How to Fall Asleep Fast?

A good night's sleep can dramatically improve your mood and promote healthy bodily and mental functioning. Some people may face no problems falling asleep. however, quite a lot of us struggle throughout the night and remain sleep-deprived.

Lack of sleep can have detrimental effects on a variety of bodily and mental processes, including memory, learning, mood, and emotions, as well as several biological processes.

In this tutorial, we will suggest a set of tried and tested methods that you can apply in case you tend to struggle every night to fall asleep quickly.

Don't Take a Nap During the Day

The circadian rhythm can also be disturbed by daytime naps, especially those that last longer than two hours. According to a study, college students who napped more than twice a week and for longer than two hours each time had poorer sleep quality than their non-napping peers.

It is tempting to take a protracted nap after having a difficult night of sleep. Try to avoid this, though, as it might harm a healthy sleep cycle.

Avoid Using Your Mobile Device

It's not new to think that using a mobile device right before bed may be bad for your sleep. According to a study, using a mobile device for longer than 8 hours a day or at least 30 minutes before bed can disturb one's sleep pattern. Using a mobile device before going to bed can affect the quality of your sleep negatively.

It is unclear whether or not these findings apply to all age groups because, like this study, a large portion of recent research has been based on students and young people. Studies frequently concentrate on problematic phone use. It's possible that people who don't use their mobile devices in this way don't experience sleep disturbances as frequently.

Read a Book

Reading a book can be soothing and may help stop anxious thought patterns that might disrupt sleep. A 2021 randomized trial study examining the effect of bedtime reading on sleep found that 8–22% more individuals in the intervention group read before bed than in the control group who did not report sleeping better.

Although it can be soothing to read before bed, it might be best to avoid reading in bed. A person with insomnia who frequently wakes up during the night should read in another location with low lighting. Avoiding books that might elicit strong emotional reactions is also a good idea because they might prevent someone from relaxing enough to fall asleep.

Alter Your Eating Patterns

The type of food consumed, particularly in the evening, can impact how well a person sleeps. For instance, consuming a large meal within an hour of bedtime may interfere with a person's ability to sleep.

In particular, certain meals may make it challenging to achieve a restful night's sleep. For instance, although there is contradictory data, some study shows that consuming refined carbs may reduce the quality of your sleep or possibly result in insomnia.

Additional studies have shown that a balanced diet high in low glycaemic index (GI) foods and avoiding processed meals can help people fall asleep and remain asleep. Healthy dietary alternatives include whole grains, nuts, low- and non-fat dairy products, fruit, and vegetables.

A meal might take at least 2-3 hours to get digested, regardless of what a person eats. Some people may feel uneasy or ill if they lie down during this period, which can also hinder their digestion. It is advisable to wait until the body has had time to digest a meal before lying down. This will take a varying length of time for various people.

Don't Read Any E-Books

The popularity of e-books has grown over the past few years. They have backlit screens, making them perfect for reading in the dark before bed. However, reading an e-book continuously for a long time might harm the quality of your sleep.

Young adults were given a printed book and an electronic book to read before bed in one study. The study's findings showed that the participants took longer to fall asleep when using an e-book in comparison to when they read the printed book. They were also more alert in the evenings and less alert in the morning. These findings imply that e-books might interfere with sleep.

The study's design required that participants read both kinds of books. It is challenging to say whether or not being exposed to both reading situations influenced the outcomes. There aren't many reliable studies in this field, so more research is required before any firm conclusions can be made.

Lower the Room Temperature

As you snooze, your body temperature changes. When you lie down, your body cools off, and when you get up, it warms up. You might have trouble falling asleep if your room is too warm. It might be beneficial to set your thermostat to a cool set of 60–67°F (15.6– 19.4°C).

Find the temperature that is most comfortable for you because everyone has different preferences.

Practice Writing Before Going to Bed

Some people struggle to fall asleep because their minds are constantly racing. According to research, doing so can result in anxiety and stress, which can lead to unfavorable feelings and interfere with sleep.

You can relax your mind and get a better night's sleep by journaling and concentrating on good thoughts. Writing down good things that happened during the day or could happen in the future can make you feel grateful and happy, reduce the impact of stressful things, and help you unwind more before bed.

A study of 41 college students discovered that keeping a journal led to less stress and worry before bed, more sleep time, and better sleep quality. Although more study is required, these results are encouraging. Set aside 15 minutes every night to write about your day to practice this technique. It's crucial to pay attention to both your current feelings and the good things that happened today.

According to a different study, making a to-do list for even five minutes can help young adults fall asleep faster than journaling.

Take a Hot Shower Before Bed

A relaxing bath or shower can help the body get ready for sleep. Before bed, it may also aid in better temperature regulation. Research suggests that doing this for at least 10 minutes 1-2 hours before bed may be especially beneficial.

Taking a hot bath or shower before bed can enhance the efficiency and quality of your sleep. This may prompt your brain to fall asleep as your body cools down afterward.

The amount of time you spend sleeping in bed as opposed to lying awake is referred to as sleep efficiency. One to two hours before bedtime, people who took baths or showers that were between 104°F and 108.5°F (40.0°C and 42.5°C) reported positive outcomes.


The best way to make sure the mind and body get the rest they require is to fall asleep naturally. The likelihood of falling asleep without the use of sleep aids can be increased by applying the above strategies.

Updated on: 13-Dec-2022


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