How to Fix SSH Too Many Authentication Failures Error?


Secure Shell or SSH is a cryptographic network protocol that has become a standard for secure remote access and file transfer over unsecured networks such as the internet. SSH provides confidentiality and integrity of data exchanged between two hosts by encrypting all traffic between them.

It is widely used by system administrators, developers, and IT professionals to remotely manage servers, access files, and execute commands. The importance of SSH in modern-day computing cannot be overstated.

Understanding the Error

What causes the error?

The "Too Many Authentication Failures" error occurs when an SSH server receives a certain number of failed authentication attempts in quick succession. By default, this limit is set to 6, which means that if a user fails to authenticate 6 times within a short period, the server will deny any further authentication attempts and return the "Too Many Authentication Failures" error message. The most common cause of this error is incorrect login credentials.

This could be due to typing in the wrong username or password, or incorrect configuration settings on either end of the SSH connection.

How to identify the error?

The "Too Many Authentication Failures" error message is usually displayed on your SSH client terminal window after you attempt to connect to an SSH server and fail multiple times.

  • The message will typically read "Received disconnect from [ip_address] −

  • Too many authentication failures for [username]."

It's important to note that this error message may vary slightly depending on your specific terminal application. If you're unsure whether you're experiencing this issue, you can check your system logs for more information.

On Linux systems, these logs are typically located in /var/log/auth.log or /var/log/secure. Look for entries containing words like "authentication" or "failed login attempts".

Possible consequences of ignoring the error

Ignoring the "Too Many Authentication Failures" error can have serious consequences for both users and system administrators alike. For one thing, being locked out of an SSH server means losing access to critical files and services hosted there.

This could happen at the server level, but in some cases, it may also involve the user's IP address being blacklisted by security systems or ISPs.

Troubleshooting Techniques

Checking your Authentication Methods

When encountering the "Too Many Authentication Failures" error, the first step is to check your authentication methods. SSH supports three types of authentication methods: Password authentication, Public key authentication, and Keyboard-interactive authentication.

Password Authentication −This is the simplest method of SSH authentication. It requires users to enter a username and password combination for access.

However, it is also less secure than other methods as passwords are easy targets for hackers. Public Key Authentication: This method uses two keys

  • a public key and a private key

  • to authenticate access.

The public key is stored on the server, while the private key is kept on the client machine.

Keyboard-Interactive Authentication − This method provides an additional layer of security by requiring users to enter more than one form of identification such as a password and token-based code.

Increasing MaxAuthTries Value in sshd_config File

Another way to fix this error is by increasing MaxAuthTries value in sshd_config file. This value determines how many attempts are allowed before closing down the connection if none of them was successful.

To increase this value, you first need to locate sshd_config file which should be found in /etc/ssh/ directory on a Unix-based system or /etc/ directory in Mac OS X systems.

Find the line that says "MaxAuthTries" and change its default value from 6 (or whatever it currently reads) to a higher number like 10 or 15 depending on your preference.

Fixing SSH Too Many Authentication Failures Error

Restarting SSH service: Reboot your SSH daemon

Restarting the Secure Shell (SSH) service is perhaps the most straightforward approach to rectifying the "Too Many Authentication Failures" error. Rebooting SSH will restart all connections and clear any idle sessions that may be contributing to this error.

The process of restarting SSH service varies from one system to another, but on most Linux-based systems, you can use the following command −

sudo systemctl restart sshd 

Alternatively, you can stop and start the service with these commands −

sudo systemctl stop sshd 
sudo systemctl start sshd 

Once you have restarted or stopped/started the service, try connecting again to see if the problem persists.

Killing idle sessions: Free up resources by terminating inactive connections

Another way to address this issue is by terminating inactive sessions. If there are too many active sessions running simultaneously, they could be consuming system resources and contributing to this error. To see a list of active SSH connections on Linux and Mac systems, run −


This will display a list of connected users alongside details such as login time, terminal type, IP address, etc.

To kill an idle session manually, use the following command −

pkill -u username sshd 

Replace `username` with your actual username and run it as root or using sudo privileges. This command will terminate all idle sessions for that specific user.

Disabling unused authentication methods: Tighten security by disabling password authentication

One of the most effective ways to secure your system's SSH access while dealing with "Too Many Authentication Failures" is by disabling unused authentication methods such as password authentication in favor of key-based authentication. Password-based authentication is less secure and prone to brute-force attempts, making it a prime target for hackers.

To disable password authentication on Linux and Mac systems, edit your SSH daemon configuration file using your preferred text editor (such as vi or nano) and add or change the following line −

PasswordAuthentication no 

This will disable password authentication, requiring users to use other methods such as public key authentication.

Preventive Measures

Best practices for securing SSH access

While it is important to know how to fix the "Too Many Authentication Failures" error, it is equally important to take preventive measures and secure your SSH access. One of the best practices for securing SSH access is to disable root login as it can be a potential security risk.

Instead, create a separate user account with administrative privileges and use that account for all SSH logins. Additionally, enforce strong password policies and ensure that you are using only secure encryption protocols such as AES or 3DES.

Another important aspect of securing SSH access is implementing two-factor authentication (2FA). This adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide two forms of authentication before gaining access.

Regularly monitoring logs and usage patterns

Regularly monitoring logs and usage patterns can help detect any suspicious activity on your system early on. It is recommended that you set up auditing tools such as fail2ban which monitors authentication logs and blocks IP addresses after multiple failed login attempts.

Additionally, enable verbose logging in your sshd_config file so that you have detailed information on every SSH login attempt including successful ones. In addition to monitoring logs, it is also beneficial to monitor usage patterns such as time-of-day usage trends or unusual activity from certain accounts.


This article has provided a comprehensive guide on how to fix the SSH Too Many Authentication Failures Error. We began by understanding what SSH is and why it is important, followed by a brief explanation of the error and its consequences. The article then outlined troubleshooting techniques that users can follow to resolve the issue, along with preventive measures that can be taken to secure SSH access.

Updated on: 12-Jun-2023

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