How to Delete all Text in a File Using Vi/Vim Editor?


Vi and Vim are text editors that are widely used in the Unix/Linux environment. These editors allow you to edit plain text files, system configuration files, and programming source code. Vi stands for visual editor, while Vim stands for Vi Improved.

The editors were originally developed by Bill Joy in 1976 and have since undergone various improvements. Vi/Vim is a powerful editor with extensive functionality that can be utilized through command-line interface.

Both editors offer features such as syntax highlighting, search-and-replace functionality, macros, and more. One of the main advantages of using Vi/Vim is its ability to work with large files quickly and efficiently.

Basic Commands for Editing Text in Vi/Vim Editor

Opening a File: Get Yourself Started

When using Vi/Vim Editor, you need to open a file you want to edit. To do this, you can use the command line and navigate to the directory where the file is located, then type `vi` followed by the filename and press Enter.

This will open up the file in Vi/Vim Editor. Another way to open a file is by typing `vi`, followed by the full path of the file.

For example, if your file is located at `/home/user/documents/file.txt`, you can type `vi /home/user/documents/file.txt` and press Enter. This will also open up the file in Vi/Vim Editor.

Entering Insert Mode: Add or Modify Text

Once you have opened a file in Vi/Vim Editor, you need to enter insert mode so that you can add or modify text within the document. To enter insert mode, press `i`.

This will allow you to start typing text into your document. Alternatively, if you want to append text after your current position on a line without deleting any existing characters on that line, press `a`.

Similarly, if you want to insert new text before your current position on a line without deleting any existing characters on that line, press `I`. When inserting or appending text within a document using Vi/Vim Editor, any changes made are not saved automatically - they must be saved manually.

Saving Changes and Exiting the Editor: Keep Your Work Safe

Once you have edited your document using Vi/Vim Editor, it's important to save your changes and exit properly. To save changes made within a document using Vi/Vim editor while remaining in vi mode (command mode), type `:w` followed by Enter key.

This will write your changes to the file. To exit Vi/Vim Editor completely, type `:q` followed by Enter key.

If you have made any changes to the document, you will not be able to exit without saving, and will need to enter the command `:wq` (write and quit) or `:x` (exit, writing changes if there are any). If you do not wish to save any changes made within a document using Vi/Vim Editor, use the command `:q!`.

Deleting Text in Vi/Vim Editor

Vi/Vim editor is a powerful text editor that allows users to manipulate text in various ways. One of the most common tasks when editing text is deleting characters, lines, or blocks of text. In this section, we will discuss how to delete a single character or line and how to delete multiple lines or blocks of text using Vi/Vim editor.

Deleting a Single Character or Line

Deleting a single character or line in Vi/Vim editor is straightforward. To delete a single character, position the cursor on the character you want to delete and press the `x` key.

The character will be removed from the file immediately. To delete an entire line, move the cursor to the beginning of the line you want to delete and type `dd`.

This command will remove the entire line where your cursor is located. If you want to save space and speed up your workflow, you can also use `D` (shift+d) command which deletes all characters from your current position till end of that line.

Deleting Multiple Lines or Blocks of Text

Sometimes we need to remove multiple lines or blocks of text at once while editing our files using Vim. Fortunately, Vi/Vim offers several ways for deleting multiple lines quickly.

To remove multiple continuous lines at once, go to the first line you'd like deleted and type `d` then `[number]dd`, where `[number]` is replaced with how many lines you'd like deleted (e.g., 10dd). This removes [number] amount of consecutive lines starting from your current cursor position.

If we need to remove an irregular block then we can use visual mode for this task by typing `v` key followed by moving down/up arrow keys until desired block has been selected then hitting `d` key will remove that block from file. Deleting text in Vi/Vim editor is an essential skill for efficient editing.

By learning these commands, you can easily delete single characters or lines and multiple lines or blocks of text without disturbing the rest of your file. With practice and experience, you will be able to use these commands with ease and speed up your editing workflow.

How to Delete All Text in a File Using Vi/Vim Editor

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Delete All Text in a File Using Vi/Vim Editor

Vi/Vim editor is a powerful tool that allows users to edit files quickly and efficiently. One of the common tasks that users perform in Vi/Vim editor is deleting all text in a file.

This can be useful when starting with an empty file or clearing out an existing file. The following step-by-step guide will help you delete all text in a file using Vi/Vim editor.

  • Open the file with the editor.

    The first step is to open the file you want to edit with Vi/Vim editor. To do this, open the terminal and navigate to the directory where your file is located.

    Once you are there, enter the command `vi filename` where "filename" is replaced by the name of your file. This will open up your desired file in Vi/Vim editor.

  • Enter command mode by pressing ESC key.

    To start editing your document, you need to enter command mode first by pressing ESC key on your keyboard. In command mode, any keystrokes or commands entered are interpreted as commands rather than as text input.

  • Type `:%d` and press Enter key.

    After entering into command mode, type `:%d` (colon followed by percent sign and d) which instructs Vim/VI to delete all lines of text within the document instantaneously without confirmation prompt.

  • Save changes and exit the editor.

    Save changes made through Vi/vim editor and exit from it using `:wq!` (colon followed by wq exclamation), which writes changes made onto disk then quit Vim (same as :x command) but do so even if the current file has not been modified.

If you want to exit without saving changes, you can use `:q!` (colon followed by q exclamation) command instead. The above step-by-step guide is a quick and easy way to delete all text in a file using Vi/Vim editor.


In this article, we have learned about the basics of Vi/Vim editor and its importance in editing files. We have discussed basic commands for editing text in Vi/Vim editor, such as opening a file, entering insert mode, saving changes and exiting the editor. We have also learned about deleting text in Vi/Vim editor, including deleting a single character or line, and deleting multiple lines or blocks of text.

The main focus of the article was on how to delete all text in a file using Vi/Vim editor. We have provided a step-by-step guide on how to do it efficiently.

It is important to keep in mind that using the command `:%d` will delete all text in the file without any confirmation or backup. Therefore, it is recommended to use this command with caution.

Updated on: 07-Jun-2023

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