How to Delete a Kubernetes Namespace?


Kubernetes is a popular open-source container orchestration tool that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. One of the essential features of Kubernetes is its ability to partition cluster resources using namespaces. Namespaces provide a way to segment the cluster into virtual sub-clusters, making it easier to manage and organize applications.

Explanation of Kubernetes Namespaces

Namespaces in Kubernetes act as virtual clusters that allow multiple teams or users to share a physical cluster without interfering with each other's workloads. By default, Kubernetes creates a namespace called "default," where all deployed resources go unless a specific namespace is specified.

This default namespace serves as the catch-all for any resources that have not been explicitly assigned to another namespace. Creating custom namespaces can help manage resources more efficiently and improve access control within large organizations.

Namespaces allow administrators to allocate specific computing resources such as CPU and memory limits for each namespace based on its workload requirements. Additionally, different namespaces can be assigned different resource quotas, allowing organizations to limit resource usage per team or user.

Importance of Deleting Unused or Unnecessary Namespaces

As you create new namespaces in your Kubernets cluster for different projects or teams, it's crucial to keep track of these namespaces' usage over time. Unused or unnecessary namespaces can consume valuable computing resources and contribute to cluster sprawl.

Deleting unused or unnecessary namespaces helps free up valuable computing resources such as CPU and memory limits on the physical server hardware in your data center or cloud provider infrastructure. This process also ensures efficient use of these shared resources across different projects, preventing overprovisioning and saving money on cloud bills.

Preparing to Delete a Namespace

Identifying the Namespace to be Deleted

Before proceeding with deleting a namespace, it is essential to identify the namespace that needs to be deleted properly. First, it is important to understand the purpose of each namespace and determine whether it is still needed. It may be tempting to delete all unused namespaces without proper investigation, but this practice can lead to unexpected downtime and loss of data.

To list all namespaces in the cluster, use the following command −

kubectl get namespaces  

This will display all namespaces in your Kubernetes cluster. Once you have identified the namespace that needs to be deleted, you can proceed with checking for any running applications or resources.

Checking for Any Running Applications or Resources in the Namespace

Before deleting a namespace, it is crucial to ensure that no applications or resources are running in that specific namespace. Running applications and resources in a namespace being deleted can cause unexpected behavior like failed deployments and lost data. To verify if there are any running pods or services on a particular namespace use the following command −

kubectl get pods,services -n  

If there are any running pods or services in that specific namespace, you will need first to delete them before deleting their parent resource (namespace).

To delete all pods and services within a specific namespace run −

kubectl delete pods,services --all -n  

It's also recommended checking for other types of resources like ConfigMaps or Secrets before proceeding with deletion. You can list these using `kubectl get` commands similar to above.

Backing Up Any Important Data or Configurations

Before proceeding with deleting any resource from your Kubernetes cluster, including namespaces, it's essential always back up any important data or configurations stored within those resources. This backup ensures easy restoration of necessary configurations, data, and applications in case of data loss or accidental deletion.

You can use the `kubectl` command line tool to export specific resources to a YAML or JSON file. For example, to export ConfigMaps and Secrets present in the namespace you want to delete, you can use the following command −

kubectl get configmaps,secrets -n -o yaml > backup.yaml  

This will create a backup file named `backup.yaml` that contains all ConfigMaps and Secrets in the specified namespace.

Deleting a Namespace Using kubectl Command Line Tool

One of the most common ways to delete a Kubernetes namespace is by using the command line tool called "kubectl". This tool offers a lot of flexibility and options for deleting namespaces, making it an excellent choice for experienced users who want more precise control over the deletion process.

Step-by-step guide on deleting a namespace using kubectl command line tool

The first step in deleting a Kubernetes namespace using kubectl is to open your terminal or command prompt and connect to the cluster where your namespace resides. Once you have connected, run the following command −

kubectl delete namespace <namespace_name>

This will initiate the deletion process for the specified namespace. If all goes well, you should see a message confirming that the operation was successful. If you want to delete multiple namespaces at once, you can pass them as arguments separated by spaces like this −

kubectl delete namespace <namespace1> <namespace2> <namespace3>

Examples of different options and flags that can be used with the command

Kubectl provides several additional options and flags that enable you to customize the behavior of your deletion commands. Here are some examples:

Examples of different options and flags that can be used with the command

Kubectl provides several additional options and flags that enable you to customize the behavior of your deletion commands. Here are some examples −

  • --force − allows you to force deletion of finalizers in case there are any resources stuck in terminating state.

  • --grace-period=0 − deletes all pods in one go without waiting for graceful termination period.

  • --wait=false − disables waiting until resources are fully deleted before proceeding.

  • --timeout=30s − sets a maximum timeout of 30 seconds for graceful deletion of resources.

By using these and other options, you can fine-tune your deletion commands to suit your specific use case and avoid potential errors or issues that might arise during the process.

Deleting a Namespace Using Kubernetes Dashboard

Kubernetes dashboard provides a web-based graphical user interface that allows you to manage, deploy and monitor applications running on Kubernetes clusters. It is built on top of the Kubernetes API and provides an intuitive way to perform common tasks without having to use the kubectl command line tool. Deleting a namespace using the dashboard is straightforward and can be done in just a few clicks.

Step-by-step guide on deleting a namespace using Kubernetes dashboard

To delete a namespace using the Kubernetes dashboard, follow these steps −

  • Open the Kubernetes dashboard in your web browser.

  • Click on the "Namespace" menu option in the left navigation panel.

  • Select the namespace you want to delete from the list of available namespaces.

  • Click on "Actions" button at top right corner of namespace details page.

  • A dropdown menu will appear with multiple options, select "Delete".

  • A confirmation dialogue box will appear, click "Delete" button again to confirm.

Your selected namespace should now be deleted from your cluster.

Examples of different options and settings that can be used in the dashboard

The Kubernetes dashboard offers additional options for deleting namespaces including filtering by labels or annotations, selecting multiple namespaces for deletion at once, or even disabling finalizers if there are any issues with deleting certain resources within that namespace.

For example, if you have multiple namespaces that need to be deleted at once, you can use filters by adding them as comma-separated values while selecting them from the list view in step 3 mentioned above.


Deleting a Kubernetes namespace is a critical maintenance task that should not be overlooked. Unused or unnecessary namespaces can accumulate and lead to resource waste and security vulnerabilities.

By following the steps outlined in this article, users can safely and efficiently delete namespaces using both kubectl command line tool and Kubernetes Dashboard. The importance of regularly reviewing and managing Kubernetes namespaces cannot be overstated.

Updated on: 07-Jun-2023

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