How to hack android phones with PhoneSploit?


PhoneSploit is an open-source system for hacking Android devices utilizing pernicious apps. Whereas it has genuine employment for security examiners, its control too comes with moral dangers. This article looks at how the PhoneSploit system permits hacking Android gadgets, both in hypothesis and hone. We begin with an audit of the hypothetical setting behind versatile gadget abuse. At that point, we do a specialized jump into PhoneSploit design. At long last, we walk through the method of compromising an Android phone utilizing PhoneSploit to illustrate connected assault methods.

What is PhoneSploit?

PhoneSploit is a hostile security system created to illustrate Android powerlessness misuse. It incorporates progress avoidance modules to bypass antivirus and discovery. PhoneSploit works by making a fake noxious app with inserted payloads. Once this pernicious app is introduced, the payloads execute to do everything from information exfiltration to further command execution. The secluded design permits stacking custom hacking modules.

PhoneSploit leverages the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) to associate with Android gadgets. ADB may be a command-line apparatus that permits designers to communicate with an Android device's emulator or associated physical gadget. It's commonly utilized for investigating and app improvement purposes. In any case, it is not legitimately secured, ADB can too be misused by pernicious performing artists.

PhoneSploit gives a helpful interface to robotize different activities and commands that can be performed utilizing ADB. It permits analysts to execute certain commands on an associated Android gadget, such as introducing and uninstalling apps, getting to framework records, capturing screenshots, and more. This device can offer assistance to security experts in recognizing vulnerabilities in Android frameworks and evaluating the adequacy of security measures.

Hacking Android Phones Using PhoneSploit

Hacking phones falls into the space of portable security, which developed as a subfield as smartphones multiplied. Early phones had negligible assault surface, but advanced versatile working frameworks like Android and iOS consolidate complex program stacks that present dangers in case not modified protectively. PhoneSploit centers particularly on Android due to its open-source nature.

Attacks target programming errors, misconfigurations, or user-induced social designing. Strategies incorporate invert building apps, analyzing arranged activity, phishing clients, and manhandling authorizations. Resistances depend on app checking, sandboxing, encryption, and security upgrades to counter dangers.

PhoneSploit epitomizes the ill-disposed battle. It weaponizes penetration strategies to stretch test protections. Understanding both sides propels portable security hone.

PhoneSploit Framework Dive

PhoneSploit provides an extensible framework for Android penetration testing and vulnerability assessments. It performs reconnaissance, configuration, exploitation, and post-exploitation functions reflective of the attack chain.

Built on Python, PhoneSploit enables scripting custom payloads with hooks into Metasploit modules. It proxies traffic over Tor for anonymity and integrates anti-analysis features to evade detection. Once installed on a target device via social engineering, the malicious app leverages root exploits or user-granted permissions for privilege escalation. Sensitive data is then exfiltrated over encrypted sockets before optionally launching further exploitation.

An interactive shell offers a persistent attack bridge, joined by reverse TCP connections or remote desktop control via accessibility services. The shell executes system commands, harvests installed app data, surveils device sensors, and loads additional attack modules delivered dynamically. PhoneSploit combines these capabilities to overcome device and network-layer defenses. It exposes fragile trust dependencies and insufficient access controls in Android that defenders must now re-evaluate.


  • Kali Linux operating system installed and running on your computer

  • Android debugging mode enabled on the target device

  • USB cable to connect the Android device to your computer

Installing PhoneSploit

  • Open the terminal on Kali Linux.

  • Install git −

apt-get install git
  • Clone the PhoneSploit repository −

git clone
  • Navigate to the PhoneSploit directory −

cd PhoneSploit
  • Install the requirements −

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

PhoneSploit is now installed and ready to use.

Configuring PhoneSploit

  • Attach the Android device to either laptop or computer through USB.

  • Enable a mode named USB debugging on the connected device.

  • Set up port forwarding with adb −

pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Start the PhoneSploit server −


The framework is now configured and ready for hacking the connected Android device.

Hacking Android With PhoneSploit Process

With the framework fundamentals covered, we will now demonstrate hacking an Android device using PhoneSploit −

  • Set up PhoneSploit on the attacker machine, either locally or hosted remotely. Customize any payloads as required for the objectives.

  • Clone a legitimate app to embed the malicious PhoneSploit payload. Adjust the app permissions to enable data and resource access.

  • Obfuscate the payload code and bypass app vetting checks using the evasion modules. Sign and align the app package with the target device OS.

  • Distribute the trojanized app through social engineering or by placing it on third-party app stores. Convince the victim to install it.

  • When launched, the app activates PhoneSploit, beginning forced privilege escalation attempts to gain root access.

  • If successful, PhoneSploit establishes an encrypted outbound connection to the attacker-controlled command and control server.

  • The attacker receives confirmations of successful hooks and proceeds to interactively issue commands through the shell.

  • Sensitive files, contacts, messages, location data, camera feeds, etc. are exfiltrated over the C2 channel to the attacker.

  • Additional malicious modules can also be remotely deployed through the shell for sustained access and exploitation.

  • PhoneSploit use is limited only by the permission levels attained and accumulated vulnerabilities across the Android OS version.

With these steps, PhoneSploit demonstrates the risk of malicious apps covertly turning phones into compromised assets. Defenders must now re-assess Android access controls and trust models that have been circumvented.


PhoneSploit provides powerful capabilities to ethically demonstrate Android hacking techniques. But in malicious hands, the framework could severely compromise device security and user safety. Practitioners should take precautions to avoid causing harm when responsibly honing mobile app penetration testing skills using tools like PhoneSploit. Ultimately, uncovering Android vulnerabilities through frameworks like PhoneSploit aims to improve the platform's security against risks posed by true bad actors.

Updated on: 20-Oct-2023

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