How to Drink Wine?

Wine is an alcoholic drink that initially came from grapes. Wine may be made from several fruit types, like peaches. The process is called fermentation, when yeast is added. Red and white wines are very well known. Other types of wines are rose wine and sparkling wines. Generally considered good for the heart, wines may contain 10% of alcohol. Know a few basic facts if you are interested in drinking wine. Research is optional. Enjoy the age-old wine culture but avoid overdoing it.

Step 1: Knowing the Wine Types

In today's Internet age, lots of information is readily available. There are several types of wines available. Select a wine based on the flavors you prefer −

  • Red wines are famous for their excellent acidity and high tannins. They age well for 20 years. Burgundy is a favorite French wine. Barolo is a well-known Italian wine.

  • White wine looks yellowish. It might have a citrus or tropical taste. Chardonnay is a famous brand that may age for seven years.

  • Rose wine goes through different production methods. Some use red wine grapes. Others bleed red wine into white wine to get a pink color.

  • Sparkling wine goes through a second fermentation process. The result is the bubbles. Wine and yeast, and grape juice are carbonated in a pressurized tank.

A beginner could start with a sweet wine like Moscato with low alcohol content. A dessert wine could also be a good beginning.

Step 2: Shopping for Wine and Glasses

The best strategy would be to taste a few wines, sipping small quantities. Don’t be in a hurry. Hold the wine glass by the stem and sip. Delay the swallowing and feel the aroma and the taste. Smell matters, too, since many wines combine flavors. Family and friends would offer suggestions about wine types and wine stores. Ask the wine seller about doubts that arise and find answers online too.

Wine glasses differ according to the type of wine it is meant for. Mainly four kinds of wine glasses are popular. They are the red wine glass, white wine glass, sparkling wine glass, and dessert wine glass.

  • Red wine glasses are large and resemble a bowl shape. The big bowl elevates the flavor. According to the size, it would be 1/3 full.

  • White wine glass, in comparison, has a U-shape and is slimmer. About 2/3 of the glass is usually poured. The stems are longer too.

  • The sparkling wine glass has a long stem and narrow upper shape.

  • The dessert wine glass is smaller to hold sweet wine with higher alcoholic content.

Step 3: Storing the Wine

Wine must be stored at room temperature, avoiding the extremes of heat and cold. Further, different wines may have other storage temperature requirements. Maintain a steady temperature. Sudden changes in heat and cold can degrade the wines.

Wine bottles are stored horizontally. Use a wine rack. Keep the wine bottles safe from excessive light-no direct sunlight. Don’t expose to vibrations either. Ensure the right humidity.

Wine bottles require a wine fridge. Red wine is served chilled, while white wine should be colder. After opening a wine bottle, it can last for a few days. Store it properly, tightly corked.

Step 4: Order Wine at a Restaurant

Some cafes and restaurants serve food and wine. The drinks menu might be long and complicated. Geographical locations could list the traditional wines. Modern wine brands may be listed under "grape." A sommelier is a wine waiter who could suggest a wine according to the preferences and available budget.

Regarding the consumption of wine, it accompanies food. Alcohol is not consumed on an empty stomach. It would be unhealthy. According to the wine-food pairing, eat and drink together for safety reasons. Some common-sense pairings are spicy food that goes with a spicy wine. Wine complements the food and even enhances it.

Step 5: How Heavy is the Wine?

Fruit juices, fizzy drinks, and beers feel different in weight and texture. How will you decide about wine preferences without actually tasting some? A certain fruit or spice is liked more than others. Grape is a universal favorite.

Further, how heavy does it feel? Full-bodied or light-bodied wine refers to the weight. Dry wine is the other extreme when compared with sweet wine. Acidic wine feels crunchy. A soft wine feels smooth. Merlot and Pinot Noir are famous red wines. Among the superb white wines is the Pinoy Grigio brand.

Step 6: Match the Food with the Wine

Certain wines and dishes, like matching dresses, bags, and shoes, go together. Red wines go well with red meats! A dessert wine would certainly be sweet too. Sparkling wines suit fried and salty foods. White wines suit fish. Chardonnay suits salmon. Cheese-based dishes go well with dry Rose wine.

Food and wine could be of similar weight. Light food like fish goes with delicate wines. Prawns and chardonnay are both of medium weight. Red meat would require a heavy wine like Chiraz.

Step 7: Drink the Wine

Unlike cold drinks in hot weather that are often gulped down, wine is sipped. You relish the wine taste with little sips. Feel the taste and the flavor on the tongue. Don’t swallow in a hurry. Comments may be passed about the taste and the aroma. Participate in that. It is not only the grapes or the apples. Wines may have complex flavors.

Taste & Feelings

Red wine feels excellent when slowly sipped and appreciated. Drinking the wine gradually enables an understanding of the flavor. Swirl the wine around the mouth. Oxidation sets in better. Red wine goes well with food or by itself.

White wine matches many dishes and desserts but can be consumed separately. You feel more excellent nourishment with whites compared to reds. Slowly take small sips that nurture the taste buds on the way down.


Try out a few red and white wines to decide your favorites! Moving from light to heavy, start with the white wines. Try the reds later on.

Carry on with the wine-drinking culture that has endured for centuries. Find materials online if you wish to know more about the work process. Wine drinking is considered healthy, which cannot be said about many kinds of alcohol.

Updated on: 27-Dec-2022


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