How to Disable Package Updates Using YUMDNF in RHEL Linux?


YUMDNF stands for Yellowdog Updater Modified - Dandified YUM, Next Generation. It is a package manager used in RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) and CentOS distributions to manage software packages installed on the system. Unlike the traditional YUM package manager, YUMDNF provides extensive improvements that enhance the overall functionality of this tool.

Why disabling package updates may be necessary

Disabling package updates may become necessary when you have an important application running on your system, and you don't want any changes to break it. In some cases, updates can cause compatibility issues with applications or dependencies that are critical to your system's operations.

Additionally, in some instances, you might have a limited amount of bandwidth due to connectivity limitations or data plan restrictions. This means that automatic updates will consume more data than necessary.

Understanding Package Updates in RHEL Linux

Explanation of package updates

In RHEL Linux, packages are the building blocks of software applications. They are collections of files that make up a piece of software and contain executable code, libraries, configuration files, and documentation.

Package updates refer to the process of replacing outdated or buggy packages with newer versions that offer bug fixes, security patches, and new features. Updating packages is an essential part of maintaining system health and security since new vulnerabilities in software are discovered all the time.

The impact of package updates on system stability and security

Package updates can have a significant impact on system stability and security. When packages get updated frequently, it becomes challenging for IT teams to keep track of them all. Updating too many packages at once can result in compatibility issues or even cause unexpected behavior that affects system stability adversely.

On the other hand, not updating at all can cause significant security issues as it leaves known vulnerabilities open for exploitation by attackers. Therefore it's recommended to maintain a balance between regularly updating while ensuring adequate testing before deploying such changes to production systems.

Disabling Package Updates Using YUMDNF

Step-by-Step Guide to Disabling Package Updates Using YUMDNF

The following guide will walk you through the steps required to disable package updates using YUMDNF −

Installing YUMDNF

Before we can disable package updates using YUMDNF, we need to install it on our system. To do so, open a terminal window and execute the following command −

sudo dnf install yumdnf  

This will download and install the necessary packages to your system.

Configuring the dnf.conf File

Once you have installed YUMDNF, you need to configure the dnf.conf file, which is located at /etc/dnf/dnf.conf. Open this file in your favorite text editor and add the following line −


This line tells DNF/Yum not to update any packages.

Disabling Automatic Updates

By default, RHEL Linux automatically updates your packages. To disable automatic updates, execute the following command in your terminal −

sudo systemctl stop dnf-automatic.timer 
sudo systemctl disable dnf-automatic.timer 
sudo systemctl mask dnf-automatic.timer  

These commands will stop automatic updates and ensure that they do not start again.

Verifying That Package Updates Have Been Disabled

To verify that package updates have been disabled, execute the following command in your terminal −

dnf upgrade --checkonly    

If you see a message saying "No packages marked for upgrade," then you have successfully disabled package updates using YUMDNF.

It is worth noting that disabling package updates can be risky as it may leave your system vulnerable to security threats. Therefore, it is important to weigh the risks and benefits before disabling package updates.

Potential Risks and Considerations When Disabling Package Updates

The Importance of Keeping Packages Up-to-Date

When it comes to RHEL Linux, keeping packages up-to-date is critical for system stability and security. Packages are regularly updated to fix bugs, patch security vulnerabilities, and introduce new features.

By disabling package updates with YUMDNF, you may be preventing important patches from being applied to your system. This can leave your system vulnerable to attacks and cause compatibility issues with other software on your system.

The Risks Associated with Disabling Automatic Updates in RHEL Linux

Disabling automatic package updates using YUMDNF can lead to various risks that must be carefully considered before taking the step. One major risk is that you will miss out on critical security updates that keep your system secure from hackers and viruses. These updates are released regularly by vendors as they identify new or emerging threats.

Once attackers know that a particular vulnerability exists in a given version of software, they will start looking for systems running that version so they can exploit them. Another risk of disabling automatic updates is compatibility issues with other software installed on the system.

Newer versions of packages may come along with dependencies which could cause conflicts when interacting with other installed software. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to disable automatic package updates should be based on careful consideration of the risks versus benefits, depending on the specific context in which the decision is being made e.g., production or development systems where tradeoffs between stability vs novelty are critical factors in decision-making processes.


Disabling package updates using YUMDNF in RHEL Linux can be a useful tool when necessary. By following the step-by-step guide outlined above, you will be able to easily disable automatic updates and protect your system from unexpected changes that could lead to instability. It is important to note, however, that disabling automatic updates should not be done without careful consideration and an understanding of the potential risks involved.

While it is generally recommended to keep packages up-to-date, there may be certain situations where disabling package updates using YUMDNF in RHEL Linux is necessary. For example, if you are running a critical system or application that requires specific package versions and updates could potentially cause compatibility issues or downtime, then it may be appropriate to disable automatic updates.

It's important to consider the risks associated with this decision and weigh them against the benefits before proceeding. Overall, by approaching package management thoughtfully and with a clear understanding of the potential implications of each action taken, you can ensure that your system stays secure and functional over time.

Updated on: 11-Jul-2023


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