How to Identify and Prevent a Smartphone Scam?

Every scam has its own characteristics, yet they always have a few basic aims and, in certain cases, tactics. You'll need to be prepared because new sorts of fraud emerge on a regular basis. To avoid falling victim to these mobile frauds, pay attention to what they're asking you to do. However, some frauds aren't always visible, so staying on top of emerging scams is critical. This is because recovering your accounts after they've been hacked might be difficult.

What Are Phone Scams and How Do You Avoid Them?

Mobile phones are becoming among our most valuable possessions, and cybercriminals are well aware of this. We constantly have them with us, and we use them to get access to some of our most personal information. We've linked our phones to our banking, emails, and other sensitive information, making them an ideal target for identity theft and fraud.

Scammers use mobile phones to trick you into infecting your device or passing over personal information. The following are examples of common mobile scams −

  • Scams involving mobile phones
  • Phishing through SMS (Smishing)
  • Scams involving voicemail (Vishing)
  • Scams using only one ring

Scams on Mobile Phones: How to Spot Them

Scams of any type are typically an attempt to gain your trust by playing on your emotions. The following are some examples of emotional motives for scams −

Threats or urgency might make you more eager to respond quickly. If you're scared about the implications of not acting, take a moment to think about it thoroughly. Scammers will put you under more strain by not answering your queries and not allowing you to verify that their promises are true. Debts, tax refunds, and federal criminal claims are all common themes that create a sense of urgency.

Empathy arises from a plea to assist people in need, making it more difficult to say no. This might be a warning sign if you feel bad about resisting or if you have doubts about the validity of the cause. This is because con artists may pose as members of a charity or other social cause, and they may try to deceive you by using a recent natural disaster or another current issue in their tale.

Grand promises to motivate you to comply with the scammer's demands in exchange for a monetary reward. You should be wary of these offers since they are almost always a fraud. You may be a surprise prize winner or be offered a significant discount on a vacation package, for example.

Scams on Mobile Phones: How to Recognize Them

You are encouraged to follow through on a request with each fraud. The following are the most typical scam demands to be aware of −

  • Make a monetary payment, preferably in cash or with a gift card. It's difficult to receive a refund for these formats.

  • Provide details such as a bank account number, social security number, or an internet login.

  • To log in to an account or get additional information, go to a website via a link.

  • Install software or a file, such as an anti-virus program.

Scams on Mobile Phones: How to Avoid Them

Being extra aware of your phone usage is the greatest way to protect yourself. While you should be prepared to recognise fraud, you may also increase your personal security.

Here are some helpful hints for avoiding mobile scams −

On public Wi-Fi, use a VPN

VPN encryption protects your data in transit from being spied on. These services also anonymise your data, making it impossible to link it to you via your IP address or other ways.

Create passwords that are extremely difficult to guess

Never use the same password twice. It is advisable to use a random string of characters for each password. Make sure you use a variety of case and character kinds, such as symbols, numerals, uppercase, and lowercase letters. Replace some of the letters in a pass that consists of a few brief, memorable words with symbols or numeric characters.

Create PINs with a longer length

When feasible, use a 6-digit PIN instead of a 4-digit PIN for your lock screen. Because 6-digit PINs offer more potential options, brute-force attacks on your phone or accounts are more difficult. Never use dates or other personal information, as hackers will first try everything publicly available about you online before guessing at random. Also, avoid using simple number combinations like "0000" or "1234".

Keep your one-of-a-kind passwords safe in an online vault

Use a tool like Kaspersky Password Manager to keep track of all your personalised passwords and PINs. Keeping a password notepad or saving them in your phone notes is extremely risky and should be avoided at all costs.

Password managers encrypt your data, making it unreadable to hackers. To get access to the vault, you just need to remember one master password. To prevent dangerous cybercriminals from gaining access, make this one of your toughest and most difficult passwords.

A charge is not required for legitimate giveaways

If someone invites you to pay for a reward, you should walk away since the offer is almost always a hoax.

Use a call-blocking application

These applications detect and block unlawful robocalls and other types of frauds from reaching your phone. The services are not always accurate, and a real caller may be mistakenly labelled as spam. Thankfully, some applications feature call labellers that notify you which calls are likely to be spam, allowing you to select whether or not to pick up.

If you're intrigued, simply hang up

Interact with the person on the other end of the line before hanging up. Interacting in any manner might lead to additional phone calls. If you suspect fraud, don't press numbers to browse automated menus and don't reply to real individuals. If you're intrigued, simply hang up and do your own investigation on the claim.

For services, use only official applications

Using third-party applications for services like banking and social media might give them access to information they don't want. Worse, giving your login information to third people might be a phishing attempt to steal your credentials. Choose the official app for each individual service instead of applications that combine all of your different services into one.

Keep an eye on your phone bill

Unauthorised charges are a sure sign that you're dealing with a fraudster. Suppose you notice any on your account, report and challenge the charges as soon as possible. Even if it's not a fraud, you'll be preventing any unwanted services or costs from being added to your account.

Secure your phone with a mobile app

Protecting your online privacy and data on your smartphone is the simplest method to do it. We prefer Kaspersky Security Cloud since it protects several devices. In addition, the family plan comes with a set of parental restrictions that may be adjusted as needed. As a result, you can safeguard yourself, your spouse, and any children you may have.

Updated on: 03-May-2022


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