How to get the Power state of the Azure VM using PowerShell?

There are the below Power State for the Azure VM.

  • Starting − The virtual machine is being started.

  • Running − The virtual machine is currently running

  • Stopping − The virtual machine is being stopped

  • Stopped − The virtual machine is currently stopped and but still incur compute charges.

  • Deallocating − The virtual machine is being deallocated.

  • Deallocated − The virtual machine is deallocated and released all the resources and does not incur the charges.

  • - − The Power State of the virtual machine is unknown.

To get the status of the virtual machine, there are two ways.

PS C:\> Get-AzVM -VMName Win2k16VM1 -Status


You can see the PowerState of the VM is deallocated.

The other way to retrieve the status is by adding the -ResourceGroup property along with the -Status.

PS C:\> Get-AzVM -VMName Win2k16VM1 -ResourceGroupName TestVMRG -Status


To get the status from the above output, you can modify the command as shown below.

PS C:\> $vm = Get-AzVM -VMName Win2k16VM1 -ResourceGroupName TestVMRG -

PS C:\> $vm.Statuses[1].Code



To get the output for the Multiple virtual machines in the Particular subscription,

PS C:\> Get-AzVM -Status

Updated on: 02-Sep-2021

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