How to Hack the Alarm System of a Smart Car?

Smart cars are slowly but steadily gaining market share. While there is a lot to be enthusiastic about when it comes to new cars, such large technological advances come with their own set of concerns. Smart cars may be riskier to drive than their more-traditional counterparts since they are connected to networks.

Apart from insane drivers and unforeseen road problems, owners of these smart cars will also have to consider the possibility that someone is attempting to take control of their vehicle remotely. That isn't just a speculative possibility.

Smart Cars are convenient, but are they safe?

Smart antitheft systems, in principle, are more than just alarms. Even if the vehicle has already been taken, they can help. They can track it, turn off the engine, and lock the doors before the cops arrive, for example. And it's all done with the help of a smartphone app.

Convenient? Yes, absolutely! Safe? As the manufacturers claim, such technologies were created to increase vehicle security by a factor of ten. But it's no longer only your car that could be taken. A cybercriminal gains access to a large amount of data as well as all smart alarm functionalities after hijacking your account and logging into the app in your name. You will be locked out of the system if you simply change your password. After that, the attacker will be able to −

  • Keep tabs on all vehicle movements.

  • Activate and deactivate the alarm system.

  • Lock and unlock your vehicle's doors.

  • Cut the engine - even if the car is moving − in some cases.

  • Enable or disable the immobilizer, an antitheft device that prevents the engine from starting

A cybercriminal can even listen in on discussions inside the vehicle using the antitheft system's microphone, which is intended for emergency calls, in the case of Pandora alarms. Remember that you can't fight back because the system is only accessible to the attacker. Doesn't sound all that appealing, does it?

Is it possible for hackers to hack a smart car?

While the scenario may sound like something out of a science fiction novel, hacking an automobile and taking over its functionality has been shown. An IoT gadget is a smart automobile. Cars are far more complicated than other IoT devices, such as a smart thermostat or any other smart home equipment, yet they share a number of similarities. Smart automobiles, like any other Internet of Things gadget, are connected to networks and exchange data with other devices. As easy as this is, these networks are vulnerable to a slew of security flaws.

The most well-known example of what may go wrong with smart cars was a weakness in the 2014 Jeep Cherokee, which allowed two industry professionals to seize control of the vehicle by accessing its network and then killing it. While security concerns have long been a part of the conversation about smart cars, this incident shocked the industry to its core. Since then, the number of ways to take control of smart automobiles has only grown. Hackers can now attempt to lock car doors remotely and insert malware into various components of the vehicle, allowing the hacker to alter the vehicle's behavior or prohibit the user from using particular features.

Hackers can also use the system's flaws to alter how the system responds to the driver's commands. This isn't just a hypothetical situation. A 19-year-old security researcher was recently able to remotely open the doors of over 20 Teslas, which is alarming for everyone who owns or wants to buy a smart car.

Those who use their iPhones as automotive remote controls face even greater dangers. There are a number of ways to hack into someone's phone, and if all of your IoT gadgets are managed through your phone, the threats may easily lead to serious real-life consequences with no immediate resolution in sight.

How to defend your smart car against cyber-attacks?

While it's undeniable that these concerns must be considered, smart automobiles aren't going away anytime soon. Rather than swearing off all innovation and convenient smart cars, here are several things you can take to reduce the odds of your car being hacked.

Never forget to update your software

Never forget to check for updates. While the sector is still young, it's difficult to find a "silver bullet" answer to all concerns. However, one definite approach to reducing the hazards is to keep your connected devices and your car's software up to date.

Updates are available to improve the device's overall security, and you don't want to miss out on any of them. To make the procedure go faster, sign up for manufacturer recalls or software fixes.

Use a virtual private network (VPN)

When using your car's Wi-Fi to communicate with other devices, use a VPN. It is critical to comprehend the VPN definition in order to properly comprehend its significance. VPNs encrypt your connection, making it nearly impossible for snoopers to link your online activities to you. This will prevent any unwelcome interference or attempts to take control of your network or the vehicle itself. Your connection will be hidden behind a VPN, boosting the security of your network.

Disable any services you aren't using

Consider your permissions carefully. Don't stick to the default mode; instead, go over all of the features and reassess what you require. Disable any connectivity ports you don't use and only enable features you know you'll use often. There's no point in enabling all of your car's features if you're not going to use them. You can save a lot of avoidable hassle by being cautious and limiting rights.

Updated on: 29-Aug-2022


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