How To Determine If A Number Or Value Is In A Range In Excel ?

With the help of Excel, you can do numerous computations and procedures on your data. Checking whether a specific number or value is inside a given range is a common task. Excel has a number of functions and approaches to help you complete this task quickly and accurately, whether you're working with big datasets or just need to confirm data entries.

In this article, we'll look at various Excel techniques for figuring out whether a number or value falls within a range. Simple range tests as well as more complex scenarios involving numerous criteria will both be covered. You'll have a firm grasp on how to use Excel's functions and formulas to handle range−based comparisons by the end of this session. So let's get started and learn how to use Excel's power to assess and determine whether a number or value belongs to a particular range!

Determine If A Number Or Value Is In A Range

Here, we can complete the task using a single formula. So let us see a simple process to determine if a number or value is in a range in Excel.

Step 1

Consider an Excel sheet where you have a range of cells similar to the below image.

First, click on an empty cell, in our case, cell F2, and enter the formula as =IF(COUNTIF(A1:D5,"Hello"),"Yes","No") and click enter to get the result. In this formula, A1:D8 is the address of the range of cells, and "Hello" is the value we are searching for.

If the value is present in the range of cells, then it will return yes, or else the result will return no.


In this tutorial, we have used a simple example to demonstrate how you determine if a number or value is in a range in Excel to highlight a particular set of data.

Updated on: 10-Jul-2023


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