How to Find openSUSE Linux Version?


openSUSE Linux is a popular operating system choice among computer users who seek flexibility, customizability, and stability. It is an open-source project that offers a range of features and applications intended to meet the needs of various users, from individual tech enthusiasts to large organizations.

One of the critical elements that defines openSUSE Linux is its version. openSUSE Linux versions are released periodically and named after different regions in Germany.

Each new release comes with new features, performance improvements, bug fixes, and security updates intended to enhance the user experience. Keeping track of the version you are using is essential as it allows you to enjoy the latest updates and troubleshoot any issues that may arise efficiently.

Checking the Version via Command Line

Explain how to access the terminal in openSUSE Linux

The terminal is a powerful tool that allows users to communicate directly with their operating system. In openSUSE Linux, accessing the terminal is quick and easy.

Simply navigate to the "Activities" menu located in the upper left-hand corner of the screen. Once there, type "terminal" into the search bar.

The terminal application should appear as a result. Click on it to launch.

Provide the command to check the version using "cat" command

Once you have accessed your openSUSE Linux terminal, you can use a simple command to check your version number. Type "cat /etc/os-release" into the terminal window and hit enter. This will output information about your operating system, including its name, version number, and other relevant details.

Detail how to interpret the output and identify the version number

The output of this command will appear as several lines of text in your terminal window. Look for a line labeled "VERSION_ID=" followed by a series of numbers in quotation marks (e.g., VERSION_ID="15.2"). This number represents your openSUSE Linux version number.

It's important to note that some releases of openSUSE may have additional information listed under this section such as build numbers or release codes which do not represent its real version number but specific build identifiers for support purposes only - these are not meant for identifying versions if this was released as part of a maintenance update or hotfixes applied on top of an existing installation. Checking your openSUSE Linux version via command line is quick and straightforward once you know how to access your system's terminal and use basic commands like cat /etc/os-release.

Checking the Version via Graphical Interface

As a user-friendly operating system, openSUSE Linux also provides a graphical interface for checking the version number. The System Information tool in openSUSE not only displays the version number but also provides detailed information about your system's hardware and software configuration.

To access System Information, click on the “Applications” menu on the top left corner of the screen. Under this menu, navigate to “System Tools” and select “Information Center.” Alternatively, you can use the search bar located at the top of your screen and search for "Information Center" to find it quickly.

The Location of Version Number in System Information

Once you have opened System Information, navigate to "Operating System" on the left-hand side of your screen. Here you will find all details related to your operating system, including its name and version number. The version number is listed under the "Release" column next to your operating system's name.

Apart from displaying essential information like kernel version, openSUSE release name, architecture, etc., System Information also provides details about various hardware components such as CPU type and speed or graphics card information. Understanding these technical specifications can be helpful when troubleshooting issues with your machine or software installation.

Navigating through openSUSE Linux's graphical interface is an easy way to check your machine's operating system details without having to use complex commands or terminal interfaces. By following these steps carefully outlined above users can easily view their machine's current operating system and hardware configuration through a few simple clicks or keystrokes - making it easier than ever before for novice computer users!

Checking for Updates as a Method of Identifying Version Number

While checking the version via the command line or graphical interface are reliable methods, there is another way to confirm the current version of openSUSE Linux: by checking for updates. When a new update becomes available, users are often prompted to download and install it. This update prompt usually displays the current version number as well.

To check for updates in openSUSE Linux, navigate to "Software Management" in the "Applications" menu. From there, select "Package Updater".

A window will appear that lists all available updates. If an update is available, it will display the current version number alongside other details about the update.

The Importance of Updating

Aside from providing confirmation of your current openSUSE Linux version number, regularly checking for and installing updates is critical for maintaining system security and functionality. Open source operating systems like openSUSE are constantly evolving with new features and patches being added regularly by developers and contributors from around the world. By updating your openSUSE Linux system regularly, you can ensure that any security vulnerabilities or bugs are addressed promptly and that your system continues to run smoothly.

Advanced Methods for Finding Specific Version Information

Unveiling Hidden Details

While the methods covered in the previous sections will provide general information on the openSUSE Linux version installed on a system, there are more advanced commands that can be utilized to obtain more specific information about a particular release or build. One of these is the "rpm" command, which stands for "Red Hat Package Manager". This command is used to manage packages in openSUSE Linux and other similar operating systems.

By running certain variations of this command, users can find detailed information regarding specific packages installed on their system. One such variation is "rpm -qi packagename", where "packagename" is replaced with the name of a package.

Using this command will generate output that includes detailed information about a specific package, including its version number and build date. This can help users pinpoint exactly which version of openSUSE Linux they are using and provide insight into any changes made during updates or upgrades.

Taking it Further: Using zypper info

Another advanced method for finding specific version information involves using the "zypper info" command. This command provides detailed information about installed packages as well as available updates and patches.

By running this command with specific package names or flags, users can gather precise details about their openSUSE Linux installation. To use this method, simply type "zypper info packagename" in the terminal, replacing "packagename" with any installed package name.

Users can also add additional flags to customize their search results. For example, adding "-v" will display more verbose output with additional details such as dependencies and repositories used for installation.

These advanced methods may require some technical knowledge or familiarity with terminal commands but can provide valuable insights into an openSUSE Linux installation's specifics that may not be visible through other means. By taking the time to learn these methods, users can better understand and manage their openSUSE Linux system.


Knowing the version of your openSUSE Linux operating system is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it enables you to ensure that you are running a secure and up-to-date system. Updates are released regularly by openSUSE to address any security vulnerabilities that may exist in the current system version.

By knowing your version, you can easily check for updates and keep your system secure. Secondly, knowing the version of openSUSE Linux you're using helps when seeking support from online forums or colleagues in the field.

Updated on: 09-Jun-2023

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