How to Get Rid of Snakes?

Snakes can be a significant problem for homeowners, as they can sneak into yards and homes without being noticed. Not only can they be scary to encounter, but they can also pose a danger to humans and pets if they are venomous. It is therefore important to understand how you can get rid of snakes from your property. This includes identifying the type of snake, eliminating food sources, removing hiding places, using repellents, trapping, and sometimes calling a professional for assistance. By following these steps, homeowners can take control of the situation and keep their properties safe from snakes.

Step 1 Identify the Type of Snake

Identifying the type of snake on your property is a crucial first step in getting rid of snakes. There are many different types of snakes, but some of the most common ones found in homes and yards include garter snakes, rat snakes, and gopher snakes. These non-venomous snakes typically have elongated, slim bodies with small heads and round pupils. They also have rough scales that allow them to move quickly through grass and brush.

On the other hand, venomous snakes such as Copperheads, Cottonmouth and Rattlesnakes can be identified by their thick, triangular-shaped heads and vertical pupils. They also have smooth scales and distinct patterns on their skin.

Step 2 Eliminate Food Sources

Eliminating food sources is essential in getting rid of snakes on your property. Snakes are opportunistic predators and feed on whatever food sources are available to them. Some of the most common food sources for snakes include rodents and insects, small mammals, birds and frogs.

To eliminate food sources for snakes, homeowners can take several steps. One of the most important is to stop other pests, such as rodents, insects, or others that can attract snakes. This can be achieved by sealing up holes and gaps in foundations, walls, and other structures to prevent them from entering. Additionally, removing debris and thick vegetation from around the home can help deter snakes, as it will remove places for them to hide and hunt.

Step 3 Remove Places for Snakes to Hide

Removing places for snakes to hide is another crucial step in getting rid of snakes on your property. Snakes, like other animals, need places to hide and feel secure, and if your property provides those places, you are more likely to have snakes. Some familiar hiding places for snakes include tall grass, thick foliage, and piles of debris, such as leaves, branches, or lumber. These areas provide cover for snakes and opportunities for hunting prey.

To remove these hiding places, homeowners can take several steps. One is to keep the grass around their property trimmed, remove overgrown vegetation, and clear away any piles of leaves or debris. Additionally, removing piles of wood, rocks or other materials can be helpful, as well as ensuring that sheds, barns, and other outbuildings are correctly sealed to keep snakes out.

Homeowners can also use snake repellents such as sulphur or cedar chips that can be placed near areas where snakes are known to frequent. This will create a barrier that snakes will want to avoid.

Step 4 Use Snake Repellents

Using snake repellents can be an effective method of removing snakes from your property. Snake repellents are designed to create an unpleasant environment for snakes, making your property less appealing to them. To deter snakes, several types of snake repellents are available, including scent, sound, or vibrations.

  • Scent-based repellents use essential oils or other strong-smelling substances to create an unpleasant environment for snakes. These include cedar, sulphur, and mothballs.

  • Sound-based repellents use high-frequency sounds to deter snakes. Some of these devices use ultrasonic sounds, while others use recorded snake sounds to create an environment that snakes will want to avoid.

  • Vibration-based repellents use motion-activated vibrations to scare off snakes. These devices usually have a stake or similar mechanism that you can place in the ground and are triggered by motion.

It's important to note that the effectiveness of snake repellents may vary depending on the type of snake and the specific circumstances of your property. While some repellents may be effective in one area, they may need not be equally effective in another. Also, it's crucial to follow the manufacturer's instructions and safety guidelines when using snake repellents.

Step 5 Set Snake Traps

Setting snake traps can be an effective way of getting rid of snakes from your home and backyard. Several types of snake traps are available, each designed to capture snakes in a specific way.

Some popular traps include the following −

Glue traps are boards coated with a sticky adhesive that snakes can become stick to. These are usually not recommended as they can cause harm to the trapped snake and are not very effective in catching snakes.

Live traps are designed to capture snakes alive. These traps can be constructed from wire mesh or plastic and have a trigger mechanism that causes the door to close once the snake enters.

Bottle traps are similar to live traps but are made from a clear plastic container. They are more humane as the snake can be seen and released quickly.

Step 6 Call a Professional

Sometimes, it may be necessary to call a professional to handle a snake problem on your property. This is especially true if the snake is venomous or if you are unsure of how to handle and remove it safely.

A professional snake removal service can provide expert assistance in identifying, trapping and removing snakes from your property. When looking for a reputable snake removal service, it is essential to research the company's credentials and experience, read reviews and ask for references.

Additionally, it is necessary to remember that trying to handle venomous snakes oneself is extremely dangerous and should always be avoided.


Getting rid of snakes on your property requires following a comprehensive approach, including identifying the type of snake, eliminating food sources, removing hiding places, using repellents, trapping, and, if needed, calling a professional. It's essential to follow these steps sequentially for the best results.

Remember that taking action early will help prevent and eliminate snakes and keep your property safe. It's essential to address the snake issue as soon as possible to prevent them from becoming a bigger problem.

Updated on: 01-Feb-2023


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