How to Find Apache Document Root in Linux?


Apache Document Root is a folder where all the files that are accessible via the webserver are stored. It is the main directory that contains all the website's files, including HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript and other files.

The document root serves as a starting point or base location for all website resources when requested by clients through their browsers. When a user requests access to a website via a browser request, Apache server searches for the requested resource in its document root directory.

If it is found, then Apache server sends back the requested file content to users' browsers so that it can be displayed on their screens. Therefore, knowing how to find this document root directory is critical for system administrators and developers who need to troubleshoot or configure Apache servers.

Importance of finding Apache Document Root in Linux

There are several reasons why it is important for Linux users to know how to find Apache document root. For instance: Firstly, it allows them to locate and access websites’ files easily and efficiently.

Knowing where these files reside can help developers make changes or updates quickly without having to scour directories or search through configuration files. Secondly, understanding the structure of the document root provides insights into how web servers work and how they serve content over HTTP protocol.

Thirdly, locating the correct folder path can be instrumental in troubleshooting errors related to incorrect file paths or permission issues in accessing specific directories. Being able to locate Apache Document Root on Linux systems will enable you as an administrator or developer not only quickly set up complex web applications with ease but also troubleshoot any issues that may arise with your webserver infrastructure more effectively.

Basic Method to Find Apache Document Root in Linux

Using the Terminal to Navigate to the Apache Configuration File

Before we can locate the Apache Document Root in Linux, we need to navigate through the terminal to find the configuration file. The location of this file may vary depending on your distribution. However, most often it can be found at /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf or /etc/apache2/apache2.conf.

To access this file, open a terminal and type −

sudo nano /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf 

This will open the Apache configuration file in nano text editor. If you prefer a different text editor, simply replace "nano" with your preferred one.

Locating the Document Root Directive in the Configuration File

Once you have accessed the configuration file, you need to look for a line that says "DocumentRoot". This directive specifies where all web files are stored for this particular website. To find this directive within nano text editor, press "Ctrl + W" and then type "DocumentRoot".

This will take you directly to the line containing DocumentRoot directive.

Alternatively, scroll through the document looking for any instance of "DocumentRoot".

The path after DocumentRoot is what we are interested in as it tells us where our website files are located. Remember that there could be multiple instances of DocumentRoot within your configuration file if you have multiple virtual hosts set up on your server.

Advanced Methods to Find Apache Document Root in Linux

Using the find Command to Search for httpd.conf or apache2.conf Files

If you are unable to locate the Apache configuration file manually, you can use the find command. The find command searches for files and folders that match certain criteria within a specified directory or subdirectories.

In this case, we want to search for the Apache configuration file using specific keywords such as "httpd.conf" or "apache2.conf." To use the find command, open a terminal window and type −

sudo find / -name httpd.conf

This will start searching from the root folder ("/") of your Linux system and display all files named "httpd.conf." If you prefer using "apache2.conf," simply replace "httpd.conf" with "apache2.conf."

Using the grep Command to Search for DocumentRoot Directives Across Multiple Configuration Files

If you have multiple instances of Apache running on your system, it may be difficult to locate the correct configuration file containing the Document Root directive. To quickly search across all configuration files for this directive, we can use the grep command. The grep command searches one or more files for lines that match a specified pattern.

In this case, we want to search for any lines that contain "DocumentRoot". To do this, enter −

sudo grep -r "DocumentRoot" /etc/apache2/

This will search all configuration files located within "/etc/apache2/" and display all lines containing "DocumentRoot." You can adjust "/etc/apache2/" with any other directory where your Apache configuration files are located. The above advanced methods can help you save time when finding your Apache Document Root in Linux especially if you are a system administrator managing multiple servers.

Troubleshooting Tips When Finding Apache Document Root in Linux

Common Errors and Misconceptions

While finding the Apache document root is generally a straightforward process, there are some common errors and misconceptions that can cause confusion. One common mistake is assuming that the document root is always located in the same directory, regardless of the Linux distribution or version of Apache being used.

Another error is assuming that the document root must always be named "htdocs" or "public_html." Another misconception is that the document root can only be found within a single configuration file.

While most distributions will use either httpd.conf or apache2.conf, it's also possible to have multiple configuration files on a single server, each with its own DocumentRoot directive. Therefore, it's important to be thorough when searching for the location of your Apache document root and not assume it will be located in a specific file or directory.

Debugging Techniques

If you're having trouble locating your Apache document root using the methods outlined in this article, there are several debugging techniques you can use to help troubleshoot any issues. First, make sure you're logged in as a user with sufficient privileges to access and modify system files.

If you're not using an account with sudo permissions, you may need to run commands as root. Next, try running any commands related to locating the document root using verbose mode (-v).

This will provide more detailed output about what's happening behind the scenes and can help identify any errors or issues. If all else fails, try posting on online forums dedicated to Linux administration.

Many experienced admins are happy to help others troubleshoot problems and may have insights into issues that aren't immediately obvious. Additionally, they may be able to point you toward more advanced tools or techniques for finding your Apache document root on Linux machines.


In this article, we have discussed several methods to find the Apache Document Root in Linux. The basic method involves using the terminal to navigate to the Apache configuration file and locating the DocumentRoot directive.

Alternatively, advanced methods include using the find and grep commands to search for configuration files and directives across multiple files. We also covered some troubleshooting tips for common errors and misconceptions.

It's important to note that while finding the Apache Document Root in Linux may seem like a small task, it is crucial for web developers, system administrators, and anyone managing a Linux system that runs Apache. Knowing where your files are stored can help you quickly troubleshoot issues or make necessary changes without wasting time searching through directories.

Overall, we recommend taking some time to familiarize yourself with your Linux server's file structure and Apache configuration files. This will save you hours of troubleshooting down the line if something goes wrong. Additionally, keep in mind that there may be differences depending on your specific distribution or version of Linux.

Updated on: 09-Jun-2023

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