How to flip/reverse a row of Data Order in Excel Quickly?

This article thoroughly describes how to flip/reverse a row of data order which is achieved by the sort command in Excel. For a row with a lot of data, it may be difficult to directly reverse the data order. The row user wants to reverse will now have a helper row below it. Fill this row with a list of numbers beginning with 1, and then flip the adjacent row. Cells are organized horizontally from left to right into groups called rows. Sorting involves putting information in a meaningful order in order to evaluate it more efficiently.

Let’s explore the articles by using Sort Command

By using Sort Command

Here using Sort Command to flip a row of data order. Consider a worksheet along with data as illustrated below:

Note: For flipping/reversing A helper row should be added below to the row you want to flip, and it should be filled with a series of digits beginning with a sequence like 1,2,3…& so on., or 101, 102, 103…...& so on.

Here in a worksheet a range of cell B3:M3 which contain helper Row. Flip a data Row in Excel by using the Sort command and the steps below:

Step 1

Along with the rows, insert a Name. For flipping here insert Helper row from cell A3:M3, select the Cell B2:M3 as shown below:

Step 2

Clicking on Data Tab under the Sort & Filter group and click on Sort which is highlighted in below image:

Step 3

After clicking on Sort option, a dialog box is displayed which is shown in below image.

Step 4

After opening Sorting Warning dialog box, select the Expand the section option radio button which is highlighted in below image:

Step 5

Now clicking on Sort… button which is highlighted in below image:

Step 6

After clicking on Sort… button, a Sort dialog box is displayed as shown below:

Step 7

After opening the Sort dialog box, clicking on Options… as shown below:

Step 8

After click on Options… button a dialog box is displayed as shown below:

Step 9

After opening Sort Options? Select Sort left to right radio button as shown below:

Step 10

Now click on OK button which is highlighted in below image:

Step 11

In the Sort dialog box in Sort by drop down menu select Row 3 which is highlighted below:

Step 12

In the Order drop down menu selecting Largest to Smallest option as shown below:

Step 13

Clicking on OK button which is highlighted in below image:

Step 14

After clicking on the OK button flipped the entire table horizontally which is highlighted in below image:

Note: After the completion can be removed or hidden based on the requirements. This approach is also used to reverse the order of numerous Table.


In this article, the usage of Sort command is depicted through the example to reverse a row of data order horizontally in Excel. In Excel, the data is flipped so that the left value is to right and the right value is at the left.

Updated on: 27-Aug-2023


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