How to Extend/Reduce LVM (Logical Volume Management) in Linux?


The Logical Volume Manager (LVM) is a powerful tool that allows system administrators to allocate storage space dynamically, without the need for reformatting or repartitioning the disks. The LVM is an essential component of modern Linux systems. It provides a flexible, scalable, and highly available storage infrastructure that can be easily managed and extended as needed.

The LVM consists of several layers: physical volumes, volume groups, and logical volumes. Physical volumes are disks or disk partitions that are used to create volume groups.

Volume groups are logical collections of physical volumes that can be used to create logical volumes. Logical volumes are like virtual disks that can span over one or more physical volumes and can be resized online without affecting the data stored on them.

The Importance of LVM in Linux Systems

LVMs provide several benefits over traditional partitioning schemes −

  • Dynamic resizing − resizing a partition requires unmounting it first, which means downtime for applications running on it. With LVMs, you can resize your file systems while they're still mounted and in use.

  • Data migration − with LVMs you can move data between physical volumes transparently at any time.

  • Mirroring − you can mirror your data across multiple physical devices using the LVM's built-in mirroring feature.

  • Snapshots − you can take instantaneous snapshots of your logical volume at any time

  • LUN management − if you're managing SANs (Storage Area Networks), then creating new devices from existing ones is made much easier with LVM.

The Need for Extending or Reducing Logical Volumes

There may come a time when an organization or individual runs out of storage space on their logical volume. Extending a logical volume is essential when there is a need for additional space, ensuring that data can be stored effectively on the available storage device or partition. It is also necessary to reduce the size of LVMs when there is a need to reclaim unused space or optimize existing resources.

Extending LVMs

Overview of the steps involved in extending an LVM

Extending an LVM involves adding a new storage device or partition to the existing Logical Volume Group (LVG) and then extending the Logical Volume (LV) to include the new space. Ultimately, this results in increased disk space on your system. The process can be carried out online, meaning that you do not have to shut down your system before extending, which makes it more convenient for users.

Detailed explanation of each step

Creating a new partition

Before you can extend your LVM, you need to create a new partition from an available physical storage device. In Linux, you can use tools like fdisk or parted to create partitions. After creating a partition on the storage device that will be used for extension, run the following command as root −

$ partprobe 

This command informs the kernel about recent changes in partitions and refreshes its cache.

Adding the partition to physical volume

Once you have created your new partition and refreshed your kernel's cache with `partprobe`, add it as a Physical Volume (PV) using `pvcreate` command −

$ pvcreate /dev/sdb1 

In this example, `/dev/sdb1` is used as a new physical volume. This command initializes the newly created partiton as a physical volume that can be added to an existing LVG.

Extending logical volume to include new space

To extend your logical volume group with additional space from newly added physical volumes, run `vgextend` command −

$ vgextend /dev/sdb1 

Replace `` with the name of your existing Logical Volume Group. In this example, `/dev/sdb1` is a newly added storage device that will be used for extending the LVM.

After adding the physical volume to LVG, extend your logical volume using `lvextend` command −

$ lvextend -l +100%FREE 

Replace `` with the name of your existing Logical Volume. `-l +100%FREE` option tells `lvextend` to use 100% free space on all physical volumes of LVG.

Resizing the file system

Now that your logical volume has been extended, resize the file system on it to take advantage of the new space added. Use a tool like `resize2fs` to resize ext2/ext3/ext4 file systems −

$ resize2fs /dev/mapper/- 

In this example, `` and `` are names of your existing Logical Volume Group and Logical Volume respectively. By following these steps above, you should be able to successfully extend an LVM in Linux without complications.

Reducing LVMs

Overview of the steps involved in reducing an LVM

When there's a need to reduce the size of an LVM, it is essential to make sure that no data loss occurs. Reducing the size of an LVM involves removing data, resizing file systems, and reducing logical volume sizes.

Detailed Explanation of Each Step

Removing Data from the Logical Volume to be Reduced

The first step in reducing your LVM is removing any unnecessary data from it. This process should be done carefully since it can lead to losing essential data if not well executed. To remove unnecessary files, you can use terminal commands such as 'rm' or 'delete.' Before deleting any files, it is important to check and confirm that they are not important for system functionality.

Resizing the File System to Free up Space

After removing unwanted files from your logical volume, you will need to resize your file system, which may require unmounting partitions or stopping services that utilize them. After this step is completed successfully, free space will become available for use as desired.

Reducing the Logical Volume Size

Once you have freed up space on your file system, you can then proceed with reducing logical volume sizes using appropriate terminal commands such as lvreduce. Make sure not to reduce more than required since over-reducing may affect system functionality.

Removing Unused Physical Volumes from the Volume Group

After completing logical volume size reduction processes and confirming all changes work correctly without affecting system performance and functionality, remove unused physical volumes from your volume group. This step frees up any space that is no longer needed, which is essential for proper system functioning and performance.

The process involves identifying unused physical volumes using terminal commands such as 'pvdisplay' and removing them safely using 'pvremove.'

Advanced Techniques for Managing LVMs

Moving Data Between Physical Volumes Within a Volume Group

When you run out of space in your primary physical volume (PV), you can add another PV to the volume group (VG) and move some of the logical volumes (LVs) to the new one. This process is called "pvmove." One advantage of using pvmove is that it can be done online, which means that you do not have to shut down your system or stop any applications running on it.

Converting a Linear Logical Volume into a Striped or Mirrored One

A linear LV uses only one device at a time, which means that its data is stored in sequence on a single disk until this disk runs out of space. By contrast, striped and mirrored LVs use multiple devices simultaneously, which improves performance and provides redundancy against disk failures.

Striped LVs divide their data among multiple disks simultaneously while mirrored LVs keep identical copies of their data on two or more disks. Converting an existing linear LV into either type involves backing up its contents onto other devices using something like dd or tar and then creating new striped/mirrored volumes with lvcreate.


Logical Volume Management (LVM) plays a critical role in managing disk storage in Linux systems by enabling flexible allocation of storage resources across multiple disks. By extending or reducing logical volumes and implementing advanced techniques like data migration between physical volumes within a volume group converting linear logical volumes into striped or mirrored ones, LVM users can optimize their disk space usage for better system performance.

While troubleshooting common issues that may arise during LVM management could be challenging, resolving them quickly will prevent significant system downtimes and help maintain optimal performance levels.

Updated on: 09-Jun-2023


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