How to define the shape of the corners is animatable using CSS?

Cognizant of the importance of user experience in the realm of the internet, creators and programmers are ceaselessly seeking innovative means to augment the visual allure of digital content. One such feature that necessitates attention is the contour of the edges in the user interface components. The capacity to regulate and enliven the curvature of edges through Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) can greatly enhance the beauty and utility of a webpage. In this discourse, we shall delve into the intricacies of shaping edges in a manner that can be animated using CSS, imparting to web craftsmen the expertise and implements to devise lively and aesthetically pleasing user interfaces.


To define the corners as animatable using CSS, adhere to the ensuing directions −

  • Initiate an HTML entity and assign it a unique category name, such as "box".

  • In the CSS document, establish the characteristics of the "box" category, configuring the desired width and height, selecting a background color, and setting the border-radius property to 0%.

  • Incorporate a hover state to the "box" category within the CSS file, which adjusts the border-radius property to the preferred value, resulting in an animation when the user moves their cursor over the element.

  • To conclude, designate the HTML entity with the "box" category through the class attribute.


In the following example, we establish a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) category entitled "box" that designates the attributes for an HTML entity bearing the same category name. We define the measurements of width and height to be 200 pixels, specify a background color, and impose a border-radius of 0% alongside a transitional time of 1 second.

Subsequently, we append a hover state to the "box" CSS category that alters the border-radius to 50%, thereby generating a circular corner appearance when a user maneuvers their cursor over the element.

Lastly, we engender a divisional element with the "box" CSS category, to enforce the style regulations onto the particular entity.

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>How to define the shape of the corners is animatable using CSS?</title>
         .box {
            width: 200px;
            height: 200px;
            background-color: royalblue;
            border-radius: 0%;
            transition: border-radius 1s;
         .box:hover {
            border-radius: 50%;
      <h4>How to define the shape of the corners is animatable using CSS?</h4>
      <div class="box"></div>


In conclusion, the art of web development is ever-evolving, and staying up-to-date with the latest techniques and trends is crucial for creating exceptional user experiences. The ability to animate corner shapes using CSS is a valuable skill that can take the visual appeal of web content to new heights. By applying the knowledge gained from this article, web artisans can effectively utilize CSS to produce user interfaces with dynamic and engaging shapes. Whether it be for enhancing the aesthetics or functionality of a website, the animatable corner shapes offer a versatile tool for web developers to create captivating and visually appealing user interfaces. With this newfound proficiency, web developers can bring their creative vision to life and elevate the user experience for their audience.

Updated on: 05-May-2023


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