How to define additional details that the user can view or hide?

In the world of web development, creating user interfaces that are both functional and visually appealing is crucial for engaging users. One effective way to achieve this objective is by defining additional details that the user can view or hide as needed. These details, often referred to as "accordion panels," allow users to access more information without cluttering the screen with excessive content. However, the process of defining and implementing accordion panels can be complex for inexperienced developers. Within this manuscript, we shall scrutinize the sequential technique for outlining supplementary details by means of JavaScript, and CSS, a design-based language utilized in the realm of web formation, by giving particular attention towards designing perceptive accordion boards that augment the end user's encounter.

<details> Tag

The <details> tag in HTML5 is employed to create an unmasking widget, that endows users to display or veil extra content within a web page. This element is commonly exercised along with the <summary> tag, which is responsible for providing a brief or caption for the supplementary content. Upon clicking the summary, the additional content is unveiled or concealed, in agreement with its current state. This attribute is peculiarly advantageous for rendering complementary information or alternatives that are not imperative for the comprehensive perception of the page, but still bear significance for users who aspire to delve deeper. The <details> tag was inaugurated in HTML5 and is compatible with the majority of contemporary browsers.


   <summary>Summary Text</summary>
   Additional Content


In order to enable users to view or hide additional details, a comprehensive approach can be implemented within the code. Firstly, the user interface should display a clear and concise summary of the content, with an option to expand the text for further details. This can be achieved through the use of a collapsible section, which allows users to toggle the visibility of additional content.

The surplus data is exhibited in a <div> element having a class identifier "details" and set to remain hidden at first by implementing the CSS attribute "display: none;". Upon clicking on the <a> element, the "toggleDetails()" function is invoked from the JavaScript block, enclosed within the <script> tags. This function selects the <div> element tagged with the "details" class identifier and modifies the display attribute from "none" to "block", thus unveiling the surplus details. Should the user click on the "Hide details" link inside the <div> element, the function restores the display attribute to "none", thereby concealing the additional details.

The additional content should be enclosed within a container element that has a display property of none by default, and is set to block or inline when the user chooses to expand the text. This allows for a smooth and intuitive transition between the summary and detailed sections of the content.

In order to augment the user's encounter, the code can incorporate motions or transitions that yield visual feedback upon contraction or expansion of text. This can be accomplished by means of CSS alterations or motions, that can be initiated via the toggle mechanism.


The following HTML code aims to address the issue of hidden or revealed supplementary information, available to the user. The commencement of the HTML document is marked with the <html> tag. The <head> tag encompasses the <title> element, which defines the title of the webpage that appears on the browser and also contains the CSS styling information. The primary content is confined within the <body> tag, comprising of a <h4> tag that displays the title and a <p> tag that provides rudimentary information about the product. An unsorted list embodies the particulars of the product, such as its name, price, and manufacturer. By means of the <a> tag, users are afforded the opportunity to obtain additional details about the product by selecting it.

The supplementary data is presented within a <div> component, distinguished by the class identifier "details", and is concealed initially by means of the CSS property "display: none;". Upon clicking the <a> element, the JavaScript segment summons the "toggleDetails()" method that selects the <div> component marked with the class identifier "details" and alters the display attribute from "none" to "block", thereby disclosing the supplementary information. In the case of clicking the "Hide details" link within the <div> element, the display attribute is restored to "none", resulting in the concealment of the additional details.

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>How to define additional details that the user can view or hide?</title>
         .details {
            display: none;
      <h4>How to define additional details that the user can view or hide?</h4>
      <p>Here's some basic information about the product:</p>
         <li>Name: Product X</li>
         <li>Price: $100</li>
         <li>Manufacturer: Company Y</li>
         <li><a href="#" onclick="toggleDetails()">View more details</a></li>
      <div class="details">
         <h2>Additional Details</h2>
         <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non risus. Suspendisse lectus tortor, dignissim sit
         amet, adipiscing nec, ultricies sed, dolor.</p>
         <p><a href="#" onclick="toggleDetails()">Hide details</a></p>
         function toggleDetails() {
            let details = document.querySelector('.details');
            if ( === 'none') {
      = 'block';
            } else {
      = 'none';


In essence, the process of defining additional details that users can view or hide is a quintessential aspect of enhancing the user experience. By implementing collapsible sections or toggle buttons, users can seamlessly access pertinent information without feeling overwhelmed by excessive content. Furthermore, the judicious use of micro interactions and animations can add an element of delight to the user's browsing experience. As such, it is crucial to recognize the importance of such user-centric design practices and imbibe them into our development workflows. Ultimately, this can foster a culture of empathy, mindfulness, and conscientiousness towards our users, making the digital world a more welcoming and accommodating place.

Updated on: 05-May-2023


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