How to Fix ERROR 1130 (HY000) Host is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server?


If you are an IT professional or a website developer, chances are, you have encountered the MySQL error code 1130 (HY000) in your line of work. The error message usually reads "Host 'host_name' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server." It is common knowledge that MySQL is a popular open-source relational database management system relied upon by millions of users around the world. However, before being able to use MySQL, there are some settings that have to be configured for it to function properly.

When setting up a MySQL server, configuring the host access list is one of the essential steps. This list specifies which computers or networks can connect and access the database server.

Importance of Fixing the Error

As mentioned earlier, ERROR 1130 (HY000) indicates that there is no communication between your computer and the MySQL server. Without proper communication between these two entities, all data stored in databases on the server becomes inaccessible. In today's digital age where data storage and management is critical for businesses and individuals alike, this can lead to significant losses in terms of revenue or time invested in developing applications reliant on such databases.

The possibility of losing important data underscores why it's imperative to fix ERROR 1130 (HY000) as soon as possible whenever it arises.

Understanding the Error

If you are working with MySQL, you may have come across ERROR 1130 (HY000) when trying to connect to a MySQL server. This error message indicates that the host is not allowed to connect to the MySQL server. Typically, this error message is accompanied by an error code as well as a description of what went wrong.

Definition of ERROR 1130 (HY000)

ERROR 1130 (HY000) is a type of MySQL connection error that occurs when the host is not allowed to connect to the MySQL server. This error commonly occurs when attempting to establish a remote connection from one machine to another or between two different virtual machines.

Possible causes of the error

There are several potential causes for ERROR 1130 (HY000). One possible cause could be due to incorrect login credentials being used for the connection attempt. Another common cause could be due to IP address restrictions on the network firewall settings or in MySQL’s user table.

How to identify the cause of the error

Identifying and resolving any issues related to ERROR 1130 (HY000) requires careful debugging and troubleshooting techniques. Some steps you can take include checking your firewall settings, verifying that your login credentials are correct, and ensuring that both client and server machines share compatible character sets and collations.

Fixing the Error

After understanding what ERROR 1130 (HY000) is and identifying its possible causes, it’s time to fix the error. There are several things that you can do to fix this error, including checking MySQL user privileges, firewall settings and the MySQL configuration file.

Check MySQL User Privileges

One of the most common reasons why ERROR 1130 (HY000) occurs is due to a lack of privileges. To check for privileges in MySQL, log in as root user and type the following command −

SHOW GRANTS FOR 'user'@'localhost'; 

The ‘user’ in this command refers to the username that you want to check for privileges. Change this value to match your user.

The output will show all privileges granted to that specific user. If the output shows no or limited privileges, you need to grant necessary permissions for your user.

To grant necessary permissions for your user, use this command −


The above code grants all available permissions on all databases and tables. Replace ‘user’ with your desired username and localhost with your desired host.

Check Firewall Settings

In some cases, firewalls may block access between servers leading to ERROR 1130 (HY000). It is important therefore to check if there are any firewall settings preventing access from outside clients.

To check firewall settings on Windows systems go to Control Panel > Windows Firewall > Advanced Settings > Inbound Rules. In Linux systems use iptables commands or UFW(Uncomplicated Firewall).

Configuring firewall settings allow MySQL connections

If the firewall settings are not allowing MySQL connections, you can configure them to do so. Open the port where MySQL is running (default: 3306) and allow traffic through that port.

Check MYSQL Configuration File

The MYSQL configuration file (my.cnf) holds important information on how your server runs. It is important to ensure that it has correct IP addresses and port numbers. To edit the my.cnf file, use your preferred text editor −

sudo nano /etc/my.cnf 

Locate bind-address and change its value to either "" which allows all connections or your local IP address if you only want connections from your local machine.

bind-address = 

If MySQL is running on a non-standard port number, locate the line with "port" and change its value to match your desired value as shown below −

port = 1234 

Restarting MySQL Service

After making any changes to the MYSQL configuration file or firewall settings, it is important that you restart the MYSQL server service for changes to take effect.

Steps to restart MySQL service on Windows and Linux systems


  • Select ‘Services’ from Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services

  • Select “MySQL” from the list of services

  • Select “Restart” from either context menu or action pane


  • Run this command to stop the MySQL service −

sudo systemctl stop mysql.service 
  • o Wait for a few seconds and run this command to start the MySQL service again −

sudo systemctl start mysql.service 

The above steps will ensure that your MYSQL server is running with all the changes you have made.

Prevention Tips

Maintaining good security practices

Preventive measures are always better than reactive measures. Hence, maintaining good security practices is an essential part of keeping your system safe and secure.

One of the ways you can maintain good security practice is to ensure only authorized users have access to your MySQL server. You can achieve that by setting strong passwords and granting access only to users who need it explicitly.

Moreover, it is advisable to avoid using the root user account as a standard practice as this can lead to significant security risks. Another vital way to maintain good security practices is by implementing robust password policies that require users to set strong passwords periodically.

Regularly checking for updates and patches

MySQL regularly releases updates and patches that address known bugs, optimize performance, introduce new features or enhancements, and most importantly - mitigate potential security vulnerabilities in their software. As such, regularly checking for updates ensures your MySQL server has the latest fixes against any identified weakness or vulnerability.

Using outdated software or failure to install essential patches puts your system at risk of data breaches, malware infections, among other cyber threats. Therefore, ensuring you continuously apply software upgrades not only keeps your MySQL server up-to-date but also reduces the risk of possible attacks significantly.


Fixing ERROR 1130 (HY000) can seem like a daunting task, but with some troubleshooting and configuration tweaking, it is possible to get your MySQL server running smoothly again. By understanding the error, checking user privileges and firewall settings, editing the MySQL configuration file, and restarting the MySQL service, you'll be well on your way to resolving this frustrating issue.

It's important to note that good security practices are essential for preventing future errors and maintaining a secure MySQL environment. Regularly checking for updates and patches is also recommended to ensure that your system is up-to-date and protected against potential vulnerabilities.

Updated on: 05-Jun-2023

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