ==> Name = Jai, Adithya | Job designation = Content Developer | location = Hyderabad.

Updated on: 02-Apr-2020


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