How to Get Rid of Crickets?

Are you getting aggravated by the sound of crickets chirping inside your house? Do you wish to get rid of them without needing help from a specialist? With the help of a few easy actions you can get rid of these small creatures forever.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need to know to get rid of crickets, including how to recognize the species of cricket you have, how to stop crickets from entering your home, how to remove crickets from your home, how to get rid of crickets using natural remedies, how to get rid of crickets using commercial products, how to get rid of crickets using professional extermination services, and how to take subsequent steps to prevent crickets from returning.

Identifying the Type of Cricket

The first step in getting rid of crickets is to identify the type of cricket you have. This is important as different types of crickets may require different removal methods.

There are two main types of crickets: field crickets and house crickets.

  • Field crickets are usually black or brown and have a wingspan of up to two inches. They are typically found outdoors in grassy areas.

  • House crickets are usually yellowish-brown and have a wingspan of up to one inch. They generally are found indoors near food sources.

Once you've identified the type of cricket, you can move on to the next step.

Preventing Crickets from Entering Your Home

The next step in getting rid of crickets is to prevent them from entering your home in the first place. Crickets are attracted to warm, dark, moist environments, so seal any cracks or crevices in your home's exterior. Make sure to keep your windows and doors closed whenever possible. Additionally, you can use a fan to circulate air and make your home less inviting to crickets.

Removing Crickets from Your Home

If you find that you already have crickets in your home, the next thing you need to do is get rid of them. Crickets can spread diseases and cause severe damage to your health. Cleaning them up using a vacuum cleaner is the most efficient way to accomplish this goal.

When cleaning, you should always choose a vacuum with strong suction and an attachment that can help you get into nooks and crannies.

When you are through collecting the crickets with the vacuum, you should swiftly get rid of the bag that came with the void as soon as possible. If you use a vacuum cleaner with a canister, the canister needs to be emptied regularly and cleaned with disinfectant.

Natural Remedies for Getting Rid of Crickets

If you’d like to try some natural remedies for getting rid of crickets, there are a few options available.

One of the most popular natural remedies is to use a mixture of equal parts sugar and boric acid to create a paste, which you need to spread around the areas where you've seen crickets. This mixture will attract the crickets, who will then ingest the boric acid and die.

You can also try using diatomaceous earth and a natural, non-toxic substance spread around areas where crickets are likely to enter your home. Diatomaceous Earth is made up of tiny particles that can slice through the exoskeleton of insects, killing them.

Commercial Products for Getting Rid of Crickets

If you'd like to try commercial products for getting rid of crickets, there are a few popular options available. You can purchase baited traps, which will lure the crickets to them, or insecticides, which will kill the crickets when they come into contact with them.

It's important that you follow the instructions on the label of your product, as some insecticides can be toxic to humans and pets.

Professional Extermination Services for Crickets

You can pursue a few different avenues to have a trained expert address your issue with crickets. To get rid of crickets in your home, it is best to hire a professional pest control company. These firms have access to specific solutions.

Contact a pest control service provider in your area to inquire about their procedures and the costs associated with their services.

Follow-up Steps for Keeping Crickets Away

Once you've gotten rid of the crickets in your home, you'll want to take some follow-up steps to ensure they don't return.

  • If you want to prevent new crickets from entering your home, keep your doors and windows locked as much as possible. This will help avoid new crickets from entering your home.

  • You can also use given home remedies and keep applying them in areas nearby to your home so that they stay away and you home remains protected. You can also use pesticides out of your home or in backyard so that they don’t usher in such areas even if there is moisture.

  • Last but not least, you should make it a habit to do frequent checks around your property to look for any symptoms of a recent infestation. You should be looking for any signs that pests have just moved in. If you discover any other crickets, you need to eliminate them as quickly as possible so that the infestation does not become any more severe.


Getting rid of crickets can be difficult and time-consuming, but it doesn't have to be. With the proper steps, you can get rid of crickets in your home quickly and easily. Start by identifying the type of cricket you have, then move on to prevent them from entering your home, remove them from your home, use natural remedies or commercial products to get rid of crickets, and finally, call in a professional if necessary.

Make sure to take follow-up steps to keep crickets away, such as keeping your windows and doors closed, using a fan to circulate air, and inspecting your home regularly for new signs of infestation. With this step-by-step guide, you can get rid of crickets in your home once and for all.

Updated on: 24-Jan-2023


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