How to Fix unable to locate package Error in Debian 9?


Debian 9, also known as Debian Stretch, is a popular Linux distribution known for its stability and security features. However, sometimes users might encounter an error while trying to install packages on their Debian 9 system.

This error is commonly referred to as the "unable to locate package" error and can be frustrating for both beginners and experienced users alike. The "unable to locate package" error appears when the system cannot find the requested package in any of the available repositories or sources.

Understanding the Error

When working with Debian 9, it is not uncommon to come across the error message "unable to locate package". This error usually occurs when you are trying to install a package using apt-get or another package manager, but the system is unable to locate the package. There are several reasons why this error might occur, including outdated package lists, incorrect package name or repository URL, and network connectivity issues.

Causes of the Error

One of the most common causes of the "unable to locate package" error in Debian 9 is outdated package lists. Package lists contain information about available packages and their versions, which are used by apt-get and other package managers to determine where packages can be found.

If these lists are not up-to-date, your system will be unable to locate packages that have been recently added or updated. Another common cause of this error is an incorrect package name or repository URL.

In some cases, you may have misspelled the name of the package you are trying to install, or you may have specified an incorrect URL for the repository that contains it. When either of these mistakes occurs, your system will be unable to find the requested package.

How to Identify the Cause of The Error?

To identify what caused this unavailable-package error in Debian 9 first run “sudo apt update” command which will provide more detailed information about any errors encountered while updating packages. Look for any errors that indicate a problem with one of your repositories or its authenticity key if there is any key mismatch then use “apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys ” command to resolve the issue. If no errors are found with the repositories, verify that you have entered the correct package name.

If you have checked both of these potential causes and still cannot locate your package, it is possible that there is a connectivity issue preventing your system from connecting to the repository. To troubleshoot this problem, check your network settings and ensure that you are able to connect to other resources on the internet.

Fixing unable to locate package Error in Debian 9

Updating Package Lists

Once you have identified that the "unable to locate package" error is caused by outdated package lists, the next step is to update the package lists. This can be done using either the apt-get update command or the aptitude update command.

The apt-get update command updates the local list of available packages from all configured sources, while aptitude update refreshes data from all configured sources and also marks any newly available versions of installed packages. To use the apt-get update command, open a terminal window and run −

sudo apt-get update 

This will update your system's cache with a list of available packages from all configured sources.

If there are any new or updated packages available, you can then install them using −

sudo apt-get upgrade 

On the other hand, if you prefer using Aptitude instead of Apt-Get, simply enter this command −

sudo aptitude update 

Checking Repository URL and Package Name

Verifying that you have entered the correct repository URL and package name is crucial in fixing this error. The "unable to locate package" error might be due to incorrect repository URLs or misspelled packages.

To verify if your repository URL is correct, check it manually by typing it into your web browser's address bar. Ensure that there are no typos in it as one mistake might lead to an error.

Here's how to verify correct spelling on a specific package name −

sudo apt-cache search 

This will show you all relevant results for a particular query within repositories which Ubuntu knows about. It's worth noting that most repositories are case-sensitive; hence a difference between capitalization may lead to an "unable to locate package" error.

Network Connectivity Issues

It is also common to experience "unable to locate package" errors caused by network connectivity issues. If this is the case, check your internet connectivity and proxy settings. First, ensure that your internet connection is working correctly by running a ping command to any website −


If you're unable to connect successfully, check your router or modem.

Troubleshooting Common Issues During Fixing Unable to Locate Package Error in Debian9

Package not found in any repository

One of the reasons for encountering the "unable to locate package" error is that the package may not be available in any of the repositories on your system. This can occur if you are attempting to install a package from a third-party repository that has not been added to your system. The first step is to check if you have added the correct repository to your system.

If not, you can add it using the "add-apt-repository" command. If you are sure that you have added the correct repository, then it is possible that the package has been removed from that repository.

In this case, you may need to search for an alternate repository where that particular package is available.

Package is not compatible with your system architecture

Another possible reason why you may encounter this error is if the package you are trying to install is not compatible with your system's architecture. Debian 9 supports several architectures such as i386, amd64, armhf, and arm64. If a certain package was only built for an architecture other than yours, then attempting its installation will result in an error message.

To determine which architecture your system uses, use the "uname -m" command which will output either x86_64 (for 64-bit systems) or i686 (for 32-bit systems).

Package dependencies are not met

Packages often have dependencies on other packages required for their functioning. These dependencies must be satisfied before installing a particular package; otherwise, users may receive this error.

If the package manager cannot locate or install a dependency, it will report that the package is unable to be installed. To resolve this issue, you may need to review the list of dependencies for the package you are attempting to install and ensure that they are included in your system.

Debian's APT tool automatically installs all dependent packages required by a particular package unless explicitly prohibited from doing so. If dependencies are not being installed, then verify if they are listed in your installation sources, and if necessary try downloading them manually and installing them before proceeding with your original package installation.


The "unable to locate package" error is a common issue encountered by Debian 9 users. It can be caused by outdated package lists, incorrect package names or repository URLs, and network connectivity issues. To fix this error, users can update their package lists using the apt-get update or aptitude update commands and verify the repository URL and package name spelling and case sensitivity.

They should also check their network connectivity and proxy settings if necessary. In addition, when troubleshooting common issues that may arise while fixing this error, users should be aware of packages not found in any repository, packages not compatible with their system architecture, and unmet package dependencies.

Updated on: 12-Jun-2023

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