How to Fix "NTFS Partition Failed to Mount" Error in Linux?


Have you ever tried to access your Windows partition from Linux and encountered an error message stating "Failed to mount the NTFS partition"? This is a common issue faced by many Linux users.

When this error occurs, you are unable to access the contents of your Windows partition, which can be quite frustrating. However, don't worry; this error can be fixed quite easily.

Explanation of NTFS Partition Failed to Mount Error in Linux

The "Failed to mount the NTFS partition" error occurs when your Linux system is unable to mount an NTFS-formatted drive or partition. The cause of this error can vary; it could be due to a missing kernel module, disk errors, or even bad sectors on the drive. When this happens, you won't be able to access any files on that particular partition until the issue is resolved.

A Brief Overview of NTFS

NTFS (New Technology File System) is a file system used by Windows operating systems since Windows NT 3.1. It replaced the older FAT/FAT32 file systems and offers several advantages over them, such as improved performance and support for larger disk sizes and file sizes.

While NTFS is not natively supported by Linux (which typically uses ext4 as its default file system), it's still possible to read/write data from/to an NTFS-formatted disk or partition using specific tools such as ntfs-3g.

Importance of Fixing the Error

Fixing the "Failed to mount the NTFS partition" error is crucial because it prevents you from accessing important files stored on that particular drive or partition. These files could contain important data such as documents, photos, videos, music files, etc., which cannot be accessed until the issue is resolved.

Understanding the NTFS Partition Failed to Mount Error

Causes of the error

The NTFS Partition Failed to Mount Error occurs when a Linux system fails to mount an NTFS partition. This error can be caused by a variety of different factors, including disk errors, file system corruption, missing or outdated kernel modules, and more.

In some cases, user error can also contribute to this issue. One of the most common causes of this error is related to missing or outdated kernel modules.

When Linux is not able to find the necessary modules for a particular file system, it may not be able to properly mount and access that file system. Additionally, disk errors and file system corruption can also lead to mounting issues since these errors make it difficult for Linux to read and write data from the affected partition.

Symptoms of the error

The symptoms of the NTFS Partition Failed to Mount Error are relatively straightforward. In most cases, users will receive an error message indicating that their attempt at mounting an NTFS partition has failed.

Depending on the severity and underlying cause of this error, users may also experience additional symptoms such as slow performance or difficulty accessing files stored on this partition. In some cases, users may also notice unusual behavior while attempting to access files stored on other partitions or drives within their Linux environment.

Fixing NTFS Partition Failed to Mount Error in Linux

Checking if NTFS kernel module is installed

The first step to fixing the NTFS partition failed to mount error in Linux is checking if the NTFS kernel module is installed. The kernel module is responsible for handling all file systems, including the NTFS file system. To check if it is installed, open a terminal window and run the following command −

lsmod | grep ntfs

If you see an output that includes "ntfs" then it means that the kernel module is already installed and running. If you do not see any output, then it means that the module is not loaded.

Installing NTFS kernel module if not installed

If you have determined that the kernel module is not installed, then you will need to install it before proceeding with fixing the error. To install it, open a terminal window and enter −

sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g 

After installation completes successfully, reboot your computer and try mounting your NTFS partition again.

Checking for disk errors using fsck command

If you have checked that the kernel module is properly loaded and still experiencing issues mounting your NTFS partition, there may be disk errors on your partition causing this issue. You can use fsck command tool to check for any possible disk errors on Linux. To execute this task just type −

sudo fsck /dev/sdXY 

Make sure replace `/dev/sdXY` with your own device name or location of your hard drive.

Repairing disk errors using ntfsfix command

If after running `fsck` some potential issues sprang up, there might be need to repair the disk. Run this command −

sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdXY 

Remember to replace `/dev/sdXY` with your own device name or location of your hard drive.

Mounting the partition manually

If none of the above steps worked, you can try to manually mount the partition. Open a terminal window and type −

sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdXY /mnt 

Replace `/dev/sdXY` with your own device name or location of your hard drive, and choose any directory as the mount point (in this case, my example uses "/mnt"). It is essential to keep in mind that these steps can only fix a few types of NTFS errors.

In some cases, recovering from an NTFS partition failure may require formatting or restoring from backups. It's crucial to always have regular backups to avoid losing important data.

Advanced Techniques for Fixing NTFS Partition Failed to Mount Error in Linux

Using third-party tools like TestDisk and Photorec

If the basic techniques covered in section III do not fix the NTFS Partition Failed to Mount Error, try using third-party tools like TestDisk and Photorec. These powerful tools can help recover lost or damaged partitions, repair partition tables, and recover lost data. TestDisk is a command-line tool that can be used to restore deleted partitions, fix partition table issues, and make non-bootable disks bootable again.

Photorec is a file recovery tool that can help recover lost files from damaged or formatted disks. Both of these tools are free and open-source software that work on multiple platforms, including Linux.

Checking for bad sectors using smartmontools

If your hard drive has bad sectors, it can cause the NTFS Partition Failed to Mount Error. You can use smartmontools to check for bad sectors on your hard drive.

Smartmontools is an open-source package that provides utilities for monitoring the health of storage devices using SMART (Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology). To use smartmontools, you first need to install it on your system.

Once installed, you can run the “smartctl” command with appropriate options to check the health of your hard drive. If bad sectors are detected, you should replace your hard drive as soon as possible.


There are several techniques available for fixing the NTFS Partition Failed to Mount Error in Linux. The basic techniques covered in section III should be sufficient for most cases.

However, if those do not work or if you need more advanced recovery options or want to check for bad sectors on your disk then third-party tools like TestDisk and Photorec or smartmontools can be used. It is important to regularly maintain and backup your system to prevent data loss and avoid potential issues like NTFS Partition Failed to Mount Error.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you can fix this error and ensure your system is running smoothly. Remember, prevention is always better than cure, so make sure you take regular backups of your important data.

Updated on: 05-Jun-2023

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