How to get the pixel depth and color depth of a screen in JavaScript?

Javascript window object has provided many methods to get various kinds of information regarding the browser.  It has provided screen.colorDepth and screen.pixelDepth to get the color depth and pixel depth of browser screen respectively. Let's discuss them individually.

Color depth

The window object has provided screen.colorDepth method to return the color depth. Color depth is nothing but the number of bits used to display one color. All modern computers use 24 bit or 32 bit hardware for color resolution.


Live Demo

<p id="depth"></p>
   document.getElementById("depth").innerHTML =
   "Screen color depth is " + screen.colorDepth;


Screen color depth is 24

Pixel depth

Javascript window object has provided screen.pixelDepth to return the pixel depth of the browser screen.


Live Demo

<p id="depth"></p>
   document.getElementById("depth").innerHTML =
   "Screen pixel depth is " + screen.pixelDepth;


Screen pixel depth is 24

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019


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