How to Enable and Disable Root Login in Ubuntu?

Root login is the ultimate level of access on any Linux system, including Ubuntu. As an Ubuntu user, it's essential to know how to enable or disable root login, as it can impact the overall security of your system. This article will guide you through the process of enabling and disabling root login on Ubuntu.

What is Root Login?

In Ubuntu, the root account is the administrative account that has complete control over the system. By default, Ubuntu disables root login and encourages the use of sudo, a command that allows users to execute administrative tasks without logging in as the root user.

Enabling Root Login in Ubuntu

Enabling root login on Ubuntu is a straightforward process that can be done in a few simple steps.

Step 1: Open the Terminal

To enable root login, you need to open the terminal on your Ubuntu system. You can do this by pressing the Ctrl+Alt+T keys simultaneously or by searching for "Terminal" in the Applications menu.

Step 2: Set the Root Password

Once you have the terminal open, you need to set a password for the root user. To do this, type the following command and press Enter −

sudo passwd root

The system will prompt you to enter your user password. After entering your password, you will be asked to enter a new password for the root account. Enter a strong password and confirm it by entering it again.

Step 3: Edit the LightDM Configuration File

After setting the root password, you need to edit the LightDM configuration file to enable root login. To do this, type the following command and press Enter −

sudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf

This command will open the LightDM configuration file in the Nano editor.

Step 4: Add the AllowRoot=true Line

In the LightDM configuration file, you need to add a line to enable root login. To do this, scroll down to the [SeatDefaults] section of the file and add the following line −


Once you have added this line, save the file by pressing Ctrl+O, then exit the editor by pressing Ctrl+X.

Step 5: Restart the LightDM Service

Finally, you need to restart the LightDM service to apply the changes. To do this, type the following command and press Enter −

sudo systemctl restart lightdm

After executing this command, you will be able to log in as the root user on your Ubuntu system.

Disabling Root Login in Ubuntu

Disabling root login in Ubuntu is recommended for security reasons. Here's how to disable root login in Ubuntu −

Step 1: Open the Terminal

To disable root login, you need to open the terminal on your Ubuntu system.

Step 2: Edit the LightDM Configuration File

After opening the terminal, you need to edit the LightDM configuration file. To do this, type the following command and press Enter −

sudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf

Step 3: Remove the AllowRoot=true Line

In the LightDM configuration file, you need to remove the line that enables root login. To do this, scroll down to the [SeatDefaults] section of the file and remove the following line −


Once you have removed this line, save the file by pressing Ctrl+O, then exit the editor by pressing Ctrl+X.

Step 4: Restart the LightDM Service

Finally, you need to restart the LightDM service to apply the changes. To do this, type the following command and press Enter −

sudo systemctl restart lightdm

After executing this command, root login will be disabled on your Ubuntu system.

Another important aspect to keep in mind while enabling root login on Ubuntu is to restrict the use of root access to only the required tasks. It's important to limit the use of root access to only experienced and trusted users, who understand the potential consequences of executing commands with root privileges.

One way to restrict the use of root access is to implement a sudo policy on your Ubuntu system. The sudo policy allows users to execute specific commands with root privileges, without requiring them to log in as the root user. By implementing a sudo policy, you can control which users have access to root privileges and limit the risk of security breaches.

To implement a sudo policy on your Ubuntu system, you can create a sudoers file using the visudo command. The sudoers file contains a list of users and their associated permissions, which determine which commands they can execute with root privileges.

For example, to grant a specific user the ability to execute the shutdown command with root privileges, you can add the following line to the sudoers file −

username ALL=NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown

This line grants the user 'username' the ability to execute the shutdown command with root privileges, without requiring a password. However, it's important to note that granting root access without a password can make your system more vulnerable to security threats, so use this approach with caution.

Another important security measure to consider when enabling root login on Ubuntu is to ensure that your system is up-to-date with the latest security patches and updates. Regularly updating your system ensures that any known vulnerabilities or security weaknesses are addressed, reducing the risk of potential threats.

To check for and install updates on your Ubuntu system, you can use the apt-get command. The apt-get command is a powerful tool that allows you to manage packages and updates on your system.

To check for updates on your Ubuntu system, you can use the following command −

sudo apt-get update

This command will check for available updates and download them to your system. Once the updates are downloaded, you can install them using the following command −

sudo apt-get upgrade

This command will install all available updates on your system. It's important to note that some updates may require a system reboot, so be sure to save any unsaved work before executing the upgrade command.


Enabling or disabling root login on Ubuntu can have a significant impact on the security of your system. By default, Ubuntu disables root login and encourages the use of sudo for administrative tasks. However, there may be situations where you need to enable root login temporarily, such as troubleshooting a specific issue.

It's important to keep in mind that enabling root login should be done with caution, as it can make your system more vulnerable to security threats. Therefore, it's recommended to disable root login as soon as you're done with the task that required it.

In conclusion, enabling or disabling root login on Ubuntu is a straightforward process that can be done using either the command line or the graphical user interface. However, it's important to understand the potential security implications of enabling root login and to use it only when necessary. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can ensure that your Ubuntu system is secure and protected from potential threats.

Updated on: 15-May-2023

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