How to Deploy and Run Redis in Docker?

Redis is an open-source, in-memory data structure store that can be used as a database, cache, or message broker. It is known for its high-performance and low-latency capabilities, making it a popular choice for real-time applications.

On the other hand, Docker is a containerization platform that allows developers to package applications into containers that can run anywhere on any platform. Containers are lightweight, fast to deploy and have small footprints compared to traditional virtual machines.

Preparing for Deployment

Installing Docker on your machine

Before you can deploy Redis in Docker, you'll need to install Docker on your machine. To do this, go to the official Docker website and download the version that's appropriate for your operating system. The installation process may take a few minutes, but once it's completed, you should have the latest version of Docker up and running.

Downloading the Redis image from Docker Hub

Once you have installed Docker, you can start by downloading the Redis image from Docker Hub. This is fairly simple to do - just open a terminal or command prompt window and type in the following command −

docker pull redis  

This will download the latest version of Redis available on Docker Hub into your local container registry.

Creating a Dockerfile for custom configurations

While it's possible to run a Redis container with its default configurations, using a custom configuration can optimize its performance and make it more secure. To create a custom configuration, start by creating a new file called "Dockerfile" in your working directory.

In this file, specify the base image as "redis". Then add any additional configuration files that you would like to use with COPY commands.

Specify any additional commands that need to be run with RUN commands. For example−

FROM redis COPY redis.conf /usr/local/etc/redis/redis.conf 
CMD [ "redis-server", "/usr/local/etc/redis/redis.conf" ]  

This will copy over your custom Redis configuration file (named "redis.conf") into the container at /usr/local/etc/redis/.

It will run Redis using this custom configuration file based on CMD command specified here. By following these steps effectively, you are well prepared for deploying and running Redis in docker containers seamlessly.

Deploying Redis in Docker

Running a Redis container with default configurations

The easiest way to deploy Redis in a Docker container is to use the official Redis image from Docker Hub. To run a container with default configurations, use the following command −

docker run --name my-redis -d redis  

This command starts a new container named "my-redis" using the latest version of the Redis image, in detached mode. The default configuration sets up Redis as a single-node server.

To check if your container is running, use the following command −

docker ps  

You should see "my-redis" listed among your running containers. You can also inspect the logs of your container by running −

docker logs my-redis  

This will show you any output generated by the Redis server.

Configuring Redis container with custom settings using environment variables or config files

To customize your Redis deployment, you can pass configuration options to your container using environment variables or config files. Using environment variables is more convenient for small changes, while using config files allows you to configure many options at once and reuse them across multiple instances.

For example, to set a custom password for authentication purposes, you can use an environment variable like this −

docker run --name my-redis -d -e REDIS_PASSWORD=mypassword redis  

To configure many options at once using a config file, create a configuration file (e.g. `myconfig.conf`) with your desired settings and mount it as a volume inside your container like this−

docker run --name my-redis -d -v /path/to/myconfig.conf:/usr/local/etc/redis/redis.conf redis redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis/redis.conf  

Interacting with Redis in Docker

Using redis-cli to interact with the containerized instance of Redis

After successfully deploying Redis in a Docker container, it is important to verify that it is running properly and to interact with Redis to perform tasks such as setting and retrieving key-value pairs. One way to achieve this is by using the redis-cli command-line interface tool. To use this tool, you'll need to start a new terminal window and run the following command −

docker exec -it redis-cli

This command will start an interactive session with the containerized instance of Redis, allowing you to execute Redis commands just as you would on a local instance of Redis.

For example, you can set a key using the following command −

set mykey "hello world"  

You can then retrieve that value using the following command −

get mykey  

Connecting to the containerized instance of Redis from an application running on host machine

In addition to interacting with the containerized instance of Redis via the redis-cli tool, it is also possible for an application running on your host machine (outside of Docker) to connect and interact with a containerized instance of Redis. To do so, you'll need to obtain the IP address of your Docker host network by running −

docker network inspect bridge   

Once you have obtained this IP address, simply use it in your application code as if it were any other IP address for accessing an external service

Note that any port mappings defined in your docker run or docker-compose.yml file will also need to be taken into account when attempting connection. For example, if your Docker host network has an IP address of and you mapped port 6379 from your container onto port 6380 on your host machine, you can connect to Redis from your application using the following code −

python import redis 
r = redis.StrictRedis(host='', port=6380, db=0) r.set('mykey', 'hello world')  

In this example, we are using the Python Redis library to connect to Redis and set a key-value pair. However, any programming language with a Redis client library can be used in a similar way to interact with a containerized instance of Redis running in Docker.

Best Practices for Running Redis in Docker

Optimizing Performance with Memory Limits, Persistence, and Network Settings

When running Redis in Docker containers, it is important to optimize the performance of the instances. This can be achieved by configuring memory limits, persistence settings and network settings.

To optimize memory usage, you can configure the maximum amount of memory that Redis is allowed to use using the `maxmemory` setting. Without this setting, Redis will continue to allocate memory until it runs out, which can lead to performance degradation or even crashes.

Securing Your Deployment with Authentication and Encryption

When deploying Redis in Docker containers in production environments where sensitive data may be stored or transmitted over the network, it's important to ensure that your deployment is secure by setting up authentication and encryption. Redis supports authentication via a password-based mechanism where clients must provide a password before they can execute any commands on Redis.

To enable authentication in your containerized instance of Redis simply set an authentication password in the configuration file and provide it when starting up a container with docker run command. You can also secure communication between client applications and your containerized instances of redis via SSL/TLS encryption by enabling TLS both on client side (i.e., applications) and server side (i.e., redis instances).


In this article, we have explored the benefits of deploying and running Redis in Docker. We have seen how easy it is to set up a Redis container in Docker and how it can improve scalability, flexibility, and ease of management.

Updated on: 10-Jul-2023


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