How to handle conflicts in the workplace?

Conflicts and conflict resolution is an important component of Human Resources Management in any organizations. According to Newman, ‘Life is not a grand harmony, conflicts exist.’ Conflicts arise due to various factors such as difference of opinion, nepotism, an absence of appreciation, etc.

There needs to be coordination of human resources channelized to minimize any form of conflict. Tackling the conflicts is an important prerequisite to effective management in an organization and the caliber of a manager depends on how successfully the conflict is being handled by him/ her.

Following are some of the methods that can help in dealing with conflicts:

  • Setting common goals − Every employee joins an organization with a basic set of expectations and ambitions. The organization’s vision, goals, and plan of action should be in-line with the expectations of the employees. This helps in promoting the work culture and reduces the chances of conflict. There also needs to be a uniform system of incentives and satisfaction in the work.

  • Interdependence and shared resources − The employees should be assigned independent tasks as far as possible. There should be separate units for them with necessary resources which do not allow any clash of resource utilization. A Proper allocation will help minimize conflicts. However, there are bound to be cases where the team has to work together and also use common resources. In such cases, proper rules and regulations have to be set that will avoid the entry of any form of conflict.

  • Compromise − Here both the parties are neither winner nor loser. With the method of mediation, a third party intervenes and tries to resolve the conflict. In a situation of compromise, it is a give and takes for both the parties were both mutually agree to contribute a bit to each other. Compromise is a technique utilized once the conflict has emerged in an organization.

  • Discussion and confrontation − This is one of the traditional methods where both the parties are called upon by a senior professional and the conflict are discussed in detail. Both the parties are given a chance to put forward their perspectives. The senior then try to analyze the problem and find a solution that suits the needs of both the parties and is also the best for the organization.

  • Grievance Redressal System − It is very important to note that conflicts can be both at an individual as well as group level. Considering the fact that conflicts are inevitable in any organization, the presence of Grievance Redressal System is mandatory to help the aggrieved parties put across their views and opinions freely. With this, the management can keep a track of the areas/ departments where conflicts arise the most and work of improving its functioning.

Updated on: 11-May-2022


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