How to create toggle switch by using HTML and CSS?

In HTML and CSS, a toggle switch is a graphical user interface element that allows users to toggle between two states, usually "on" and "off". The toggle switch creates by using an HTML input element with type "checkbox" and a corresponding label element with CSS styles. When the input is checked, the label element is styled to display the "on" state, and when it's unchecked, the label element is styled to display the "off" state.

If we are looking to add a cool and interactive feature to the website, a toggle switch is a great choice. Here we will explore how to create toggle switches by using HTML and CSS.

The first step to creating a toggle switch is to use HTML to create the basic structure of the switch. We can do this by using a div element as a container, and adding two input elements to represent the on/off states of the switch.


Here is an HTML Code.

      <h3>Toggle Switch Example</h3>
      <div class="toggle">
         <input type="checkbox" id="toggle-checkbox" class="togglecheckbox">
         <label for="toggle-checkbox" class="toggle-label"></label>

Now, we will need to use CSS to style the toggle switch. Start by setting the display property of the container div to "inline-block", and setting the width and height of the switch to a size that works for your website or application. We also use the border-radius property to create a rounded shape for the switch.

We will add a pseudo-element to the label element and set its content to an empty string. We will also give it a background color and positioned it absolutely within the container. When the checkbox is checked, we move the pseudo-element to the right to reveal the on state of the toggle switch.

By using the :checked selector in your CSS, we change the position of the white background color when the switch is turned on, creating a smooth and visually appealing transition. We can also use other CSS properties like background-color, font-size, and text-align to customize the appearance of the switch.

CSS Code

Here is a CSS code.

   .toggle {
      display: inline-block;
      width: 80px;
      height: 38px;
      background-color: #8eeb60;
      border-radius: 40px;
      position: relative;
      overflow: hidden;
   .toggle input[type="checkbox"] {
      display: none;
   .toggle-label {
      display: block;
      overflow: hidden;
      cursor: pointer;
      border-radius: 34px;
   .toggle-label:before {
      content: "";
      display: block;
      width: 100%;
      height: 100%;
      background-color: red;
      border-radius: 34px;
      position: absolute;
      top: 0;
      left: 0;
      transition: all 0.25s ease-in-out;
   .toggle-checkbox:checked+.toggle-label:before {
      transform: translateX(35px);

Example 1

Here is an example to create toggle switch by using HTML and CSS.

    .toggle {
        display: inline-block;
        width: 80px;
        height: 38px;
        background-color: #8eeb60;
        border-radius: 40px;
        position: relative;
        overflow: hidden;
    .toggle input[type="checkbox"] {
        display: none;
    .toggle-label {
        display: block;
        overflow: hidden;
        cursor: pointer;
        border-radius: 34px;
    .toggle-label:before {
        content: "";
        display: block;
        width: 100%;
        height: 100%;
        background-color: red;
        border-radius: 34px;
        position: absolute;
        top: 0;
        left: 0;
        transition: all 0.25s ease-in-out;
    .toggle-checkbox:checked+.toggle-label:before {
        transform: translateX(35px);
    <h3>Toggle Switch Example</h3>
    <div class="toggle">
        <input type="checkbox" id="toggle-checkbox" class="toggle-checkbox">
        <label for="toggle-checkbox" class="toggle-label"></label>

Example 2

Here is another example to create a toggle switch with the help of HTML and CSS.

      .toggle {
         position: relative;
         display: block;
         width: 100px;
         height: 40px;
         padding: 3px;
         margin: auto;
         border-radius: 50px;
         cursor: pointer;
      .toggle-input {
         position: absolute;
         top: 0;
         left: 0;
         opacity: 0;
      .toggle-label {
         position: relative;
         display: block;
         height: inherit;
         font-size: 12px;
         background: red;
         border-radius: inherit;
         box-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), inset 0 0 3px
         rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
      .toggle-label:after {
         position: absolute;
         top: 50%;
         color: black;
         margin-top: -.5em;
         line-height: 1;
      .toggle-label:before {
         content: attr(data-off);
         right: 11px;
         color: #fff;
         text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);
      .toggle-label:after {
         content: attr(data-on);
         left: 11px;
         color: #fff;
         text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
         opacity: 0;
      .toggle-input:checked~.toggle-label {
         background: green;
      .toggle-input:checked~.toggle-label:before {
         opacity: 0;
      .toggle-input:checked~.toggle-label:after {
         opacity: 1;
      .toggle-handle {
         position: absolute;
         top: 4px;
         left: 4px;
         width: 38px;
         height: 38px;
         background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #FFFFFF 40%, #f0f0f0);
         border-radius: 50%;
      .toggle-handle:before {
         position: absolute;
         top: 50%;
         left: 50%;
         margin: -6px 0 0 -6px;
         width: 16px;
         height: 16px;
      .toggle-input:checked~.toggle-handle {
         left: 64px;
         box-shadow: -1px 1px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);

      /* Transition*/
      .toggle-handle {
         transition: All 0.3s ease;
         -webkit-transition: All 0.3s ease;
         -moz-transition: All 0.3s ease;
         -o-transition: All 0.3s ease;
      <h3>Toggle Switch by using HTML and CSS</h3>
      <label class="toggle">
         <input class="toggle-input" type="checkbox" />
         <span class="toggle-label" data-off="OFF" data-on="ON"></span>
         <span class="toggle-handle"></span>


Creating a toggle switch in HTML and CSS is a simple process that can add a lot of value to your website or application. By following these steps and experimenting with different CSS properties, we can create a toggle switch that is unique, visually appealing, and easy to use.

Updated on: 16-Mar-2023

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