How to handle events in dynamically created elements in jQuery?

In the dynamic world of web development, creating and manipulating elements on the fly is a common practice. Whether it's adding new elements to a page or generating content dynamically based on user interactions, the ability to handle events on these dynamically created elements is crucial. This is where event delegation in jQuery comes into play.

Handling events in dynamically created elements presents a unique challenge. Traditional event binding methods may not work as expected because the dynamically added elements are not present when the page initially loads. Fortunately, jQuery provides a powerful solution through event delegation, allowing us to handle events on elements that are dynamically added to the DOM.

In this blog post, we will explore the concept of event delegation in jQuery and learn how to effectively handle events in dynamically created elements.

Understanding Event Delegation

Event delegation is a powerful concept in jQuery that allows us to handle events on dynamically created elements efficiently. By leveraging event delegation, we can attach event handlers to a parent element that exists in the DOM when the page loads. This parent element then listens for events that occur on its child elements, even if they are added dynamically at a later time.

Why use event delegation? Event delegation offers several advantages. First, it simplifies event management by reducing the number of event handlers needed in our code. Instead of binding an event handler to each individual element, we can handle events on a parent element and let the event bubble up. This approach not only reduces code complexity but also improves performance, especially when dealing with a large number of dynamically created elements.

How does event delegation work? When an event occurs on an element, it triggers the event handlers attached to that element. If the event is bubbling (which is the default behavior for most events), it propagates up through the DOM hierarchy, triggering event handlers on each ancestor element until it reaches the document root.

With event delegation, we take advantage of this bubbling behavior by attaching the event handler to a higher-level parent element that is already present in the DOM. When an event bubbles up to this parent element, we can inspect the event target (the actual element that triggered the event) and determine if it matches the dynamically created element we're interested in. If it does, we can perform the desired actions.

Event delegation is particularly useful in situations where elements are added or removed dynamically, such as when dynamically generating elements based on user interactions or data updates.

In the next section, we'll explore how to apply event delegation in jQuery and handle events on dynamically created elements.

Applying Event Delegation in jQuery

To effectively handle events on dynamically created elements using event delegation in jQuery, we can utilize the .on() method. This method allows us to bind event handlers to a parent element and specify a selector for the child elements we want to target.

The syntax for using the .on() method with event delegation is as follows −

$(parentSelector).on(eventType, childSelector, eventHandler);
  • parentSelector  The selector for the parent element that exists in the DOM when the page loads.

  • eventType  The type of event to listen for, such as "click," "mouseover," or "submit."

  • childSelector  The selector for the dynamically created child elements we want to handle events for.

  • eventHandler  The function to execute when the specified event occurs on the child elements.

Let's consider an example where we have a list of items, and new items can be added dynamically. We want to handle the click event on each item, regardless of whether it was present when the page loaded or added later.

<ul id="itemList">
   <li>Item 1</li>
   <li>Item 2</li>
<button id="addItem">Add Item</button>

To handle the click event on all list items, including dynamically added ones, we can use event delegation as follows −

$('#itemList').on('click', 'li', function() {
   // Event handling logic goes here

In this example, the event handler is bound to the #itemList element, which acts as the parent element. When a click event occurs on any <li> element within #itemList, the event bubbles up to #itemList, and the event handler is executed.

By using event delegation, we ensure that even newly added <li> elements are automatically covered by the event handling logic.


Here’s how the program would look like −

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>Event Delegation Example</title>
   <script src=""></script>
      $(document).ready(function() {
         // Event delegation
         $('#itemList').on('click', 'li', function() {
            var itemText = $(this).text();
            console.log('Clicked on:', itemText);
         // Add new item dynamically
         $('#addItem').on('click', function() {
            var newItem = '<li>New Item</li>';
   <h1>Event Delegation Example</h1>
   <ul id="itemList">
      <li>Item 1</li>
      <li>Item 2</li>
   <button id="addItem">Add Item</button>

Handling Events in Dynamically Created Elements

Handling events on dynamically created elements can be a common requirement in web development. Whether you're adding new elements based on user interactions, retrieving data dynamically, or implementing dynamic components, event delegation allows us to handle these events seamlessly.

To handle events in dynamically created elements using event delegation, follow these steps −

  • Identify the parent element  Identify a parent element that exists in the DOM when the page loads. This parent element will serve as the container for the dynamically created elements and will be responsible for handling their events.

  • Bind the event handler  Use the .on() method in jQuery to bind the event handler to the parent element. Specify the event type and the selector for the dynamically created elements as parameters.

  • Write the event handler function  Inside the event handler function, write the code to handle the desired event on the dynamically created elements. You can access the specific element that triggered the event using the property or by using jQuery's $(this) within the event handler.

Let's consider an example where we have a form with dynamically added input fields, and we want to handle the change event on these fields.

<form id="myForm">
   <div id="fieldContainer">
      <input type="text" name="field1">
   <button id="addField">Add Field</button>

To handle the change event on dynamically added input fields, we can use event delegation as follows 

$('#myForm').on('change', 'input[type="text"]', function(event) {
   var fieldValue = $(this).val();
   console.log('Field value changed:', fieldValue);

In this example, the event handler is bound to the #myForm element, which is the parent container. The event delegation is set up to listen for the change event on input elements of type text within #myForm. Whenever the value of any dynamically created input field changes, the event handler function is executed, and the changed value is logged to the console.

By leveraging event delegation, we ensure that any new input fields added dynamically within the #fieldContainer will automatically have the change event handled.


Here’s how the program would look like −

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>Event Delegation Example</title>
   <script src=""></script>
      $(document).ready(function() {
         // Event delegation
         $('#myForm').on('change', 'input[type="text"]', function(event) {
            var fieldValue = $(this).val();
            console.log('Field value changed:', fieldValue);
         // Add new field dynamically
         var fieldCount = 1;
         $('#addField').on('click', function() {
            var newField = '<input type="text" name="field' + fieldCount + '">';
   <h1>Event Delegation Example</h1>
   <form id="myForm">
      <div id="fieldContainer">
         <input type="text" name="field1">
      <button id="addField">Add Field</button>

Best Practices for Handling Events in Dynamically Created Elements

While event delegation provides a powerful mechanism for handling events in dynamically created elements, it's important to follow best practices to ensure efficient and maintainable code. Here are some tips to consider when working with event delegation in jQuery −

  • Choose the nearest stable parent element  Select a parent element that is as close as possible to the dynamically created elements you want to handle events for. This helps minimize the event bubbling path and improves performance.

  • Use a specific selector for the dynamically created elements  Instead of using a generic selector like '*', use a specific selector that targets only the dynamically created elements you intend to handle events for. This helps optimize event delegation by reducing unnecessary event checks on unrelated elements.

  • Avoid excessive event nesting  Be mindful of nesting multiple event handlers when using event delegation. Excessive nesting can impact code readability and make it harder to maintain and debug. Consider refactoring or breaking down complex event handling logic into separate functions when necessary.

  • Be cautious with event propagation  Understand the event propagation behavior and use methods like event.stopPropagation() or return false within the event handler function when needed. Be careful not to inadvertently stop event propagation and prevent other event handlers from executing.

  • Destroy event handlers when no longer needed  If dynamically created elements are removed from the DOM or their event handling is no longer required, make sure to unbind or destroy the corresponding event handlers to prevent memory leaks and unnecessary event processing.


Handling events in dynamically created elements using event delegation in jQuery opens up a world of possibilities in web development. By binding event handlers to parent elements and leveraging event bubbling, we can handle events on dynamically added elements with ease.

In this blog post, we explored the concept of event delegation, understood its benefits, and learned practical techniques to apply it in our projects. We saw how to use the .on() method to bind event handlers and handle events on dynamically created elements.

Updated on: 07-Aug-2023

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