How To Deploy ONLYOFFICE Docs On Angular?


ONLYOFFICE Docs is a powerful self-hosted online office suite that allows users to edit and collaborate on documents. It offers advanced features such as document co-authoring, real-time editing, revision history, and third-party integrations.

ONLYOFFICE is an open-source platform that works with different languages and frameworks. Angular, on the other hand, is a popular front-end framework for building web applications.

It was developed by Google and provides robust support for building dynamic and scalable applications. With Angular, you can create complex web applications with minimal code.


Required Software and Tools

First, you will need to have Node.js installed. Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment that allows you to run JavaScript on the server-side.

It also comes with npm, a package manager that you will use to install Angular CLI (Command Line Interface). Once Node.js is installed, the next step is to install Angular CLI.

This tool allows you to create and manage Angular projects from the command line. To install Angular CLI, simply open your command prompt or terminal and run the following command −

npm install -g @angular/cli   

This will install Angular CLI globally on your system, which means that it can be accessed from any directory.

Familiarity with Angular Framework and TypeScript Language

Deploying ONLYOFFICE Docs on an angular framework requires familiarity with both Angular Framework and TypeScript language. TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that provides optional static typing along with other features such as classes, interfaces, and modules.

Angular is a popular framework for building web applications using HTML, CSS, and TypeScript. It uses a component-based architecture where each component has its own logic and UI elements.


Before we can start deploying ONLYOFFICE Docs on an Angular platform, we need to go through the installation process. This process involves downloading the ONLYOFFICE Docs Community Server, setting up a new Angular project, and installing the ONLYOFFICE Docs plugin.

Downloading ONLYOFFICE Docs Community Server

The first step is to download and install the ONLYOFFICE Docs Community Server. This can be done through their website or by using a containerized version from Docker Hub. The Community Server is open-source software that allows users to create and edit documents online.

Once you have downloaded the installation package for your operating system, you need to follow the instructions provided in order to install it on your machine. Be sure to read through all of the documentation carefully so that you understand how to properly configure the server for use with Angular.

Setting up a new Angular project

The second step in the installation process is setting up a new Angular project. This requires having Node.js installed on your machine, as well as Angular CLI. Once these prerequisites are met, creating a new project can be done with just one command: ng new [project-name].

This will generate all of the necessary files and setup for a basic Angular application. You will also need to install any additional dependencies required by your project, such as Bootstrap or other UI frameworks that you plan on using in conjunction with ONLYOFFICE Docs.

Installing ONLYOFFICE Docs plugin

The final step in installing ONLYOFFICE Docs on an Angular platform is installing its corresponding plugin within your newly created application. You can do this by running 'npm install onlyoffice-documenteditor-angular' command within your newly created app folder directory.

This will add all of the necessary files to your project so that you can start using ONLYOFFICE Docs within your application. Once installed, you can import the DocumentEditorModule from '@onlyoffice/documenteditor-angular' in your app.module.ts file and begin integrating ONLYOFFICE Docs into your Angular application.


Configuring ONLYOFFICE Docs plugin in Angular project

After installing the ONLYOFFICE Docs plugin, configuration is the next step in setting up document editing capabilities in your Angular application. The plugin will be installed as a separate component that you can import into your Angular application using npm. Once imported, you can configure the plugin to work seamlessly within your Angular project.

The first step in configuring the ONLYOFFICE Docs plugin is to set up authentication for your application. This can be done by defining an API key and secret for communication between ONLYOFFICE Docs and your Angular application.

Setting up document editing capabilities in the application

Now that you have configured the plugin, it's time to set up document editing capabilities in your Angular application. This involves creating a new component where users can edit documents using ONLYOFFICE Docs. To do this, create a new component called 'DocumentEditorComponent'.

You will have to import some dependencies such as ViewChild or ElementRef from @angular/core; DomSanitizer or SafeHtml from @angular/platform-browser; ApiService from '@app/services/api.service'; EditorService from '@app/services/editor.service' and so on. Once created, add an HTML element for showing the editor instance using iFrame (or other methods available).

Tips on Optimizing Performance for Deployment

Speed up Document Loading Time

ONLYOFFICE Docs is a powerful tool that allows users to create, edit and collaborate on documents in real-time. However, the loading time of the document editor can be affected by various factors such as slow network speed and heavy server load. To optimize performance for deployment, there are some steps you can take.

Firstly, it is recommended to enable browser caching for static resources such as CSS files and JavaScript libraries. This can reduce the amount of data that needs to be loaded from the server and therefore improve load times.

Minimize Server Load

A large number of concurrent users accessing ONLYOFFICE Docs at once can put a significant amount of load on the server which in turn can cause performance issues. To avoid this problem, it is essential to have a robust server infrastructure with adequate resources such as CPU power and RAM. Additionally, implementing a content delivery network (CDN) can help distribute traffic across multiple servers located in different geographical regions which reduces server load.

Best Practices for Using ONLYOFFICE Docs on an Angular Platform

Implementing Secure Authentication Mechanisms

Security should be a top priority when deploying any software application, especially when handling sensitive data such as confidential documents. Therefore, it is crucial to implement secure authentication mechanisms into your Angular project that integrate with ONLYOFFICE Docs plugin. This ensures that only authorized users have access to edit or view documents.

Customizing UI/UX Elements of ONLYOFFICE Docs Plugin

ONLYOFFICE Docs plugin is highly customizable, and developers can modify and integrate it into their Angular applications to match their brand's UI/UX design. By customizing the look and feel of ONLYOFFICE Docs, you can provide a seamless user experience for your users. Customization can include changing colors, fonts, buttons, and other UI elements.

Regularly Updating ONLYOFFICE Docs Plugin

It is critical to keep your software up-to-date with the latest version of ONLYOFFICE Docs to ensure that all security vulnerabilities are patched and new features are added. Updating the plugin regularly ensures that you have access to the latest document editing capabilities.


After following the steps outlined in this guide, you should have successfully integrated ONLYOFFICE Docs into your Angular application. With this integration, you now have access to powerful document editing capabilities that can enhance the functionality of your application. You can now create, edit and collaborate on documents with ease.

The benefits of using ONLYOFFICE Docs on an Angular platform are numerous. By integrating ONLYOFFICE Docs into your Angular application, you can offer users a seamless experience they will appreciate.

Updated on: 10-Jul-2023


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