How to deploy windows deployment services on server 2012 r2

What is WDS?

Windows Deployment Services allows you to deploy windows operating systems on your client machines.

Suppose you have 200 machines on your network and you would like to install Windows 10 on them. You can configure WDS and network boot those machines without installing windows separately using CD or DVD.

Deployment Scenario

There are many WDS deployment scenarios. But for this tutorial, we are assuming WDS and DHCP which are installed on the same server (DHCP can also be running separately on some other Windows or Linux server machine).


Make sure that, your DHCP is already running with an active scope. Following are some other requirements for your server machine:

– Static or manual IP is configured

– Firewall is turned off

– Latest windows updates from Microsoft are installed

Installing WDS

  • Open server manager. click “Add Roles and Features” in server manager dashboard

  • Click Next

  • Choose “Role-based or feature-based installation” and click Next

  • Select the destination server from server pools on which you want to install WDS role and click Next

  • Check “Windows Deployment Services” from a list of server roles. As soon as you check the box a new window will pop up alerting you to install other required features

  • Click “Add Features”

  • Click Next

  • Click Next

  • Click Next

  • Leave default selections and click Next

  • Click Install. Installation can take 10-15 minutes

  • Click Close when an installation is successful

Configuring WDS

  • Again go to server manager dashboard. Click Tools → Windows Deployment Services

  • In Windows Deployment Console, expand Servers and right-click on your machine name. Click Configure Server

  • Click Next

  • Choose “Standalone server” and click Next (if you have AD on your network and this server machine is member of domain, choose “Integrated with an Active Directory”)

  • Click Browse and choose the path of the folder on your local NTFS drive (It is important to choose NTFS partition and the partition should not be system partition) where you would like to place images, files, and WDS tools. When you are done click Next

  • You can define which client computers WDS should respond. If you choose “Respond only to known client computers”, you have to prestaged the clients using MAC address or GUID. For this tutorial, I chose “Respond to all client computers (known and unknown)” and Click Next

  • Check “Add images to the server now” and click Finish

  • Provide the path where your windows installation image is located. It can be your CD or DVD as well. The windows installation image has required boot.wim and install.wim files.

  • Click Next

  • When a task is completed and files are copied (It can take 5-10 minutes), click Finish

  • Open windows deployment services console. Expand Servers, right-click your machine and then click Properties. Open DHCP tab. Check both fields as shown in figure.

You are done with WDS configuration. Restart WDS service, right-click your machine in windows deployment services console and scroll to All Tasks → click Restart.

Updated on: 07-Jul-2020

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