How to Get TreeMap Key or Value using Index in Java?

Java's TreeMap class implements the SortedMap interface and offers an ordered key-value mapping system. Although TreeMap relies mainly on keys for retrieval, in certain circumstances index accessing may become necessary - however there are no direct methods in TreeMap that let developers directly retrieve elements based on index position like List or Array do.

One solution would be converting your TreeMap keys or values into List or ArrayList before accessing their respective indexs using either method - thus giving developers all of the benefits associated with TreeMap while still having index access when necessary.

Index in Java

An index in Java represents an element within an ordered collection such as an array or list, where each index represents one position from zero up; index numbers begin from 0, and so the first element in any ordered set would occupy index zero, second element would occupy index one etc. Indices can help you access specific elements by providing their index value within square brackets notation.

Indices can also be used in loops to sequentially traverse collection elements sequentially. The length() or size() methods on arrays or collections help identify both their total number of elements as well as valid range of indexes, to prevent exceeding that range and risking an exception. Indices play an invaluable role in Java programming as they facilitate efficient element manipulation and retrieval within ordered collections.


Java provides various methods that will allow you to quickly locate TreeMap keys or values using an index, including those below.

  • Converting TreeMap keys or values to a List and accessing elements by index

  • Using iteration and counter variables to find the key or value at the desired index

Converting TreeMap keys or values to a List and accessing elements by index

First, create and populate a TreeMap object with key-value pairs. Next, convert these keys or values of the TreeMap into List objects using either its constructor (ArrayList constructor) or addAll() method; this allows index-based access.

Once you have created a List, using get() you can easily retrieve elements by index. Simply provide your index as the parameter to get() and it will retrieve its corresponding key or value - assign this element back into a variable for further use!

By converting TreeMap keys or values into Lists and accessing elements by index, you gain the capability of retrieving specific elements based on their position in your TreeMap entries. This provides more flexibility while making operations on these entries possible with index-based access.


  • Make a TreeMap object and populate it with key-value pairs.

  • Convert the keys or values from a TreeMap into an arraylist using either its constructor, addAll() method.

  • Once a List is constructed, elements can be accessed using its index via get() method.

  • To quickly retrieve key or values at an index location, provide that index as the parameter to the get() method of Lists.

  • Assign the key or value you just retrieved to a variable for future use.


import java.util.*;

public class TreeMapExample {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      // Create a TreeMap
      TreeMap<Integer, String> treeMap = new TreeMap<>();
      treeMap.put(1, "Apple");
      treeMap.put(2, "Banana");
      treeMap.put(3, "Orange");

      // Convert keys to a List
      List<Integer> keyList = new ArrayList<>(treeMap.keySet());

      // Access key at index 1
      Integer keyAtIndex1 = keyList.get(1);
      System.out.println("Key at index 1: " + keyAtIndex1);

      // Convert values to a List
      List<String> valueList = new ArrayList<>(treeMap.values());

      // Access value at index 2
      String valueAtIndex2 = valueList.get(2);
      System.out.println("Value at index 2: " + valueAtIndex2);


Key at index 1: 2
Value at index 2: Orange

Using iteration and counter variables to find the key or value at the desired index

Start by initializing a counter variable that will keep track of index as you iterate over TreeMap entries using a loop, incrementing its counter variable with each iteration.

Within the loop, check whether the counter variable matches up with your target index value and, if so, retrieve its key or value associated with this current entry.

Use of iteration and counter variables allows you to locate any key or value at any desired index within TreeMaps, providing an accessible means to access specific elements based on their position allowing efficient retrieval of TreeMap entries using index-based access.


  • Initialize a counter variable to 0.

  • Iterate over all entries of the TreeMap.

  • For each entry:

    • Increment the counter variable by one.

    • Check that the variable matches with your target index.

    • If the entry does correspond with one, retrieve its key or value and assign them accordingly.

    • If the target index has been reached, exit from the loop immediately.

  • Whenever the loop completes without finding its target index, handle any cases where an index falls out of range and act accordingly.

  • Make use of the obtained key or value as needed within your program.


import java.util.*;

public class TreeMapExample {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      // Create a TreeMap
      TreeMap<Integer, String> treeMap = new TreeMap<>();
      treeMap.put(1, "Apple");
      treeMap.put(2, "Banana");
      treeMap.put(3, "Orange");

      // Get the desired index (1-based)
      int desiredIndex = 2;

      // Initialize counters
      int keyCount = 0;
      int valueCount = 0;

      // Iterate through the TreeMap
      for (Map.Entry<Integer, String> entry : treeMap.entrySet()) {

         // Check if the desired index is reached
         if (keyCount == desiredIndex) {
            Integer key = entry.getKey();
            System.out.println("Key at index " + desiredIndex + ": " + key);

         if (valueCount == desiredIndex) {
            String value = entry.getValue();
            System.out.println("Value at index " + desiredIndex + ": " + value);


Key at index 2: 2
Value at index 2: Banana


This tutorial demonstrated how retrieving TreeMap keys or values using index positions in Java can be accomplished using two distinct approaches. Method one involves converting them to List or ArrayList elements before accessing them using get() method with direct indexing; on the other hand, method 2 involves iterating through TreeMap using counters as trackers until reaching desired index position - this avoids memory usage but requires iterations until index desired is attained.

Both methods provide developers with flexibility when accessing TreeMap elements by index, allowing them to retrieve specific keys or values based on their positions in the map. Which approach you select ultimately depends on your program requirements as well as considerations like memory usage and iteration efficiency?

Updated on: 25-Jul-2023

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