How to Deploy a Bare Metal Cloud Server?


When it comes to cloud computing, there are two primary options: virtualized servers and bare metal servers. A virtual server runs on top of a hypervisor, which is essentially a layer of software that sits between the physical hardware and the operating system.

In contrast, a bare metal server runs directly on the physical hardware without any intervening layers. A bare metal cloud server combines the benefits of both models.

It provides dedicated hardware resources like a traditional bare metal server, but it's provisioned and managed through an API or web interface like a virtual server in the cloud. Essentially, it's a physical machine that you can rent from a provider and use to run your applications or services in the cloud.

Preparing for Deployment

Choosing a Provider

When it comes to choosing a bare metal cloud provider, there are several factors to consider. First and foremost, you need to ensure that the provider offers the specific hardware specifications that you require. Other important considerations include the provider's uptime guarantees, customer support options, and pricing structure.

Some of the most popular providers in this space include IBM Cloud Bare Metal Servers, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Bare Metal Service, and AWS Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Bare Metal Instances.

Selecting Hardware Specifications

One of the biggest advantages of using a bare metal cloud server is that you have complete control over the underlying hardware. This means that you can customize your server with specific CPU, RAM, storage, and network interface card (NIC) configurations to meet your unique workload requirements.

When selecting hardware specifications for your bare metal cloud server deployment, be sure to take into account key performance metrics such as processor speed, memory capacity, disk read/write speeds and network bandwidth.

Configuring Network Settings

Before deploying any new infrastructure or application architecture it is important to design an appropriate network architecture. When configuring your bare metal cloud server's network settings there are several things to consider including IP address allocation conventions among other things. Network security also plays an important role when deploying cloud resources; while deploying servers on public clouds like IBM Cloud or Oracle Cloud Infrastructure many organizations prefer their servers have private IP addresses only accessible by authorized personnel using VPN connections.

Deploying the Server

Accessing the Provider's Portal or API

Once you have chosen a provider, it's time to access their portal or API to start deploying your server. The provider's portal or API is where you will be able to configure and manage your server, so it is important to understand how to navigate it.

Most providers make this process fairly simple and straightforward by providing user-friendly interfaces and documentation. To access the portal, you will usually need to log in using your credentials that were provided during registration.

Selecting the Operating System and Software Stack

After accessing the provider's portal or API, one of the first steps in deploying your bare metal cloud server is selecting an operating system (OS) and software stack for it. This decision will depend on what applications or services you plan on running on your server.

Some providers offer a wide range of preconfigured templates that include popular operating systems such as Ubuntu Server, CentOS, Windows Server etcetera.

Configuring Security Settings

Configuring security settings should be a top priority when deploying a bare metal cloud server because these servers may contain sensitive data or run mission-critical applications. Security settings can vary depending on the provider, but some common security features include firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS), virtual private networks (VPNs) etcetera.

When configuring security settings, it's important to ensure that you are following best practices such as using strong passwords, disabling unused ports and services, enabling SSL/TLS encryption where necessary etcetera.

Customizing the Server

Installing Additional Software and Tools

Once your bare metal cloud server is deployed and ready to go, the next step is to install additional software and tools to meet your specific needs. This may include web servers, databases, programming languages, or other applications relevant to your project.

Most providers offer a library of pre-configured images that can be easily deployed with a single click. Alternatively, you can manually install software using the command line or a graphical interface.

It's important to keep in mind that installing too much software or running too many applications simultaneously can negatively impact performance. Before installing any new software, it's advisable to check the system requirements and ensure that it won't overload your server's resources.

Setting up User Accounts and Permissions

When deploying a bare metal cloud server for production purposes it's very likely that multiple users will need access to the system. Therefore, setting up user accounts and permissions is crucial for maintaining security.

Each user should have their own unique account with its own set of permissions, enabling them access only the areas of the server they need for their work or administration duties. This helps ensure proper security protocols are followed preventing unauthorized access by third parties.

Configuring Backup and Monitoring Solutions

Data backups are essential for ensuring business continuity as well as disaster recovery purposes. You should always configure backup solutions on your bare metal cloud server so as not to lose valuable data in case of an unforeseen emergency such as hardware failure or cyberattacks.

Most providers offer integrated backup solutions either through their portal or API integration with other services such as Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage. In addition to backup solutions, you'll also want robust monitoring tools in place that alert you in real-time about system issues such as network outages or high resource utilization.

These alerts allow you fix problems before they escalate and lead to more significant issues. Some providers offer built-in monitoring solutions, or you can use third-party applications such as Nagios or Zabbix.


In this article, we have covered the essential steps to deploy a bare metal cloud server. First, we looked at how to prepare for deployment by choosing a provider, selecting hardware specifications, and configuring network settings.

Then, we went through the process of deploying the server by accessing the provider's portal or API and selecting the operating system and software stack. After deploying the server, we covered how to customize it further by installing additional software and tools, setting up user accounts and permissions, and configuring backup and monitoring solutions.

We also looked at how to optimize performance by tuning network settings, adjusting hardware resources, and implementing load balancing. We discussed maintenance and upgrades such as monitoring server performance, updating software and security patches, as well as scaling resources as needed.

Updated on: 10-Jul-2023


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