How to Find Files in Linux With the Find Command?


When it comes to working with files in Linux, there are a number of commands that can be used to help manage them. One such command is the "find" command. As the name suggests, this command is used to search for files within a directory and its subdirectories.

The find command is a powerful tool that can help you locate any file on your system with ease. The Find command works by searching through directories and displaying all files and directories that match the specified criteria.

The syntax of the find command includes specifying the directory to search in, followed by any search criteria such as file name or file size. If no search criteria are specified, then all files and directories in the specified directory will be displayed.

Basic Usage of the Find Command

Syntax of the Find command

The Find command is one of the most useful commands in Linux that allows you to search for files based on specific criteria. The basic syntax of the Find command is as follows −

$ find [starting directory] [options] [expression] 

The starting directory indicates the location from where you want to start your search. If you want to search your entire system, then use a forward slash (/) as your starting directory.

Options are additional parameters that refine your search. For example, if you want to exclude certain directories from your search, then you can use the -prune option.

Expressions are conditions that specify what type of files or directories you want to find. For example, if you want to find all files with a specific name or extension, you can use an expression such as -name "filename" or -name "*.extension".

How to search for a file by name or extension?

Searching for files by name or extension is one of the most common uses for the Find command. To search for a file by name, use the -name option followed by the filename in quotes. For example −

$ find /home/user -name "example.txt" 

This will search for all files named "example.txt" within the /home/user directory and its subdirectories.

To search for files with a specific extension, use an expression such as *.extension. For example −

$ find /var/log/ -name "*.log" 

This will return all log files within the /var/log/ directory and its subdirectories.

How to search for a file by size or date modified

Sometimes it's necessary to find files based on their size or date modified rather than their name or extension. The Find command allows you to search for files based on these criteria as well.

To search for files based on size, use the -size option followed by the file size in bytes. For example −

$ find /home/user -size +100M 

This will find all files larger than 100 megabytes within the /home/user directory and its subdirectories.

To search for files based on date modified, use the -mtime option followed by a number of days. For example −

$ find /var/log/ -mtime -7 

This will find all files modified within the last 7 days within the /var/log/ directory and its subdirectories.

Advanced Usage of the Find Command

How to search for files with specific permissions or ownership

One of the most powerful uses of the Find command is to search for files based on their permissions or ownership. This is particularly useful when dealing with file permissions issues, or when trying to track down files that may have been accidentally deleted or modified by a specific user.

To search for files with specific permissions, you can use the "-perm" flag followed by a numeric value that represents the desired permission level. For example, if you wanted to find all files in your home directory with read and write permissions for the owner and group but no access for others, you would use the following command −

find ~/ -perm 660 

Similarly, if you want to search for files owned by a particular user or group, you can use the "-user" and "-group" flags followed by the appropriate name.

For instance, if you want to find all files owned by a user named "jdoe", you would use −

find / -user jdoe 

How to search for files based on content within the file

Sometimes it's not enough to just search based on a file's name or properties; you may need to locate all instances of a certain string within a set of text-based documents. Fortunately, Find has built-in support for this type of searching as well.

The "-exec grep" option allows you to execute grep (a common Linux utility used for searching through text) on each matching file found by Find. For example, let's say we want to find all files containing the phrase "foo bar" within our home directory −

find ~/ -type f -exec grep "foo bar" {} \; 

This command will return a list of every matching file name along with the specific line(s) where "foo bar" appears.

How to exclude certain directories from your search?

In some cases, you may want to limit your search to a specific subset of directories while excluding others. For example, you might want to find all files in your home directory that have been modified within the last week but exclude any files within a subdirectory named "Pictures". To do this, we can use the "-prune" flag followed by the directory we want to exclude.

Here's an example command −

find ~/ -path ~/Pictures -prune -o -type f -mtime -7 

This command tells Find to exclude any files within the "~/Pictures" directory by using "-path ~/Pictures -prune". The "-o" flag indicates that this should be treated as an "or" operation; in other words, we want to include all other files that meet our search criteria (in this case, those modified within the last week).

Navigating and Filtering Results

How to Navigate Through Results Using Flags

When you search for files using the Find command, you will likely get a lot of results. In order to navigate through these results more efficiently, you can use flags with your search command.

For example, the -print flag will display all matching files found in the search. If you only want to see the file names and not their paths, you can use the -printf flag followed by a format specifier that specifies which information about each file should be displayed.

How to Filter Results with Other Commands Such as Grep

Sometimes when searching for files with the Find command, you may need to filter out certain results based on specific criteria. This is where other commands such as grep come in handy.

For example, let's say you're searching for all files that end with ".txt" but want to exclude any that have "sample" in their name or path. You can combine the Find and grep commands like this −

find /path/to/directory/ -name "*.txt" | grep -v "sample" 

The pipe symbol "|" redirects the output from one command (in this case find) into another (grep).

The "-v" option tells grep to exclude any matches that include the word "sample". You can also use other grep options like "-i" for case-insensitive searches or "-l" to only display filenames instead of full paths.


In this article, we covered the basic usage of the Find command, which includes searching for files by name or extension and filtering results based on size or date modified. We also explored more advanced features such as searching for files with specific permissions or ownership, searching for files based on content within the file itself, and excluding certain directories from your search.

Updated on: 09-Jun-2023


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