How to fetch an Integer variable as String in GoLang?

In GoLang, converting an integer variable to a string is a common requirement when dealing with different data types. Luckily, GoLang provides several built-in methods that make this conversion easy. In this article, we'll explore how to fetch an integer variable as a string in GoLang.

Step 1: Declare the Integer Variable

First, let's declare an integer variable. We will use this variable in subsequent steps to convert it into a string.

num := 100

Step 2: Convert Integer to String using strconv.Itoa()

To convert the integer variable to a string, we will use the strconv package. The strconv package provides the Itoa() function, which takes an integer value and returns its corresponding string representation.

import "strconv"

numStr := strconv.Itoa(num)

The Itoa() function takes an integer argument and returns a string representation of that integer.

Step 3: Print the Converted String

Now that we have the integer converted to a string, we can print it to the console or use it in any other context where a string is required.

fmt.Println("Number as String: " + numStr)

This code will print the following output −

Number as String: 100


package main

import (

func main() {
   num := 42
   str := strconv.Itoa(num)
   fmt.Printf("The integer value is %d and the string value is %s", num, str)


The integer value is 42 and the string value is 42


In this article, we saw how to fetch an integer variable as a string in GoLang using the strconv package's Itoa() function. Converting between data types is a common requirement in GoLang, and knowing how to perform these conversions is essential to writing effective GoLang code.

Updated on: 05-May-2023


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