How to Group Ads to Boost Your Digital Campaigns

To succeed in digital campaigns, it is important to have many relevant ad words in your web pages. The appropriate keywords have the power to attract more visitors to your site. The more visibility you will get on the search results, the more chances of converting them to your potential customers.

It is the keywords, which are primarily responsible for drawing the visitors to your websites. The usage of so many keywords can increase your site’s visibility but, the keywords which are not relevant to your business can cost you dearly when using paid advertisements.

For example, let’s assume that you are an event organizer, so created a nice advertisement with many keywords to promote your business. But, currently, you are only dealing with the birthday parties.

So, when someone looking for wedding planner and searches with the keywords like ‘Party Organizer’, ‘ Event Planner’ or something like ‘Popular event organizers’, then your advertisement may appear in the top search results, assuming that you have exactly same keywords in your headlines, titles and somewhere in the descriptions.

But, as you are only dealing with birthday parties, the visitor will immediately leave your site after seeing the landing page. Though it won’t cost them anything except their unhappiness, but it costs you much. Imagine, even a handful of visitors click your ads and simply quit the site without turning to be an actual customer, you may end of paying hefty bucks to the search engines for each click under the pay-per-click advertisement package.

Now, think about the related keywords, like ‘Birthday Party Organizer’ or ‘Best birthday party planner in Hyderabad’. These types of keywords only pull the relevant crowd to your site. So, it is better to use more related keywords with effective planning.

Creating an Effective SEM Plan

Every process needs a proper plan to effectively shape the strategies. The Search Engine Marketing plan also needs to be carefully drafted to get the desired success online.

Let’s see how your SEM plan should be developed?.

The first step is to create your account with popular search engines such as Google Ad words, Bing etc.

Then within the account, create your digital campaigns according to the different services you are offering and the target regions you want your ads to appear.

Create multiple ad groups within each campaign; each ad group should consist of relevant keywords.

Take the help of web analytical tool and keep analyzing the data.

Based on the response, keep updating the keywords.

Creating Multiple Campaigns

Let’s consider the example of party organizer. As your business grows, you may want to provide more services like the wedding planner, corporate functions organizer and other such events including birthdays.

So, you need to create separate campaigns for each category. You should not mix up all the services you are providing to one campaign. The campaign for wedding planner should contain only the wedding related ad words while the birthday one should have birthday’s related contents.

Also, you can categorize the campaigns based on the locality you are covering, whether it is particular to one city or targeting wider areas of the states, or beyond that.

Once the campaigns are ready, then the next step is to create related ad words for each campaign.

Creating Multiple Ad Groups

Group the ad words related to each campaign, the keywords should be relevant to the campaign. For example, the relevant keywords for a Birthday Party organizer campaign should be −

  • Birthday Party Organiser
  • We arrange amazing Birthday events
  • Best rates with offers, Check Now!

So, when someone searches for birthday party organizers, they will find your ad exactly matching to their requirement. Thus, the chances of customer conversion are high for your business.

Benefits of Ad Groups creation

By creating separate ad groups for each campaign, not only enhances your site’s visibility but also save your paid advertising cost.

For example, when someone searches for birthday party organizer, the keywords will exactly match with your Ad’s headline. So, the chances of appearance of your advertisement on the top of the search results are high. And when the searchers land on your web page by clicking on your ad link, the probability is high that he/she will become your customer. The benefits you will get by grouping the ads are as follows.

  • Reducing irrelevant clicks can minimize the cost you are paying for each ad click.

  • Right customer visits to your web pages, increases more chances to get actual customers.

  • Helps you to analyze the performance of your campaigns by using relevant data.

Take the help of Keyword Research Tools

There are some useful tools like Google’s Keyword Planner or Bing’s Keyword Research Tool which can suggest you relevant keywords which are mostly used by the searchers.

For example, you are planning for a new campaign to provide service as theme party organizers. So, when you type in the keyword ‘Theme party organizer’, the keyword research tool show you other related keywords which people mostly searched for, such as −

  • Popular theme based event organizer
  • Bollywood theme based events
  • Event organizer on Trending Themes
  • You will have enough options to choose your correct keywords.

These tools also provide you the insight on bid prices and competition levels.

Use Phrase match and Broad match Keywords

While creating the keywords, it is essential to research on broad matching and phrase matching keywords. Sometimes broad matching keywords are beneficial, the search engines can able to find the keywords irrespective of the keywords are in singular, plural forms or misspelled. By default, the search engines do broad matching while searching for the keywords.

But at times, due to the broad matching your ads may show up at places where your site is not relevant to the searchers. So, to prevent those situations, use phrase matching keywords.

For example, the keyword like ‘Event Party Organizer’ are the broad matching keywords, it may display even someone type in ‘Event Organizers’. The search engines don’t mind whether it is exactly matching or in singular or plural forms.

Similarly, for phrase matching, use the keywords within quotes, such as “Hyderabad Event Party Organizer”. The search engine will display your ad when someone searches exactly the same keywords, though it considers plural also.

The broad matching keywords can enhance your chances of visibility, but showing your ad when it is not relevant can unnecessary increase your pay-per-click advertisement cost. Finally, while planning your digital campaigns, carefully measures all the required options and continuously work on your plan to achieve the desired success.

Updated on: 23-Jan-2020


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