How to Delete a Git Branch Remotely and Locally?


Git is a version control system that helps developers to manage changes and collaborate on projects efficiently. Git branches provide a way to work on different parts of the same project concurrently without interfering with each other's code. Branches serve as separate instances of a project, with their commit histories and codebases.

This means that multiple developers can work on the same file at the same time without affecting each other's work. It also allows for testing new features before integrating them into the main project, enabling developers to experiment with new ideas without affecting the stability of existing code.

Explanation of Git Branches

Git branches are used to create an alternate set of changes without affecting the main branch or trunk. In simpler terms, branches are copies of your repository that you can work on independently and merge back together later if desired.

Each branch has its own history, commit messages, and files, which makes it easy for multiple collaborators to make changes simultaneously without disrupting one another's progress. For instance, if you have a feature that you want to develop separately from your main branch until it's ready for production use; create a new branch for this feature in Git then switch over into this new workflow area where you will do all your development tasks related solely towards completing this feature before merging back again with its parent branch (most likely being developed by others).

Importance of Deleting Git Branches

Git is incredibly flexible; however, this flexibility could lead to a cluttered repository if not managed well. The more branches there are in a repository, the more complicated it is to navigate through them effectively and find what you're looking for quickly.

Old or unused branches can accumulate over time as they become outdated or unnecessary for future development cycles. Thus deleting git branches becomes essential since it enhances clarity by keeping only relevant versions available in your repository.

How to Delete a Git Branch Locally

Check Current Branch

Before deleting a local branch, it is essential to check the currently active branch. Open the command prompt in Windows or Terminal in Mac and navigate to the specific directory of the project. Use the following command:

git branch

This command shows all the branches available on your local repository.

The current branch will be highlighted with an asterisk (*) symbol on its left side. It is important to verify and confirm that you are not currently working on the branch that you intend to delete.

Delete a Local Branch

After you have confirmed that you are not working on the branch that needs deletion, follow one of these methods −

Using Command Line Interface (CLI)

The most straightforward method to delete a local git branch is through CLI commands. Run this command −

git branch -d  

The above command deletes a specific git branch specified by ''. Please note that if there are any unmerged changes included in this particular git branch, then it cannot be deleted with this method until those changes have been merged.

Using Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

Deleting branches using VS Code offers users visual assistance and less chance of typing errors when executing Git commands. First, open VS Code, and then open your project folder in it.

Follow these steps −

  • Press "Ctrl + Shift + P" keys simultaneously

  • Type "Git: Delete Branch"

  • A list of all available branches will appear

  • Select and press enter over your intended branch for deletion

After confirming your selection, VS Code will execute Git's delete command and permanently remove your selected git branch from local repositories.

Deleting unused Git branches from your workspace can help maintain clarity within project development stages and ultimately improve the speed of your PC. It is essential to take precautions when removing git branches, as mistakenly deleting the wrong branch can set back time and effort invested in a project.

How to Delete a Git Branch Remotely

Check Remote Branches

Before deleting a remote branch, it's essential to ensure that the branch exists on the remote repository. To check the list of all available remote branches, use the following command in your terminal −

git branch -r 

This command will display all remote branches in your repository along with their corresponding upstream repositories.

Delete a Remote Branch

Using the CLI

To delete a branch remotely from your Git repository using the CLI, use the following command −

git push --delete  

Replace `` with the name of your remote repository and `` with the name of the branch you want to delete. For instance, if you want to delete a 'feature/login' branch from your GitHub repository, you'd run −

git push origin --delete feature/login  

This will remove 'feature/login' from your GitHub repository.

Using VS Code

Deleting a remote branch using VS Code is simple and straightforward. To achieve this, follow these steps −

  • Open VS Code and navigate to 'Source Control' by clicking on its icon in the vertical activity bar on your left.

  • Click on 'Branches' at the bottom of Source Control.

  • From there, locate and right-click on the target branch (the one you want to remove).

  • Select 'Delete Remote Branch,' which will prompt you to confirm before proceeding.

VS Code automatically executes `git push` under-the-hood when deleting a remote branch from its UI.

Best Practices for Deleting Git Branches

Deleting Git branches can be a useful process if you're working on a project with multiple branches, but it should be done with care. Here are some best practices to follow when deleting Git branches −

Importance of Naming Conventions

The first best practice is to establish and follow proper naming conventions for your Git branches. This is especially important in larger projects where multiple developers are contributing code.

By following a naming convention, it's easier to identify which branch is which and avoid accidentally deleting the wrong one. One popular naming convention is to use a prefix that identifies the type of branch.

For example, "feature/" could indicate a branch for adding new features, while "bugfix/" could indicate a branch for fixing bugs. Additionally, including the Jira or Trello ticket number in the branch name can help keep track of which issues each branch relates to.

Backup and Recovery Procedures

The second best practice is to have backup and recovery procedures in place before deleting any Git branches. This means creating backups of important data, code, or files elsewhere before deleting anything from your repository.

If you accidentally delete an important branch, there are still ways to recover it using Git commands such as "git reflog" or "git fsck". However, these commands can be complex and time-consuming if you aren't familiar with them.

It's always better to have backups available in case something goes wrong. Following proper naming conventions and having backup and recovery procedures in place can prevent errors when deleting git branches from your repository.


Deleting Git branches is a vital part of maintaining a clean and efficient codebase. In this article, we covered how to delete branches both locally and remotely using the command line interface and Visual Studio Code. We also discussed best practices for naming conventions and backup procedures to ensure that important code is not lost during the deletion process.

Deleting Git branches may seem like a small task, but it can have a significant impact on the development process. By removing unnecessary branches, developers can focus on the current work at hand and ensure that new features are being developed efficiently.

Updated on: 07-Jun-2023

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