How to get a unique device ID in Swift?

In Swift, you can use the UIDevice class to get a unique device ID. In this article, you will learn how to get a unique device ID using the identifierForVendor property in Swift.

What is the UIDevice Class?

Swift's UIDevice class gives access to device information like as name, model, system version, and unique identifier. Here's a rundown of some of the most significant attributes and methods of the UIDevice class −

  • current − The current device object is returned by this class attribute.

  • name − This property returns the device's name.

  • model − The model of the device, such as "iPhone" or "iPad," is returned by this property.

  • systemName − The name of the operating system running on the device, such as "iOS," is returned by this attribute.

  • systemVersion − This property returns the operating system version number that is currently executing on the device.

  • identifierForVendor − This property returns a UUID object that represents the device's unique identifier. This attribute has the same value for all apps from the same vendor installed on the same device.

  • batteryLevel − This property returns the device's current battery level as a value between 0.0 and 1.0.

  • batteryState − This property can be used to know about the current status of your device's battery. For example, this can give you a status like "charging," "unplugged," or "full," is returned by this property.

  • orientation − This property gives you information about the device orientation that the current user is using. For example, if you want to change the layout when a user wants to play a video in landscape mode, you can get about this using this property.

  • beginGeneratingDeviceOrientationNotifications() − Whenever you change the device's orientation, this function will help you to start producing the notifications.

  • endGeneratingDeviceOrientationNotifications() − Whenever you change the device's orientation, this function will help you to stop producing the notifications. For example, if you logged out from the app unexpectedly, this function can be used.

The UIDevice class's properties and methods may be used to obtain information about the device and its current state, as well as to conduct actions depending on that information.

What is the identifierForVendor Property?

The identifierForVendor field returns an optional UUID object that represents the device's unique identifier. In the above example, we use the UUID object's uuidString field to transform it to a string.

Using the UIDevice class, you may obtain a unique device ID. The UIDevice class offers access to device information like as name, model, and unique identifier.

To get the unique device ID, you can use the identifierForVendor property of the UIDevice class.


import UIKit
if let uuid = UIDevice.current.identifierForVendor?.uuidString {
   print("Device ID: \(uuid)")
} else {
   print("Unable to retrieve device ID.")


Device ID: 01B6C691-EE6E-48F2-B2DE-AFC1DA180EFE

The identifierForVendor field returns an optional UUID object that represents the device's unique identifier. In the above example, we use the UUID object's uuidString field to transform it to a string.

The unique device ID can be used in Swift for various purposes such as

  • Analytics − This unique device ID can be used for analytics purposes for different purposes like tracking the unique users who are using the app, to gather information about which user and how it is consuming the data in the application.

  • User authentication − You can use the unique device ID to authenticate the users in the application. Based on that, you can be denied access to the app if required. By using authentication, you can keep your user data with proper information.

  • Push notifications − Unique device IDs can be helpful in sending push notifications on the devices using your app. Also, you can send push notifications on a specific device with the help of a unique ID.

  • In-app purchases − It is easy to identify the users who made purchases in the application and to track their payment history. You can manage their subscription easily with the help of a unique ID.

  • Server-side data storage − Device ID can be stored on your server without any risk to use by an unauthorized server. After that, you can retrieve it later to use in the application.

It is important to point out that the device ID should be used responsibly, and that best practices for user privacy and data security should always be followed. For example, you should notify consumers about the data you collect and how you use it, and if feasible, provide them with the choice to opt out of data collection.

Finally, to obtain the advertising identifier, which is a unique identifier that is used for advertising purposes and can be reset by the user, you can use the following code −


import AdSupport
let advertisingId = ASIdentifierManager.shared().advertisingIdentifier.uuidString



This requires importing the AdSupport framework, and you should also ensure that you have the appropriate App Tracking Transparency permissions from the user before accessing the advertising identifier.


In conclusion, obtaining a unique device identifier in Swift is easy using the UIDevice class and the AdSupport framework. You can obtain a UUID, vendor identifier, or advertising identifier depending on your needs. Just remember to handle the case where the identifier is not available or the user has disabled advertising tracking. Additionally, be aware of any privacy concerns related to collecting and using device identifiers in your app.

Updated on: 24-Apr-2023

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