How to go from Zero to Internet Hero using IFTTT Technology?

Isn’t it great to receive an advance notification to pack your umbrella, as it will rain tomorrow? Or else, remind yourself to silence your phone, when you get to work? If you will understand this, then that will reboot your life with a kick start. In short, we are talking about IFTTT (If This, Then That) technology. Confused? Well, it is a super tool that works as a coordinator for your apps and produce results based on your “if” logic. Let’s simplify it further.

Suppose you want to auto update a status on Facebook as soon as you post a picture on tweeter, with just a predefined input logic from your side, IFTTT does that. Isn’t it fascinating? In this short article, let’s unravel the magical power of this superb technology and know exactly how we can use this to kick-start our life at a higher level. So, ready? Here we go:

What is “if this, then that” Exactly?

This wonderful journey of IFTTT technology began in the year 2010 with a website first and later with an app based service. With a strong punch line of “Put the internet to work for you” slogan, it penetrated into the SaaS (software as a service provider) market and soon became favorite among users. For the first time, it gave users the liberty to customize and automate everything starting from websites to app-enabled accessories, even smart devices in the way they want.

To make your life easier, it has a number of combinations (popularly known as “Recipes”) those work well on 300+ services (also known as “channels”). Once you get inside of it, you will come to understand what we are talking about.

How to get Started?

Browse through the sign-up page of IFTTT website and it takes hardly few minutes to create an account. You just need a username, an email username and a password. That’s all. Now IFTTT will create a dashboard for you and that will feature some pre-suggested popular recipes. It will even email to your inbox a new recipe each day.

In case you are a beginner, the dashboard will help you in getting started. It will explain briefly on how IFTTT recipes works, will show you popular recipes of other users. You can even create your own customized recipe, save it, edit it or may even delete it in the dashboard. Turn on the recipe at your ease and turn it off in case you don’t need it. So simple!

For example, you have created a recipe that says, turn on a smart bulb the time you get a comment in your blog and you want to use it only in your day time. Then turn on the recipe at 6 am in morning, enjoy the service till your requirement and then turn it off from the dashboard. Isn’t it great? Now you might be interested in knowing how exactly you can create and use a recipe.

Step by Step procedure to Create an IFTTT Recipe

Let’s make the learning process easy through an example. How about cooking a recipe on automatic posting of your Instagram photos on Twitter? You might question, “What’s new in it?” as Instagram has this feature of posting your photos automatically on Twitter. Yes, it has but it does not let you customize your details before publishing them and that’s where IFTTT comes in.

You can customize a recipe that will decide within what tweet exactly your photo will be encapsulated. You can even add more ingredients like a timestamp or a URL to make it spicier. Now as long as you have not turned the recipe off, it will go on posting your Instagram photos on Twitter with those same features.

Follow these simple steps to cook this wonderful Recipe:

  • Sign into your IFTTT account. Go to your dashboard. There you will see a “Create a new recipe” tab. Go to that link. There will be a “This” word. It is a triggering button. Click on it and browse through the channels till you find Instagram. Or else you can even search “Instagram” in the search box. Make sure, you have already linked your Instagram account to IFTTT before.
  • Now on the Instagram section in dashboard, you will see a number of predefined logics. Scroll through them and choose the one as per your requirement (Here select “any photo by you”).
  • After this, click directly on “that” page. There also, you will get a glimpse of loads of channels. Browse through them, choose”Twitter” and activate it.
  • On activating Twitter, again you will be asked to choose pre-programmed actions out of many. For our purpose, select “Post a Tweeter”.
  • Above four steps are enough to complete the basic triggering. In case, you wish to add more ingredients, click on the “+” button and go on adding the features like adding any timestamp or any embedded code.
  • After getting done with above, hit the “Create recipe” story board to add it to your dashboard. That’s it!

You can edit your recipe later also from the dashboard.

Top 10 Recipes

Many people are using this technology nowadays and here are the top 10 recipes those have gained tremendous popularity.

  • Sharing your Instagram photos as Tweeter photo.
  • Turn on your smart bulbs at home upon your arrival
  • Keep an auto-synchronization mode between Tweeter and Facebook account pictures
  • Auto posting tweets on Facebook having hashtags
  • Receive an email notification automatically when president passes a new law
  • Keep track of fluctuating price rates on e-commerce sites
  • Keep a track of your changing working hours and place, on a spreadsheet
  • Keep an eye on your spending
  • Saving popular linked personal pictures on Facebook into a dropbox
  • Save liked Facebook posts to read at your convenience

You’re now all set to explore the fun island of IFTTT. This technology has so much potential that above discussed don’t even represent the tip of a figurative iceberg. So try to craft countless experiments with your recipes. Also, try the new application “launched Do” apps from the same franchise that creates recipes with just one touch and place the shortcuts of the same on your home screen for quick access.

For instance, with Do camera application, your photos will be automatically saved into your cloud storage just after they are clicked. So what are you waiting for? Sign up for your trip to the wonderland of simplified yet systematic life and enjoy your ride!

Updated on: 27-Jan-2020


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