How to Find Broken Symlinks in Linux


Symbolic links, also known as symlinks, are a fundamental part of Linux file system, and they allow users to create shortcuts to files or directories. A symbolic link is a file that points to another file or directory, and it allows users to access a file or directory without having to use its full path. However, sometimes a symbolic link can become broken or outdated, which can cause issues for system or user. In this article, we will explain how to find and identify broken symlinks in Linux, and provide some examples of how to fix them.

What is a Broken Symlink?

A broken symlink is a symbolic link that points to a file or directory that no longer exists. When a user tries to access a file or directory through a broken symlink, they will receive an error message indicating that file or directory cannot be found. Broken symlinks can occur for various reasons, such as file or directory being deleted or renamed, or symlink being created incorrectly.

Why are Broken Symlinks a Problem?

Broken symlinks can cause issues for system or user. For example, if a broken symlink is used in a script, it may cause script to fail or produce unexpected results. Additionally, broken symlinks can take up disk space, as they still exist as files on system even if they are not pointing to anything.

How to Find Broken Symlinks in Linux

To find broken symlinks in Linux, we can use find command with -type l and -xtype l options. -type l option specifies that we are searching for symbolic links, and -xtype l option specifies that we are searching for broken symbolic links. Here is command to find broken symlinks in current directory and its subdirectories −

find . -xtype l

This command will find all broken symlinks in current directory and its subdirectories and display their names.

We can also restrict search to a specific directory by replacing "." in command with path to directory. For example, to find broken symlinks in /home/user directory, we can use following command −

find /home/user -xtype l

This command will find all broken symlinks in /home/user directory and its subdirectories and display their names.

In addition to displaying names of broken symlinks, we can also print out additional information, such as target of symlink and size of symlink file, by using -ls option. Here is an example command that displays names, targets, and sizes of broken symlinks in current directory and its subdirectories −

find . -xtype l -ls

This command will display a list of broken symlinks, their targets, and their sizes.

How to Fix Broken Symlinks in Linux

Once we have identified broken symlinks on our system, we can either delete them or fix them. To delete a broken symlink, we can use rm command followed by name of symlink. For example, to delete a broken symlink named "broken_link", we can use following command −

rm broken_link

This command will delete broken symlink from file system.

To fix a broken symlink, we need to update symlink to point to a valid file or directory. To do this, we can use ln command with -sf options. -s option specifies that we are creating a symbolic link, and -f option specifies that we want to overwrite any existing file or directory with same name as symlink. Here is an example command that fixes a broken symlink named "broken”. To fix a broken symlink, we need to update symlink to point to a valid file or directory. To do this, we can use ln command with -sf options. -s option specifies that we are creating a symbolic link, and -f option specifies that we want to overwrite any existing file or directory with same name as symlink. Here is an example command that fixes a broken symlink named "broken_link" and points it to a valid file called "valid_file" −

ln -sf valid_file broken_link

This command will update broken symlink to point to valid file, and -f option will overwrite old symlink if it already exists.

We can also fix broken symlinks in bulk by using find command in conjunction with xargs command. find command can be used to find all broken symlinks, and xargs command can be used to pass list of broken symlinks to ln command to fix them. Here is an example command that fixes all broken symlinks in current directory and its subdirectories −

find . -xtype l | xargs -I {} ln -sf $(readlink -f {}) {}

This command will find all broken symlinks in current directory and its subdirectories, and pass list of broken symlinks to ln command to fix them. readlink command is used to get target of each symlink, and -f option is used to get full path to target. {} placeholder is used to represent each broken symlink in list.


In conclusion, broken symlinks can cause issues for system or user, but they can be easily found and fixed using commands provided in this article. By using find command, we can identify all broken symlinks on our system, and by using ln command, we can fix them or delete them if necessary. It is important to regularly check for broken symlinks on our systems to ensure that they do not cause any issues and take up unnecessary disk space.

Updated on: 03-Mar-2023

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