How to identify hostname and host ID for license generation


License generation is an essential aspect of software development. It ensures that only authorized users have access to specific software, thereby preventing piracy and unauthorized use. One of critical elements of license generation is identification of hostname and host ID. In this article, we will discuss how to identify hostname and host ID for license generation, along with examples.

Understanding Hostname and Host ID

Before we dive into how to identify hostname and host ID, let's understand what these terms mean.

Hostname is label that identifies a device on a network. It is a unique identifier that helps to distinguish one device from another. In case of a computer, hostname can be found in computer's settings.

Host ID, on other hand, is a unique identifier assigned to a device, which is used to identify device in a network. In context of license generation, host ID is used to generate a license key for a specific device.

Identifying Hostname and Host ID

Identifying hostname and host ID can be done in several ways. Let's discuss most common methods.

Method 1: Using Command Prompt (Windows)

For Windows users, Command Prompt can be used to find hostname and host ID.

To find hostname, follow these steps −

  • Open Command Prompt

  • Type "hostname" without quotes and press Enter

  • The hostname will be displayed on next line

To find host ID, follow these steps −

  • Open Command Prompt

  • Type "ipconfig /all" without quotes and press Enter

  • Look for "Physical Address" under Ethernet adapter section. 12-digit code next to "Physical Address" is host ID.

Method 2: Using Terminal (Mac OS)

For Mac OS users, Terminal can be used to find hostname and host ID.

To find hostname, follow these steps −

  • Open Terminal

  • Type "hostname" without quotes and press Enter

  • The hostname will be displayed on next line

To find host ID, follow these steps −

  • Open Terminal

  • Type "ifconfig" without quotes and press Enter

  • Look for "ether" section under network interface. 12-digit code next to "ether" is host ID.

Method 3: Using Linux Commands

For Linux users, there are several commands that can be used to find hostname and host ID. Some of commonly used commands include "hostnamectl", "uname -n", and "hostname".

To find hostname, follow these steps −

  • Open Terminal

  • Type "hostnamectl" or "uname -n" or "hostname" without quotes and press Enter

  • The hostname will be displayed on next line

To find host ID, follow these steps −

  • Open Terminal

  • Type "ifconfig" without quotes and press Enter

  • Look for "ether" section under network interface. 12-digit code next to "ether" is host ID.


Let's take a look at some examples to better understand how to identify hostname and host ID for license generation.

Example 1 − Windows Suppose you have a software application that requires a license key to activate. To generate a license key, you need to identify hostname and host ID of computer that will be using software.

In Windows, you can use Command Prompt to find hostname and host ID. Suppose hostname is "MyComputer" and host ID is "00-11-22-33-44-55". To generate a license key, you can use following format −


Example 2 − Mac OS Suppose you have a software application that requires a license key to activate. To generate a license key, you need to identify hostname and host ID of computer that will be using software.

In Mac OS, you can use Terminal to find hostname and host ID. Suppose hostname is "MyMac" and host ID is "00-11-22-33-44-55". To generate a license key, you can use following format −


Example 3 − Linux Suppose you have a software application that requires a license key to activate. To generate a license key, you need to identify hostname and host ID of computer that will be using software.

In Linux, you can use Terminal to find hostname and host ID. Suppose hostname is "MyLinux" and host ID is "00-11-22-33-44-55". To generate a license key, you can use following format −



In conclusion, identifying hostname and host ID is crucial for license generation. By using Command Prompt (Windows), Terminal (Mac OS), or Linux commands, users can quickly and easily identify hostname and host ID of their devices. Once identified, hostname and host ID can be used to generate license keys for specific devices. By ensuring that only authorized users have access to specific software, license generation helps to prevent piracy and unauthorized use, thereby safeguarding interests of software developers and distributors.

Updated on: 03-Mar-2023

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