How to Find the layers and layer sizes for each Docker image?


By using containerization, we can quickly set up and configure our deployment environments, which helps us save time and resources. With the goal of "write once, deploy anywhere" in mind, containerization can help us streamline the process of deploying modern applications, which can be complex.

Finding the layers and layer sizes for Docker images

In this article, we will explore how to find the layers and layer sizes for each Docker image. This can be useful for identifying large layers that may be contributing to the overall size of the image, and for determining which layers can be removed or optimized to reduce the image size.


We may employ the following techniques to determine the layers and layer sizes for each Docker image −

  • Using Dockerfile

  • Using Docker Image Inspect Command

Let us understand each of these in detail and see them in action with examples.

Using Dockerfile

Using the Dockerfile method, you can do the following actions to determine the layers and layer sizes for each Docker image −


Step 1 − Create a new directory for your project and navigate to it −

$ mkdir directoryname 
$ cd directoryname

Step 2 − Make a file called ‘Dockerfile’ with the below content in this new directory −

FROM alpine:latest 
RUN apk add --no-cache curl

This contains the instructions for building your image as well as the basic image.

Step 3 − Run the docker build command in the terminal to build the image using the Dockerfile −

docker build -t myimage .

Step 4 − To inspect the layers and layer sizes, run the docker images command in the terminal to list all the available images on the system −

docker images


myimage           latest   499a9ddb3acd   2 minutes ago  9.29MB
docker-apps       latest   eb6dda32a60d   3 hours ago    176MB
docker101tutorial latest   1ebfcd22ec64   3 hours ago    47MB
ubuntu            latest   6b7dfa7e8fdb   4 weeks ago    77.8MB
alpine/git        latest   22d84a66cda4   7 weeks ago    43.6MB

Step 5 − Run the docker inspect command in the terminal to inspect the image and get its details, including the layers and their sizes.

docker inspect IMAGE_ID


docker inspect 499a9ddb3acd
      "Id": "sha256:499a9ddb3acdf2117fdb4df826e0782d05d01aa8d1c0574c96e7bed6fbbcf698",
      "RepoTags": [
      "RepoDigests": [],
      "Parent": "",
      "Comment": "buildkit.dockerfile.v0",
      "Created": "2023-01-08T07:49:58.294267525Z",
      "Container": "",
      "ContainerConfig": {
         "Hostname": "",
         "Domainname": "",
         "User": "",
         "AttachStdin": false,
         "AttachStdout": false,
         "AttachStderr": false,
         "Tty": false,
         "OpenStdin": false,
         "StdinOnce": false,
         "Env": null,
         "Cmd": null,
         "Image": "",
         "Volumes": null,
         "WorkingDir": "",
         "Entrypoint": null,
         "OnBuild": null,
         "Labels": null
      "DockerVersion": "",
      "Author": "",
      "Config": {
         "Hostname": "",
         "Domainname": "",
         "User": "",
         "AttachStdin": false,
         "AttachStdout": false,
         "AttachStderr": false,
         "Tty": false,
         "OpenStdin": false,
         "StdinOnce": false,
         "Env": [
         "Cmd": [
         "Image": "",
         "Volumes": null,
         "WorkingDir": "",
         "Entrypoint": null,
         "OnBuild": null,
         "Labels": null
      "Architecture": "amd64",
      "Os": "linux",
      "Size": 9292948,
      "VirtualSize": 9292948,
      "GraphDriver": {
         "Data": {
            "LowerDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/e4c1f1bb76c66c5d1781a775c8a2ca9338065ea0b398aeaed4230a00a15d2952/diff",
            "MergedDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/osfaf1c97lm7awgfbaqibrt6p/merged",
            "UpperDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/osfaf1c97lm7awgfbaqibrt6p/diff",
            "WorkDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/osfaf1c97lm7awgfbaqibrt6p/work"
         "Name": "overlay2"
      "RootFS": {
         "Type": "layers",
         "Layers": [
      "Metadata": {
         "LastTagTime": "2023-01-08T07:49:58.412703277Z"

Using Docker Image Inspect Command

The "docker image inspect" command allows us to explore comprehensive details about a Docker image, such as its layers and sizes.

The steps below can be used to obtain the layers and layer sizes for a Docker image −

Step 1 − Go to the directory containing your Docker images by opening a terminal or command prompt.

Step 2 − To view all of the Docker images that are accessible, run the command below in your terminal −

docker image ls


REPOSITORY         TAG     IMAGE ID       CREATED           SIZE
myimage           latest   499a9ddb3acd   17 minutes ago    9.29MB
docker-apps       latest   eb6dda32a60d   3 hours ago       176MB
docker101tutorial latest   1ebfcd22ec64   3 hours ago       47MB
ubuntu            latest   6b7dfa7e8fdb   4 weeks ago       77.8MB
alpine/git        latest   22d84a66cda4   7 weeks ago       43.6MB

Step 3 − Choose the image you want to examine and make a note of its ID from your previous output. We'll utilize the image with ID “499a9ddb3acd” in this example.

Step 4 − Run the following command in the terminal to inspect the image −

docker image inspect 499a9ddb3acd


docker image inspect 499a9ddb3acd
      "Id": "sha256:499a9ddb3acdf2117fdb4df826e0782d05d01aa8d1c0574c96e7bed6fbbcf698",
      "RepoTags": [
      "RepoDigests": [],
      "Parent": "",
      "Comment": "buildkit.dockerfile.v0",
      "Created": "2023-01-08T07:49:58.294267525Z",
      "Container": "",
      "ContainerConfig": {
         "Hostname": "",
         "Domainname": "",
         "User": "",
         "AttachStdin": false,
         "AttachStdout": false,
         "AttachStderr": false,
         "Tty": false,
         "OpenStdin": false,
         "StdinOnce": false,
         "Env": null,
         "Cmd": null,
         "Image": "",
         "Volumes": null,
         "WorkingDir": "",
         "Entrypoint": null,
         "OnBuild": null,
         "Labels": null
      "DockerVersion": "",
      "Author": "",
      "Config": {
         "Hostname": "",
         "Domainname": "",
         "User": "",
         "AttachStdin": false,
         "AttachStdout": false,
         "AttachStderr": false,
         "Tty": false,
         "OpenStdin": false,
         "StdinOnce": false,
         "Env": [
         "Cmd": [
         "Image": "",
         "Volumes": null,
         "WorkingDir": "",
         "Entrypoint": null,
         "OnBuild": null,
         "Labels": null
      "Architecture": "amd64",
      "Os": "linux",
      "Size": 9292948,
      "VirtualSize": 9292948,
      "GraphDriver": {
         "Data": {
            "LowerDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/e4c1f1bb76c66c5d1781a775c8a2ca9338065ea0b398aeaed4230a00a15d2952/diff",
            "MergedDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/osfaf1c97lm7awgfbaqibrt6p/merged",
            "UpperDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/osfaf1c97lm7awgfbaqibrt6p/diff",
            "WorkDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/osfaf1c97lm7awgfbaqibrt6p/work"
         "Name": "overlay2"
      "RootFS": {
         "Type": "layers",
         "Layers": [
      "Metadata": {
         "LastTagTime": "2023-01-08T07:49:58.412703277Z"

Step 5 − The output will be a JSON object containing detailed information about the image, including its layers and layer sizes in the terminal.

To view just the layers and layer sizes, run the following command in your terminal −

docker image inspect --format='{{json .RootFS.Layers}}' 499a9ddb3acd

A list of the layers and their sizes for the image will be produced in the output in the terminal.




In this article, we explored various methods for finding the layers and layer sizes for each Docker image. By using the Dockerfile method, we can view the layers and sizes by inspecting the instructions used to build the image. The Docker history command allows us to view the history of an image and see the layers and their sizes. The Docker image inspect command also provides detailed information on the layers and sizes of an image.

Updated on: 17-Jan-2023

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