How to Do Digital Marketing from Home

COVID-19 has given us the much-needed push to utilize the digital infrastructure in place. Before COVID-19, we had an online working system, an online payment system, an online shopping system, an online education system, an online marketing system, and others, but they were not much developed because consumers were reluctant to change. There was much hesitation and trust issues regarding the online medium. Consumers preferred being physically present while conducting different activities. However, the pandemic forced us to change our perception. The days of marketing through traditional channels are long gone. We are neck-deep in online mediums, so it is very important to understand digital marketing and how it can be done.

In this article, we will be diving deep into what digital marketing is, how one can easily practice it at home, and what other courses one can opt for to become better at what one does.

The Concept of Digital Marketing

Companies today are using online mediums to market their products, brands, or services, interact with potential consumers, and nurture their relationships with existing ones. "Digital marketing" means interacting with consumers through online mediums. Various channels through which companies can interact with their consumers include:

  • Social media platforms − this includes Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, WhatsApp, Hike, Snapchat, YouTube, and others.

  • Search engine marketing − this will include both organic and inorganic marketing. Sharing advertisements on Google, Safari, Firefox, and other browsers using pay-per-click and other mediums is known as "inorganic marketing." Organic marketing is when a company does not pay the system to have its website appear at the top of search results but instead ranks at the top due to the quality of its content and website.

  • Content marketing − Here, the company is sharing content that is useful for the consumers and could also advertise their products. For example, a cosmetic company may share articles on what causes acne, how to identify acne, and what measures one can take to cure acne. While recommending remedies, the company can also advertise its product, which may help consumers cure acne.

  • Email marketing − This marketing method costs the least amount to the company and brings in sales for the company. Here, the company creates an email with a catchy subject line and an appropriate body, always calling for action at the end. The company sends an email to the consumers' personal email addresses, which they can read at their leisure.

How to Practice Digital Marketing at Home

After understanding what digital marketing is and what the mediums are through which we can do digital marketing, let us understand how one can do digital marketing at home.

  • SEO marketing (Search Engine Optimization) − it is a form of digital marketing where digital marketers share content that has a lot of keywords, relevant backlinks, hashtags, the correct headings (H1, H2, H3), and others. There could be different types of SEO.

    • Technical SEO − In this section, we target technical keywords such as Java, Python, BlockChain, C#,.NET, Aria, VoiceBake, TalkOver, and others.

    • Content SEO − this includes keywords in various articles published by the company.

    • On-page SEO − These keywords are visible on the page.

    • Off-page SEO − Their keywords are hidden on the page or are not visible.

    • Local SEO − When you want to make your content local and generic, then you can use the relevant keywords; for example, sentences like "the best place to be in Howrah," "the best coffee shop in Howrah," "the best movie theatre in Howrah," and others.

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM) − This refers to paid advertisements carried out by businesses or digital marketers. Here, the consumer is paying Google to showcase their ads or their website at the top. The payment system could be through bidding or pay-per-click. Pay-per-click requires the company to pay a set amount for each click received; bidding requires the company to pay to be the highest paying brand and thus appear at the top for the consumer to click on Google ads, Bing ads, and remarketing search ads are just some examples.

  • Content marketing − For being good at SEO, on social media, in email marketing, or on your website, it is integral for you to create good content. You need to have good communication skills and the ability to write catchy phrases that can attract and retain viewers. There are various courses that you can apply to that will teach you how to create good content. Various sites that you can use to learn the same thing are Tutorialspoint, Udemy, Coursera, Upgrad, Great Learning, Misho, and others. For example, opening your articles with questions, writing them in a form that feels like communication, using simple English and not a high vocabulary, making short and simple sentences, using relevant proverbs and phrases, and making short and crisp content are just some of the tips.

  • Social media marketing − it is currently the most popular type of digital marketing technique. An average smartphone user spends around 1 hour on social media every day and is more likely to read 80% of the popup notifications. It is very easy to target your consumers and show them relevant advertisements. For example, if today you are searching for a particular company on Google for your research, the very next moment you will see advertisements for that particular company popping up on your social media. It is all interlinked. To be successful on social media, companies have to understand that they cannot function through the same traditional ads and messages; they have to create something that is relevant and engaging so that users are compelled to share the same. While sitting at home, you can ensure that you have a social media account for the product you want to sell, add attractive pictures of the same, and share content that is entertaining for all. One can sponsor their posts and stories on social media by paying a minimum and creating a business account. 15-second, 30-second, and 1-minute reels are very popular today, along with ensuring to add at least 30 hashtags on every post. The time at which you are posting your content also makes a difference. Generally, it is seen that weekday mornings and weekend evenings are good times to post; however, you can find a detailed chart on Google with just one search.

  • Email marketing − this involves sending emails to your database at regular intervals, with catchy subject lines and interesting mail bodies. For example, receiving special discounts on your birthdays, anniversaries, or other special occasions in the form of personalized emails

Doing digital marketing today is not an expensive proposition. Some tips and tricks can easily do wonders with the right target audience, good content, and appealing images. Even targeting particular keywords on browsers and social media is not expensive. You can find a myriad of content available on YouTube as well as follow people on social media who are ready to share their tips and tricks with you. You can obtain knowledge as well as degrees through various online platforms before running into the digital marketing world. Today, all you need is the desire to succeed in the creator economy. Today, digital marketing is the future.

Updated on: 27-Feb-2023


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