How to Get Weighted Random Choice in Python?

Python, a flexible and effective programming language, offers a wide array of underlying capabilities and libraries to improve on complex coding errands. One such undertaking is executing weighted irregular decision, a measurable strategy where every thing has a predefined likelihood of being picked. Unlike simple random choice, where each item has an equal chance of being selected, weighted random choice allows us to specify the likelihood of each item’s selection, which may vary. This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how to get a weighted random choice in Python.


The primary method that facilitates a weighted random choice in Python is random.choices(). Here is its basic syntax:

random.choices(population, weights=None, cum_weights=None, k=1)
  • population is a necessary component. This is the list from which you will make your selection.

  • There is no obligation to provide weights. a list of weights that corresponds to each individual member in the population list.

  • cum_weights is a field that is completely optional. A list of weights that have been accumulated.

  • The letter k is not required. A number in integer form that specifies the number of items to select. Default is 1.


To better understand the operation of the weighted random choice, follow this step-by-step algorithm:

  • Import the random module in Python.

  • Define the population, a list of elements from which you wish to select.

  • Define weights, a list of probabilities corresponding to each element in the population. Ensure the weights align with the population's elements.

  • Use the random.choices() method, specifying the population, weights, and number of elements to pick.

  • Execute the code and analyze the outcome.

Approach 1: Using random.choices()

Using the random.choices() method with the weights parameter: This approach uses Python's built-in function, explicitly providing the weights of each element.


import random

population = ['Red', 'Blue', 'Green']
weights = [0.6, 0.3, 0.1]

chosen = random.choices(population, weights, k=5)


['Red', 'Green', 'Blue', 'Blue', 'Blue']


This Python script utilizes the implicit irregular module, and all the more particularly the random.choices() function, to produce a weighted irregular determination from a rundown that has been recently characterized. The following options are available for selection from the list titled "population": "Red," "Blue," and "Green." The 'weights' list represents the odds of selecting each of these components in the following proportions: 60%, 30%, and 10% accordingly. The script chooses five items at random from the 'population' variable while taking into account the 'weights' that have been defined. This is achieved by summoning the random.choices capability with the suitable parameters. The value of the 'k' argument shows the quantity of things to be looked over the pool. After then, the elements that were selected are printed.

Approach 2: Using numpy.random.choice()

Using numpy.random.choice(): This approach applies to the numpy library, a powerful tool for numerical operations that also supports weighted random choices.


import numpy as np

population = ['Red', 'Blue', 'Green']
weights = [0.6, 0.3, 0.1]

chosen = np.random.choice(population, 5, p=weights)


['Red' 'Red' 'Red' 'Red' 'Blue']


For the purpose of carrying out weighted random selection, this script makes use of the numpy library and calls upon the numpy.random.choice() function. The 'population' and 'weights' lists are defined in the same manner as the first code. On the other hand, with this method, the probability parameter is denoted by the letter p rather than the word "weights." The script chooses five items at random from the 'population' variable by calling the function np.random.choice with the parameters population, 5, and p=weights. This selection is based on the probabilities that have been specified. Instead of producing a list as the first piece of code did, this one produces a numpy array containing all of the elements that were chosen.


In this article, we've explored two prominent approaches to implementing weighted random choice in Python, leveraging built-in functions and external libraries. With the random.choices() and numpy.random.choice() methods, you can efficiently manipulate the probabilities of each element in your list, offering far greater control over your random selections.

Understanding and correctly implementing weighted random choices is fundamental in various scenarios, from simple games to complex data science tasks, as it reflects the realistic uneven distribution of probabilities in life. By mastering this technique, you're adding a crucial tool to your Python programming toolkit.

Just remember, the random.choices() function and numpy.random.choice() are not limited to weighted random choices - they offer many more functionalities. Feel free to dive deeper into these libraries to unlock the full potential of Python. Remember, practice is the key to mastering any concept, so continue coding and keep exploring!

Updated on: 27-Jul-2023

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