How to do groupby on a multiindex in Pandas?

Multiindex Data Frame is a data frame with more than one index. Let’s say the following is our csv stored on the Desktop −

At first, import the pandas library and read the above CSV file −

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv("C:/Users/amit_/Desktop/sales.csv") print(df)

We will form the ‘Car‘ and ‘Place‘ columns of the Dataframe as the index −

df = df.set_index(['Car', 'Place'])

The DataFrame is now a multi-indexed DataFrame having the ‘Car‘ and ‘Place‘ columns as an index.

Now, let us use groupby on the multiindex dataframe:

res = df.groupby(level=['Car'])['UnitsSold'].mean() print(res)


Following is the code −

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv("C:/Users/amit_/Desktop/sales.csv")

# set Car and Place columns of the DataFrame as index
df = df.set_index(['Car', 'Place'])

# sorting

# groupby on multiindex datafram
res = df.groupby(level=['Car'])['UnitsSold'].mean()


This will produce the following output −

          Car         Place       Sold
0         BMW         Delhi         95
1    Mercedes     Hyderabad         80
2  Lamborgini    Chandigarh         80
3        Audi     Bangalore         75
4    Mercedes     Hyderabad         90
5     Porsche        Mumbai         90
6  RollsRoyce        Mumbai         95
7         BMW         Delhi         50
Audi       75.8
BMW        72.5
Lamborgini 80.0
Mercedes   85.0
Porsche    90.0
RollsRoyce 95.0
Name: UnitsSold, dtype: float64

Updated on: 09-Sep-2021


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