How to Enable Syntax Highlighting in Vi/Vim Editor?

Developers and system administrators prefer Vi/Vim as a highly adaptable text editor. Among its many useful features, syntax highlighting stands out as a valuable tool for differentiating various code elements through color differentiation. Furthermore, Vi/Vim offers a powerful range of customization options to tailor the editor to the specific needs of individual users.

In this article, we will explore the steps involved in enabling syntax highlighting in Vi/Vim editor. With our step-by-step guide and examples, you will be able to take advantage of this feature to improve your coding experience. So, whether you are new to Vi/Vim or looking to enhance your skills, this article is for you. Read on to discover how to enable syntax highlighting in Vi/Vim editor.

How to Install VIM

Open the terminal on your Linux system.

Update the package lists by running the following command −

sudo apt update 

This command will download the latest package lists from the internet.

Install Vim by running the following command 

sudo apt install vim

This command will download and install the Vim package on your system.

Verify that Vim is installed by running the following command −

vim --version

This command will display the version of Vim installed on your system.

If Vim is installed correctly, you should see output similar to the following 

VIM - Vi IMproved version 8.2

You can now start using Vim by running the following command 

vim <filename>

This command will open the Vim editor with a new or existing file. Replace with the name of the file you want to edit.

Step 1: Check if Syntax Highlighting is Already Enabled

Enabling syntax highlighting in Vi/Vim editor involves checking if syntax highlighting is already enabled. This is an important step as it ensures that we do not accidentally enable syntax highlighting when it is already enabled, which could cause unnecessary errors or changes in the code.

To check if syntax highlighting is already enabled in Vi/Vim editor, open a file in Vi/Vim editor and enter command mode by pressing the Esc key. Then type the following command 

:syntax on

The above vim command tells Vi/Vim to enable syntax highlighting for the current file.

By default, syntax highlighting is not enabled in Vim, and the text appears in a single color. The ":syntax on" command activates this feature, allowing Vim to identify and highlight different parts of code such as keywords, comments, and string literals.

If syntax highlighting is already enabled, the command will do nothing. If syntax highlighting is not enabled, the command will enable it.

After entering the command, switch back to insert mode by pressing the i key and check if the code is highlighted. If the code is highlighted, then syntax highlighting is already enabled, and we can move on to the next step. If the code is not highlighted, then syntax highlighting is not enabled, and we need to enable it by following the steps in the next section.

Step 2: Enable Syntax Highlighting using Vi/Vim Configuration File

If syntax highlighting is not already enabled in your Vi/Vim editor, you can enable it by adding the following line to your Vi/Vim configuration file 

syntax on

The Vi/Vim configuration file is a text file that contains settings and customizations for the editor. By default, the file is located in your home directory and is named .vimrc.

If you do not have a .vimrc file in your home directory, you can create one using the following command 

touch ~/.vimrc

Once you have created the file, open it for editing by typing the following command in the terminal 

vi ~/.vimrc

This will open the Vi/Vim configuration file in Vi/Vim editor. Now you can add the line syntax on to the file. You can add this line anywhere in the file, but it is usually added at the end.

To add the line, navigate to the end of the file by pressing G followed by Shift + A. This will take you to the end of the file and put you in insert mode at the end of the last line. Now type syntax on and press Esc to exit insert mode.

Save the changes to the file by typing :wq and pressing Enter. This will write the changes to the file and exit Vi/Vim editor.

That's it! Syntax highlighting is now enabled in your Vi/Vim editor. Next time you open a file with code in Vi/Vim editor, the code should be highlighted with different colors for keywords, comments, and other elements.

Step 3: Verify Syntax Highlighting

Enabling syntax highlighting in Vi/Vim editor is to verify that syntax highlighting is working correctly. To do this, follow these steps 

  • Open a file with code in Vi/Vim editor. You can open a file by typing vi <filename> or vim <filename> in the terminal, where <filename> is the name of the file you want to edit.

  • Check if syntax highlighting is working by looking at the colors of the text. Different elements of the code will be highlighted with different colors. For example, keywords like if, else, and for will be highlighted with one color, while comments will be highlighted with another color.

  • If syntax highlighting is not working, try typing the :syntax on command in command mode. This command will enable syntax highlighting for the current file.

  • If syntax highlighting is still not working, check if the syntax on the command is present in the Vi/Vim configuration file. You can open the configuration file by typing vi ~/.vimrc in the terminal. If the syntax on the command is not present, add it to the file, save the changes, and restart Vi/Vim editor.


To sum up, Vi/Vim editor provides an efficient way to edit code by allowing syntax highlighting. This feature highlights different code elements with unique colors, making it easier to comprehend the code structure. The process to enable syntax highlighting includes modifying the Vi/Vim configuration file, installing a syntax highlighting plugin, or using the: syntax on command. Once syntax highlighting is enabled, you can easily verify its functionality by looking at the colors of the code elements in the editor. Enabling syntax highlighting in Vi/Vim editor improves coding efficiency and provides a better coding experience.

Updated on: 27-Jul-2023

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