How to Fix Git Always Asking For User Credentials For HTTP(S) Authentication?


Git is a distributed version control system that allows software developers to track and manage changes to their code. It was created by Linus Torvalds, the same person who created the Linux operating system.

Git has become an essential tool for modern software development due to its ability to manage large codebases, facilitate collaboration between teams, and maintain a history of changes. Git allows developers to work on multiple versions of their code simultaneously, without worrying about conflicts or losing progress.

This is achieved through the use of branching and merging features in Git. Branching allows developers to create separate versions of their code without affecting the main branch, while merging combines different branches together seamlessly.

HTTP(S) Authentication and Its Role in Git Usage

In order to interact with remote repositories using Git, HTTP(S) authentication is often required. This authentication process involves sending user credentials (such as a username and password) over HTTPS when making requests to the remote repository.

Authentication is important for maintaining security and access control over repositories. Without proper authentication measures in place, anyone could potentially make unauthorized changes or view sensitive information within a repository.

Problem Statement: Git Always Asking for User Credentials for HTTP(S) Authentication

One common issue that users encounter when working with remote repositories in Git is constant prompting for user credentials every time they try to make an HTTPS request. This can be frustrating and time-consuming, especially if you are working on multiple repositories or making frequent requests.

There are several reasons why this error might occur, ranging from incorrect configuration settings to expired or invalid credentials. Fortunately, there are some simple solutions that can help you fix this problem and get back to coding without interruptions.

Understanding the Issue

How Git Handles Authentication for HTTP(S) Requests

Git is a popular version control system used by developers to manage and track changes to their codebase. When using Git, it is common to interact with remote repositories hosted on a server, such as GitHub or Bitbucket.

These repositories can be accessed via HTTP or HTTPS protocols, which require authentication before any actions can be taken. Git handles authentication for HTTP(S) requests by sending credentials in the form of a username and password with each request.

When these credentials are verified, Git allows access to the remote repository. However, if the credentials are not valid or have expired, Git will prompt the user to enter their credentials again.

Common Causes of the Issue

One common cause of Git always asking for user credentials for HTTP(S) authentication is an incorrectly configured remote repository URL. If the URL is incorrect or has been changed since it was last used, Git will not be able to authenticate properly and will prompt for new credentials.

Another possible cause is invalid or expired credentials. For example, if a user's password has been updated on the server side but not in their local Git configuration settings, then they will continually be prompted for their old password.

Similarly, if a user's account has been deactivated or deleted from the server side but still exists in their local settings, they may experience issues with authentication. Incompatibility with certain operating systems or network configurations can also cause issues with authentication.

For example, some firewalls may block outgoing traffic from certain ports that Git uses for HTTP(S) requests. Additionally, some operating systems may not support certain encryption methods used by Git when transmitting sensitive information like passwords over HTTPS connections.

Solution 1: Updating Remote Repository URL

The Simplest Fix That Can Work

The first solution we will discuss is updating the remote repository URL. This solution is applicable when the issue is caused by Git being unable to authenticate with the remote repository because of an incorrect or outdated URL. Updating the URL should allow Git to authenticate with the remote repository without asking for user credentials.

To update the remote repository URL, you can use Git's config command with either the --global or --local option depending on whether you want to update the URL globally or locally for a specific repository. The command would be in this format −

git config [--global | --local] remote.origin.url new-url 

Once you have updated the URL using this command, you can verify that it is working as expected by attempting to access the remote repository using Git commands like fetch or pull.

If authentication succeeds without prompting for user credentials, then congratulations! You have fixed the issue!

Solution 2: Caching Credentials with Credential Helper

The No-Brainer Solution That Saves Time

The second solution we will discuss involves caching user credentials locally on your machine using Git's credential helper. This solution works well if you frequently interact with a remote repository that uses HTTP(S) authentication and don't want to keep entering your username and password every time.

Git's credential helper provides a way of caching your credentials so that they are used automatically whenever you interact with a particular server. The helper works by storing your credentials in an encrypted file on your local machine so that they can be retrieved automatically whenever required.

To enable credential helper for caching credentials on your machine, you need to run this command −

git config [--global | --local] credential.helper cache 

This will enable credential caching globally (for all repositories) if you use the --global option. If you choose to use the --local option, credential caching will only be enabled locally (for a specific repository).

Once enabled, Git will cache your credentials for a default period of 15 minutes. You can change this period using the --timeout option like this −

git config [--global | --local] credential.helper 'cache --timeout=3600' 

This command sets the timeout to one hour (3600 seconds), after which Git will prompt you for your credentials again.

Solution 3: Generating Personal Access Tokens (PATs)

The Most Secure Solution That Offers More Control

The third solution we will discuss is generating personal access tokens (PATs). This solution is recommended when you consider password authentication as too risky and want more control over how Git interacts with remote repositories that use HTTP(S) authentication.

PATs are an alternative to using passwords when authenticating with Git. They provide a more secure way of authentication because they can be created with specific permissions and expiration dates.

To generate a personal access token, you need to log in to your Git provider's website and follow their instructions on how to generate one. For example, if you're using GitHub, navigate to your account settings, select "Developer settings" from the left sidebar menu, then select "Personal access tokens".

From there, click the "Generate new token" button and follow the prompts. Once you have generated a PAT, you can use it for HTTP(S) authentication by replacing your password with it in any Git command that requires basic authentication.


Fixing Git's constant requests for user credentials when using HTTP(S) authentication involves understanding what causes the issue in the first place and deciding on which solution best fits your needs. Updating remote repository URL is simple but sometimes all that's needed; cache credentials with credential helper saves you time; and generating personal access tokens is the most secure and offers more control. No matter which approach you choose, fixing this issue will greatly enhance your productivity when working with Git.

Updated on: 05-Jun-2023

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