How to enable/disable log levels in Android?


There are many softwares present in the market which are used for developing mobile applications such as VS Code, Intellij IDE, Android Studio and many more. Android Studio is an official integrated development environment (IDE) designed to help developers create and develop apps for the Android platform. It is a powerful tool that allows developers to create and manage projects, build apps quickly and efficiently, and debug code.

Android Studio provides so many features for developing android applications such as debugging of the applications, checking our memory leaks, monitoring app performance and many more. Along with this Android studio also provides an environment for testing of mobile applications inside Android Studio.

One of the most important features of Android Studio is the ability to manage log levels. Log levels are used to determine what type of messages and errors are displayed in the logcat window. Log levels can be used to control the output of information from the device or emulator, as well as the output of log messages from your applications.

What are the different types of Log Levels in Android?

In android studio projects there are different types of Log Levels used for different tasks and to display messages. The different types of Log Messages used in Android Studio Project are as follows

  • Log.e() − This Log is used when we get any error within our project. This is used in the catch block for a try and catch block. This is used when you know that an error will occur and to display that error in logcat we use this method.

  • Log.w() − This Log is used when something unexpected is happening within the application. This Log statement is used when you didn’t expect to happen but isn’t necessarily an error.

  • Log.i() − This Log statement is used to display some information from a specific method inside our logcat. We can use this log to display informative messages such as an application has been connected to a server.

  • Log.d() − This Log statement is used for the purpose of debugging. If you want to keep a log of variable values you can use this to check the debug logs.

  • Log.v() − If you want to log anything within your application you can use this verbose to log to log that within your project.

How to enable/disable log levels in Android?

One of the most important features of Android Studio is the ability to manage log levels. Log levels are used to determine what type of messages and errors are displayed in the logcat window. Log levels can be used to control the output of information from the device or emulator, as well as the output of log messages from your applications.

In order to enable and disable log levels in an Android Studio project, you must first open the project. Once the project is open, select the “Logcat” tab to open the logcat window. In the logcat window, you will see the log levels listed in the left pane. By default, the log level is set to “Verbose”. To change this setting, click on the drop down menu located next to the log level. This will open a list of available log levels, including “Error”, “Warning”, “Info”, “Debug”, and “Verbose”.

Once you have selected the log level you want to use, click “Apply” to save your changes. The log level will now be applied to the project. However, it is important to note that the log level only applies to the current project. If you create a new project, you will need to set the log level again.

In addition to setting the log level, you can also customize the messages that appear in the logcat window. In the bottom pane of the logcat window, you will see an “Advanced” button. When you click on this button, a window will appear that allows you to customize the log messages that appear in the logcat window. For example, you can choose to show only errors, warnings, or info messages. You can also customize the format of the messages that appear in the logcat window.

Finally, it is important to remember that enabling and disabling log levels in an Android Studio project is a powerful tool that can help you debug your applications and troubleshoot problems. It is important to use this feature responsibly and only enable the log levels that are necessary for your project. If you enable too many log levels, your application may become slow and difficult to debug. Additionally, you should be aware that some log levels may be considered sensitive and may not be suitable for public consumption. As such, you should use caution when enabling these log levels and make sure that you are not exposing any confidential information.


In the above article we have taken a look on What are the different types of logs used within an android application and How we can enable and disable these logs within our application.

Updated on: 30-Mar-2023

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